/** * @brief Project configuration * @file projdefs.h * @author Modtronix Engineering * @dependencies none * @compiler MPLAB C18 v2.10 or higher
* HITECH PICC-18 V8.35PL3 or higher * @ingroup mod_conf_projdefs * * @section description Description ********************************** * * For details on configuring the project, see @ref mod_conf_projdefs "Project Configuration" module! * *********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* * Software License Agreement * * The software supplied herewith is owned by Modtronix Engineering, and is * protected under applicable copyright laws. The software supplied herewith is * intended and supplied to you, the Company customer, for use solely and * exclusively on products manufactured by Modtronix Engineering. The code may * be modified and can be used free of charge for commercial and non commercial * applications. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation of the foregoing * restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, * as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, * IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE * COMPANY SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. ********************************************************************** * File History * * 2005-09-01, David Hosken (DH): * - Created documentation for existing code *********************************************************************/ /** * @defgroup mod_conf_projdefs Project Configuration * @ingroup mod_conf * The project configuration is done in the projdefs.h file. It contains a list of defines * that configure the project at compilation.
* It is @b very important not to do any project specific configuration in the TCP/IP * stack files (@e net folder), but only in the projdefs.h file. * This will simplify updating to newer versions of the Modtronix TCP/IP stack in * the future. To update to a newer version of the Modtronix TCP/IP, all that should * be done is replacing the files contained in the @e net folder with the newer ones. *********************************************************************/ #ifndef _PROJDEFS_H_ #define _PROJDEFS_H_ // USGS defines are at the end of this header file //Defines #define NON_MCHP_MAC //The DEMO Mode define is used to place the SBC65EC in demo mode. In this mode, some functions are disabled //#define DEMO_MODE //release - Ensure this is commented out! //Include files #include "net\compiler.h" #include "appcfg.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //Global variables defined in main application #ifndef THIS_IS_STACK_APPLICATION //String must have format Vn.mm or Vnn.mm. // - n = major part, and can be 1 or 2 digets long // - mm is minor part, and must be 2 digets long! extern ROM char APP_VER_STR[]; #endif #define APP_VER_MAJOR 3 /* Number from 1 to 99 */ #define APP_VER_MINOR 10 /* Number from 1 to 99 */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //Define fast user process. It can be an external function, or a Macro. When it is an external //function, an "extern ...." function prototype must also be defined extern void fastUserProcess(void); #define FAST_USER_PROCESS() fastUserProcess() ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //Module configuration /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @section projdefs_modconf Module Configuration * The following section describes how to configure modules included in this project */ /******************************************************* ----------------- Appcfg Configuration ----------------- ********************************************************/ //Define if this application has an 8 bit ADC converter, 10 bit ADC converter or none at all. //#define APP_USE_ADC8 #define APP_USE_ADC10 //Define buffer space that is reserved for ADC conversion values. For a 8 bit ADC converted, 1 byte //is reserved per channel. For an 10 bit ADC, 2 bytes are reserved per channel. //#define ADC_CHANNELS 12 // USGS - // we are using only Port A for A/D input (only A0 actually) // We are using Port F (T0-7) for output to resistor ladder #define ADC_CHANNELS 6 // end USGS /*******************************************************/ /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * - @b Appcfg: For details on configuring the Appcfg module @ref mac_conf "click