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Open-File Report 2011-1097

CRMS Vegetation Analytical Team Framework: Methods for Collection, Development, and Use of Vegetation Response Variables

By Kari F. Cretini, Jenneke M. Visser, Ken W. Krauss, and Gregory D. Steyer

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This document identifies the main objectives of the Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) vegetation analytical team, which are to provide (1) collection and development methods for vegetation response variables and (2) the ways in which these response variables will be used to evaluate restoration project effectiveness. The vegetation parameters (that is, response variables) collected in CRMS and other coastal restoration projects funded under the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) are identified, and the field collection methods for these parameters are summarized. Existing knowledge on community and plant responses to changes in environmental drivers (for example, flooding and salinity) from published literature and from the CRMS and CWPPRA monitoring dataset are used to develop a suite of indices to assess wetland condition in coastal Louisiana. Two indices, the floristic quality index (FQI) and a productivity index, are described for herbaceous and forested vegetation. The FQI for herbaceous vegetation is tested with a long-term dataset from a CWPPRA marsh creation project. Example graphics for this index are provided and discussed. The other indices, an FQI for forest vegetation (that is, trees and shrubs) and productivity indices for herbaceous and forest vegetation, are proposed but not tested. New response variables may be added or current response variables removed as data become available and as our understanding of restoration success indicators develops.

Once indices are fully developed, each will be used by the vegetation analytical team to assess and evaluate CRMS/CWPPRA project and program effectiveness. The vegetation analytical teams plan to summarize their results in the form of written reports and/or graphics and present these items to CRMS Federal and State sponsors, restoration project managers, landowners, and other data users for their input.

First posted April 26, 2011

For additional information contact:

USGS National Wetlands Research Center
700 Cajundome Blvd.
Lafayette, LA 70506

Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge.

Suggested citation:

Cretini, K.F., Visser, J.M., Krauss, K.W.,and Steyer, G.D., 2011, CRMS vegetation analytical team framework—Methods for collection, development, and use of vegetation response variables: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011–1097, 60 p.




Vegetation Data Collection from CRMS Sites

Index Development

Evaluation of Project Effectiveness

Evaluation of Program Effectiveness


Appendix. Plant Species That Occur in Marshes and Forested Wetlands in Coastal Louisiana

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