Open-File Report 2011–1155
![]() AbstractThis report describes procedures for installing and using the U.S. Geological Survey Processing Routines in IDL for Spectroscopic Measurements (PRISM) software. PRISM provides a framework to conduct spectroscopic analysis of measurements made using laboratory, field, airborne, and space-based spectrometers. Using PRISM functions, the user can compare the spectra of materials of unknown composition with reference spectra of known materials. This spectroscopic analysis allows the composition of the material to be identified and characterized. Among its other functions, PRISM contains routines for the storage of spectra in database files, import/export of ENVI spectral libraries, importation of field spectra, correction of spectra to absolute reflectance, arithmetic operations on spectra, interactive continuum removal and comparison of spectral features, correction of imaging spectrometer data to ground-calibrated reflectance, and identification and mapping of materials using spectral feature-based analysis of reflectance data. This report provides step-by-step instructions for installing the PRISM software and running its functions. |
Posted October 20, 2011
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Kokaly, R.F., 2011, PRISM: Processing routines in IDL for spectroscopic measurements (installation manual and user's guide, version 1.0): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011–1155, 432 p., available at
Background and Key Functions of PRISM
Installation of Software
Module 1. ViewSPECPR
Module 2. Spectral Analysis Functions
Module 3. Image Processing Functions
Module 4. MICA – Material Identification and Characterization Algorithm
Release Notes
References Cited