here" */ /********************************************************************* -------------------- Buses Configuration -------------------- *********************************************************************/ //The default UDP port to use for the UDP 1 Port. #define DEFAULT_BUS_UDP1PORT (54125ul) //The default UDP port to use for the UDP 2 Port. #define DEFAULT_BUS_UDP2PORT (54126ul) //Configured UDP1 port #define BUS_UDP1PORT ((((WORD)appcfgGetc(BUSCFG_UDP1_PORT1))<<8) | (WORD)appcfgGetc(BUSCFG_UDP1_PORT0)) //Configured UDP1 port #define BUS_UDP2PORT ((((WORD)appcfgGetc(BUSCFG_UDP2_PORT1))<<8) | (WORD)appcfgGetc(BUSCFG_UDP2_PORT0)) //Serial Port 1 buffer sizes #define BUS_SER1_TXBUFSIZE 100ul #define BUS_SER1_RXBUFSIZE 100ul //Serial Port 2 buffer sizes #define BUS_SER2_TXBUFSIZE 100ul #define BUS_SER2_RXBUFSIZE 100ul //UDP Port 1 buffer sizes #define BUS_UDP1_TXBUFSIZE 50ul #define BUS_UDP1_RXBUFSIZE 50ul //UDP Port 2 buffer sizes #define BUS_UDP2_TXBUFSIZE 0ul #define BUS_UDP2_RXBUFSIZE 0ul //I2C Port 1 buffer sizes - not used, set to 0 #define BUS_I2C1_TXBUFSIZE 0ul #define BUS_I2C1_RXBUFSIZE 0ul //SPI Port 1 buffer sizes - not used, set to 0 #define BUS_SPI1_TXBUFSIZE 0ul #define BUS_SPI1_RXBUFSIZE 0ul /******************************************************* ----------------- Cmd Configuration ----------------- ********************************************************/ //Default "UDP Command Port" #define DEFAULT_CMD_UDPPORT (54123ul) //Default "UDP Event Port" #define DEFAULT_EVENT_UDPPORT (54124ul) #define CMD_UDPPORT ((((WORD)appcfgGetc(APPCFG_CMD_UDPPORT1))<<8) | (WORD)appcfgGetc(APPCFG_CMD_UDPPORT0)) #define EVENT_UDPPORT ((((WORD)appcfgGetc(APPCFG_EVENT_UDPPORT1))<<8) | (WORD)appcfgGetc(APPCFG_EVENT_UDPPORT0)) /******************************************************* ----------------- DHCP Configuration -------------------- ********************************************************/ //Defines DHCP ports #define DHCP_CLIENT_PORT (68ul) #define DHCP_SERVER_PORT (67ul) //The stack uses the macro STACK_IS_DHCP_ENABLED to determine if DHCP is enabled or not. //The user can for example assign this macro to check if a flag is set. If not defined //by the user, it will be set to true. #define STACK_IS_DHCP_ENABLED (appcfgGetc(APPCFG_NETFLAGS) & APPCFG_NETFLAGS_DHCP) //Timeouts #define DHCP_TIMEOUT ((TICK)2 * (TICK)TICKS_PER_SECOND) /********************************************************/ /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * - @b DHCP: For details on configuring the DHCP module @ref dhcp_conf "click here" */ /********************************************************************* -------------------- DNS Configuration -------------------- *********************************************************************/ // DNS Port. If not defined in "projdefs.h" file, defaults to 53 #define DNS_PORT 53ul // DNS Timeout. If not defined in "projdefs.h" file, defaults to 500ms #define DNS_TIMEOUT ((TICK)TICK_SECOND * (TICK)2) /*********************************************************************/ /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * - @b DNS: For details on configuring the DNS module @ref dns_conf "click here" */ /********************************************************************* ----------------- FTP Configuration -------------------- *********************************************************************/ #define FTP_COMMAND_PORT (21ul) #define FTP_DATA_PORT (20ul) #define FTP_TIMEOUT ((TICK16)180 * (TICK16)TICKS_PER_SECOND) #define MAX_FTP_ARGS (7ul) #define MAX_FTP_CMD_STRING_LEN (31ul) //Configure FTP mudule to have PUT #define FTP_PUT_ENABLED /*********************************************************************/ /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * - @b FTP: For details on configuring the FTP module @ref ftp_conf "click here" */ /********************************************************************* ----------------- FRAM Configuration -------------------- *********************************************************************/ //This may work with either a 'true' hardware SPI, or a 'bitbang' software //SPI implementation. If you uncomment the following, the software //implementation will be used. #if defined(BRD_SBC68EC) #define SOFTWARE_SPI 1 #elif defined(BRD_SBC65EC) //Don't define for