AWK script "awkhold": BEGIN { FS = "," } { FS = "," ARGC = 2 depth = -9999 temp = -9999 if ($1=="$GPRMC") { utctime = $2 latdeg = substr($4,1,2) latmin = substr($4,3,6) declat = latdeg + (latmin/60) londeg = substr($6,1,3) lonmin = substr($6,4,6) declon = -1 * (londeg + (lonmin/60)) if (NR==1) { holddepth = -9999 holdtemp = -9999 } else { printf("%s, %9.6f, %9.6f, %5.1f, %5.1f, %s\n", holdutctime, >holddeclon, holddeclat, holddepth, holdtemp, ARGV[2]) } holdutctime = utctime holddeclon = declon holddeclat = declat holddepth = -9999 holdtemp = -9999 } if ($1=="$SDDPT") { depthreal = $2 holddepth = depthreal } if ($1=="$SDMTW") { tempreal = $2 holdtemp = tempreal } } END { printf("%s, %9.6f, %9.6f, %5.1f, %5.1f, %s\n", holdutctime, holddeclon, >holddeclat, holddepth, holdtemp, ARGV[2]) }This AWK script was initialized by "dogps" - shell script run under CYGWIN v. 1.5.1 (UNIX like environment that runs under Windows). This is the script used for the May 12 data collection:
files=`ls *.gps | cut -d. -f1` for file in $files do awk -f awkhold $file.gps $file >> day1gps.txt doneThe script not only parses the GPS navigation, but concatenates the results into a single file. This script was repeated for day 2 and day 3 (May 13 and May 14 respectively) with the output directed to day2gps.txt and day3gps.txt.