SBC65EC, it has a hardware SPI port //#define SOFTWARE_SPI 1 #endif //the following defines which IO pins are used for the various SPI //signals to the FRAM. You can change them to suit your configuration. //IO pin definitions; //f.7 is CS //d.4 is SO //d.5 is SI //d.6 is CK #define FRAM_SPI_BIT_CS PORTF_RF7 #define FRAM_SPI_TRI_CS TRISF_RF7 #define FRAM_SPI_BIT_SI PORTD_RD5 #define FRAM_SPI_TRI_SI TRISD_RD5 #define FRAM_SPI_BIT_SO PORTD_RD4 #define FRAM_SPI_TRI_SO TRISD_RD4 #define FRAM_SPI_BIT_SCK PORTD_RD6 #define FRAM_SPI_TRI_SCK TRISD_RD6 //clock speed (only relevant for hardware SPI) //SPI_FOSC_xx depends on device and clock speed //using SPI_FOSC_16 will provide a 2.5 MHz clock (for FM25640-G) //using SPI_FOSC_4 will provide a 10 MHz clock (for FM25256-G) #define SPI_ROLE SPI_FOSC_4 //#define SPI_ROLE SPI_FOSC_16 /*********************************************************************/ /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * - @b FTP: For details on configuring the FTP module @ref ftp_conf "click here" */ /******************************************************* ----------------- HTTP Configuration -------------------- ********************************************************/ //The following should be defined in the projdefs.h file OR on the command line //Define the port used for the HTTP server, default is 80 #define DEFAULT_HTTPSRVR_PORT (80ul) //Configured HTTP Server port #define HTTPSRVR_PORT ((((WORD)appcfgGetc(APPCFG_HTTPSRVR_PORTH))<<8) | (WORD)appcfgGetc(APPCFG_HTTPSRVR_PORTL)) //Define as 1 to parse (replace %xnn tags) HTML files, or 0 not to parse them #define HTTP_PARSE_FILETYPE_HTML 0ul //Define as 1 to parse (replace %xnn tags) JavaScript files, or 0 not to parse them #define HTTP_PARSE_FILETYPE_JS 0ul //Define as 1 if Authentication required for all files that start with 'X' character #define HTTP_AUTH_REQ_FOR_X_FILES (appcfgGetc(APPCFG_WEB_FLAGS) & APPCFG_WEBFLAGS_AUTH_X) //Define as 1 if Authentication required for all #define HTTP_AUTH_REQ_FOR_ALL_FILES (appcfgGetc(APPCFG_WEB_FLAGS) & APPCFG_WEBFLAGS_AUTH_ALL) //Define as 1 if Authentication required for all pages with GET Methods #define HTTP_AUTH_REQ_FOR_GET (appcfgGetc(APPCFG_WEB_FLAGS) & APPCFG_WEBFLAGS_AUTH_GET) //Define as 1 if Authentication required for all Dynamic files #define HTTP_AUTH_REQ_FOR_DYN (appcfgGetc(APPCFG_WEB_FLAGS) & APPCFG_WEBFLAGS_AUTH_DYN) //Define as 1 if Authentication required for all CGI files #define HTTP_AUTH_REQ_FOR_CGI (appcfgGetc(APPCFG_WEB_FLAGS) & APPCFG_WEBFLAGS_AUTH_CGI) //Define as 1 if Authentication required for all Secure Tags #define HTTP_AUTH_REQ_FOR_SECTAG (appcfgGetc(APPCFG_WEB_FLAGS) & APPCFG_WEBFLAGS_AUTH_SECTAG) //Included this define if the user application will process HTTP headers. It it does, //the HTTPProcessHdr() callback function must be implemented by the user #define HTTP_USER_PROCESSES_HEADERS /********************************************************/ /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * - @b HTTP: For details on configuring the HTTP module @ref http_conf "click here" */ /******************************************************* ----------------- IP Configuration -------------------- ********************************************************/ #define MY_IP_TTL (100ul) /* Time-To-Live in Seconds */ //When defined, the code will be compiled for optimal speed. If not defined, code is defined for smallest size. #define IP_SPEED_OPTIMIZE /********************************************************/ /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * - @b IP: For details on configuring the IP module @ref ip_conf "click here" */ /******************************************************* ----------------- Serial LCD Display -------------------- ********************************************************/ //Define the default I2C address for the LCD display #define LCD2S_DEFAULT_I2C_ADR (80ul) //Define the I2C address for the LCD display #define LCD2S_I2C_ADR appcfgGetc(APPCFG_LCD1_ADR) //Define number of serial LCD displays supported #define LCD2S_MAX_NUMBER 1ul //Define size of keypad buffer for each serial LCD display, must be 8,16,32 or 64 #define KPAD_BUF_SIZE 8ul /********************************************************/ /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * - @b LCD: For details on configuring the LCD module @ref lcd2s_conf "click here" */ /******************************************************* ----------------- Mac Configuration -------------------- ********************************************************/ //When STACK_USE_FAST_NIC is defined, a bit longer, but faster code is used. #define STACK_USE_FAST_NIC //When defined, the code will be compiled for optimal speed. If not defined, code is defined for smallest size. #define MAC_SPEED_OPTIMIZE //STACK_DISABLES_INTS can be defined if interrupts are to be disabled during the //MAC access routines //#define STACK_DISABLES_INTS //NIC_DISABLE_INT0 can be defined if the MAC should NOT use INT0 (connected to PIC port RB0) for it's //interrupt request status line. When defined, INT0 is tri-stated, and the PIC port pin connected to //it can be used as a general purpose user IO pin. The PIC port pin that becomes available is: // - For SBC44EC this has no affect - no PIC pins are connected to the interrupt pins // - For SBC45EC this has no affect - no PIC pins are connected to the interrupt pins // - For SBC65EC and SBC68EC this frees up PIC pin RB0. #define NIC_DISABLE_INT0 //NIC_DISABLE_IOCHRDY can be defined if the MAC should NOT use the IOCHRDY signal on the RTL8019AS chip. This //will mean that an additional PIC pin will be available for general purpose use. To use this port pin, the //connection to the IOCHRDY signal on RTL8019AS must be broken. This can be done via solder jumpers on certian //SBC boards. // - For SBC44EC PIC port pin B5 will be available for user IO. Solder jumper SJ5 must be opened! // - For SBC45EC PIC port pin A4 will be available for user IO. Solder jumper SJ5 must be opened! // - For SBC65EC and SBC68EC this frees up PIC pin RG4. This pin is currently however not routed to an connectors #if defined(BRD_SBC44EC) || defined(BRD_SBC45EC) #define NIC_DISABLE_IOCHRDY #elif defined(BRD_SBC65EC) || defined(BRD_SBC68EC) //#define NIC_DISABLE_IOCHRDY #else #error "Board type not defined!" #endif //Keep a count of CNTR1 - CNTR3 registers. This can be used for debug purposes, and can be disabled for //release code. #define MAC_CNTR1_3 //Use access RAM variables to optiomize speed and code size. There are only a limited amount of access RAM //registers in the PIC processor. If they are not used by any other code modules, this define should be enabled //seeing that it will speed up the MAC module quite a bit. If they are not available, an error message will be //displayed during compilation. #define MAC_USE_ACCESSRAM //This define must be define when using this MAC #define MAC_RTL8019AS /*******************************************************/ /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * - @b MAC: For details on configuring the MAC (Ethernet) module @ref mac_conf "click here" */ /********************************************************************* -------------------- NetBIOS Configuration -------------------- *********************************************************************/ // Get the requested character of our NetBIOS name. If this is not defined in the // "projdefs.h" file, the default name "MXBOAD" is used #define NETBIOS_NAME_GETCHAR(n) (appcfgGetc(APPCFG_NETBIOS0 + n)) /********************************************************/ /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * - @b NetBIOS: For details on configuring the NetBIOS module @ref netbios_conf "click here" */ /******************************************************* -------------- Serint Configuration -------------------- ********************************************************/ //Uncomment this line if the transmit routines should wait for the bytes to be send via USART if tx buffer is full #define SER_WAIT_FOR_TXBUF //Uncomment this line if the application does NOT configure the USART //#define BAUD_RATE 9600ul //USART BAUD rate //Comment this line if the application does NOT configures the USART /********************************************************/ /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * - @b Serint: For details on configuring the Interrupt driven serial module @ref serint_conf "click here" */ /********************************************************************* -------------------- UDP Configuration -------------------- *********************************************************************/ //When defined, the code will be compiled for optimal speed. If not defined, code is defined for smallest size. #define UDP_SPEED_OPTIMIZE /********************************************************/ /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * - @b UDP: For details on configuring the UDP module @ref udp_conf "click here" */ /******************************************************* ----------------- TCP Configuration -------------------- ********************************************************/ //Maximum number of times a connection be retried before closing it down. #define TCP_MAX_RETRY_COUNTS (3ul) //TCP Timeout value to begin with. #define TCP_START_TIMEOUT_VAL_1 ((TICK16)TICKS_PER_SECOND * (TICK16)3) //Define ports #define TCP_LOCAL_PORT_START_NUMBER (1024ul) #define TCP_LOCAL_PORT_END_NUMBER (5000ul) //When defined, the code will be compiled for optimal speed. If not defined, code is defined for smallest size. #define TCP_SPEED_OPTIMIZE //When defined, each TCP segment is sent twice. This might cause the remote node to //think that we timed out and retransmitted. It could thus immediately send back an //ACK and dramatically improve throuput. //#define TCP_SEND_EACH_SEGMENT_TWICE //Comment following line if StackTsk should wait for acknowledgement from remote host //before transmitting another packet. Commenting following line may reduce throughput. //#define TCP_NO_WAIT_FOR_ACK /********************************************************/ /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * - @b TCP: For details on configuring the TCP module @ref udp_conf "click here" */ //********************************************************************* //-------------------- File System Configuration -------------------- //********************************************************************* //Defines the maximum size of a file used in the file system. //When FSEE_FILE_SIZE_16MB is defined, the file system can handle files with a size of up to 16 Mbytes. //When not defined, the maximum size of a file is 64 Kbyte. //#define FSEE_FILE_SIZE_16MB //Specifies the maximum number of files that can be open at any one time. When defined as 1, the code //will be much faster and smaller. This value should not be much less then the the number of HTTP //Connections, seeing that each HTTP connection can have a open file. If most web page files are //small (below 2 kbytes) then this is not so important. #if defined(BRD_SBC44EC) || defined(BRD_SBC45EC) #define FSEE_MAX_FILES 2ul #elif defined(BRD_SBC65EC) || defined(BRD_SBC68EC) #define FSEE_MAX_FILES 6ul #else #error "Board type not defined!" #endif //When this define is present, the FSEE File System is used as the primary file system. All functions //Will be remapped to general names, for example fseeOpen() will be mapped to fileOpen. This makes switching //between different File System much simpler. #define FSEE_IS_PRIMARY_FS ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //General configuration //The following code is used for general configuration /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @section projdefs_genconf General Configuration * The following section describes how to configure general parameter contained in this project */ /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define HAS_BOOTLOADER @endcode * Include this define in the code to compiled the program to be uploaded to a device that * has the @ref tools_mxbootloader installed on it. * By doing this, this project will be compiled with the correct start of program address and * interrupt vector addresses. For further info in the @mxbootloader, click @ref tools_mxbootloader "here".
* The following compiler specific modifications have to be made: * - For HiTech compiler, remove "-A800h" option from linker * - For MPLAB C18 compiler, configure 18f6621.lkr file */ //Define the start of the program and interrupt vectors. This is used if this code is compiled for a bootloader. #ifdef HAS_BOOTLOADER //Bootloader that uses 0 - 0x7ff program memory #define RSTVECTOR_ADR 0x800 #define HIVECTOR_ADR 0x808 #define LOVECTOR_ADR 0x818 #else #define RSTVECTOR_ADR 0 /* Standard - no bootloader */ #define HIVECTOR_ADR 0x8 /* Standard - no bootloader */ #define LOVECTOR_ADR 0x18 /* Standard - no bootloader */ #endif /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define CLOCK_FREQ (n) @endcode * Configure the PIC's internal clock. */ #if defined(__18F452) || defined(_18F452) || defined(__18F458) || defined(_18F458) #define CLOCK_FREQ (20000000L) // Hz #elif defined(__18F6621) || defined(_18F6621) \ || defined(__18F6527) || defined(_18F6527) \ || defined(__18F6627) || defined(_18F6627) \ || defined(__18F6680) || defined(_18F6680) #define CLOCK_FREQ (40000000L) // Hz #endif /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define DEBUG_OFF @endcode * Configures if debug information is written out onto the serial port. For the production version * of this project, this define should NOT be defined.
* Debug Configuration. When uncommenting any of the following line, remember to uncomment a debug * implementation in debug.h. For example, uncommend busser1.h and link busser1.c with project.
* For details, see @ref mod_sys_debug "Debugging" module. */ //Set Debug Log levels to one of the following: // - LOG_OFF, LOG_DEBUG, LOG_INFO, LOG_WARN, LOG_ERROR, LOG_FATAL #define DEBUG_OFF //release - Ensure this is included! #ifdef DEBUG_OFF #define DEBUG_ANNOUNCE LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_APPCFG LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_BUS LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_CMD LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_DHCP LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_DNS LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_FTP LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_FSEE LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_GEN LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_HTTP LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_HTTPEXEC LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_IP LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_MAC LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_MAIN LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_NBNS LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_STACKTSK LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_TCP LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_TCPUTILS LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_TFTPC LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_UDP LOG_OFF #define DEBUG_UDPUTILS LOG_OFF #else #define DEBUG_ANNOUNCE LOG_WARN #define DEBUG_APPCFG LOG_WARN #define DEBUG_BUS LOG_DEBUG #define DEBUG_CMD LOG_DEBUG #define DEBUG_DHCP LOG_WARN #define DEBUG_DNS LOG_WARN #define DEBUG_FTP LOG_WARN #define DEBUG_FSEE LOG_INFO #define DEBUG_GEN LOG_INFO #define DEBUG_HTTP LOG_INFO #define DEBUG_HTTPEXEC LOG_WARN #define DEBUG_IP LOG_WARN #define DEBUG_MAC LOG_INFO #define DEBUG_MAIN LOG_INFO #define DEBUG_NBNS LOG_INFO #define DEBUG_STACKTSK LOG_INFO #define DEBUG_TCP LOG_INFO #define DEBUG_TCPUTILS LOG_INFO #define DEBUG_TFTPC LOG_WARN #define DEBUG_UDP LOG_INFO #define DEBUG_UDPUTILS LOG_INFO #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //The following message macros will write a message to the "General" tab #define debugPutGenMsg(msgCode) debugPut2Bytes(0xD9, msgCode) //#define debugPutGenRomStr(msgCode, msgStr) debugMsgRomStr(0xD9, msgCode, msgStr) #define debugPutGenRomStr(msgCode, msgStr) {debugPut2Bytes(0xD9, msgCode); debugPutRomString(msgStr);} ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //Do some checks on defines for ADC converter #if ((ADC_CHANNELS < 0) || (ADC_CHANNELS > 12)) #error "ADC_CHANNELS has been assigned an illegal value!" #endif #if (ADC_CHANNELS > 0) #if !defined(APP_USE_ADC8) && !defined(APP_USE_ADC10) #define APP_USE_ADC8 #endif #endif #if (ADC_CHANNELS > 0) #if defined(APP_USE_ADC8) && defined(APP_USE_ADC10) #error "APP_USE_ADC8 and APP_USE_ADC10 can not both be defined!" #endif #endif /** * Global Array containing converted ADC values. This array can be accessed from * anywhere to obtain the current value of the ADC inputs. For example, to get * the current value of AN2 ADC, use AdcValues[2] */ #if defined(APP_USE_ADC8) extern BYTE AdcValues[ADC_CHANNELS]; #elif defined(APP_USE_ADC10) extern WORD AdcValues[ADC_CHANNELS]; #endif /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define BRD_SBC65EC @endcode * Defines the Modtronix SBC board that this code is compiled for. Possible defines are: * - BRD_SBC44EC * - BRD_SBC45EC * - BRD_SBC65EC * - BRD_SBC68EC * This define is often defined in the MPLAB project file. */ //#define BRD_SBC65EC /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define EEPROM_CONTROL (n) @endcode * This value is for Microchip 24LC256 - 256kb serial EEPROM */ #define EEPROM_CONTROL (0xa0ul) /* * Number of bytes to be reserved before FSEE File System storage starts. * * These bytes can be used by the user application to store application * configurations data and any other required variables. * * After making any change to this variable, the file system image must be recreated * with correct block size. */ #define FSEE_RESERVE_BLOCK (64ul) /* * Number of bytes to be reserved before FSFRAM File System storage starts. * * These bytes can be used by the user application to store application * configurations data and any other required variables. * * After making any change to this variable, the file system image must be recreated * with correct block size. */ #define FSFRAM_RESERVE_BLOCK (64ul) /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define STACK_USE_ICMP @endcode * Uncomment if stack is to use ICMP. For details see @ref mod_tcpip_base_icmp. */ #define STACK_USE_ICMP /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define STACK_USE_HTTP_SERVER @endcode * Uncomment if stack is to have a HTTP server. This is usually the case, and this define is usually included. * For details see @ref mod_tcpip_httpsrvr. */ #define STACK_USE_HTTP_SERVER /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define STACK_USE_SLIP @endcode * Uncomment if stack should implement the SLIP protocol. For details see @ref mod_tcpip_base_slip. */ //#define STACK_USE_SLIP /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define STACK_USE_IP_GLEANING @endcode * Uncomment if stack should implement IP Gleaning. For details see @ref mod_tcpip_user_ipgleaning. */ //#define STACK_USE_IP_GLEANING /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define STACK_USE_DHCP @endcode * Uncomment if stack should implement the DHCP protocol. For details see @ref mod_tcpip_user_dhcp. */ // USGS - we don't want our IP getting changed // note that this does not mean that the DHCP enabled tickbox will be unchecked! //#define STACK_USE_DHCP // end USGS /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define STACK_USE_FTP_SERVER @endcode * Uncomment if stack should implement a FTP server. For details see @ref mod_tcpip_user_ftp. */ #define STACK_USE_FTP_SERVER /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define STACK_USE_SNMP_SERVER @endcode * Uncomment if stack should implement the SNMP protocol. */ //#define STACK_USE_SNMP_SERVER /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define STACK_USE_TFTP_CLIENT @endcode * Uncomment if stack should implement a TFTP client */ //#define STACK_USE_TFTP_CLIENT /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define STACK_USE_SMTP @endcode * Uncomment if stack should implement SMTP */ //#define STACK_USE_SMTP /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define STACK_USE_TCP @endcode * This define is automatically enabled/disabled based on high-level module selections. * If you need them with your custom application, enable it here. * Uncomment if stack should implement the TCP protocol. For details see @ref mod_tcpip_base_tcp. */ #define STACK_USE_TCP /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define STACK_USE_UDP @endcode * This define is automatically enabled/disabled based on high-level module selections. * If you need them with your custom application, enable it here. * Uncomment if stack should implement the UDP protocol. For details see @ref mod_tcpip_base_udp. */ #define STACK_USE_UDP /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define STACK_USE_NBNS @endcode * Uncomment if stack should implement NBNS */ #define STACK_USE_NBNS /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define STACK_USE_DNS @endcode * Uncomment if stack should implement DNS */ //#define STACK_USE_DNS /* * When SLIP is used, DHCP is not supported. */ #if defined(STACK_USE_SLIP) #undef STACK_USE_DHCP #endif /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define STACK_CLIENT_MODE @endcode * Uncomment following line if this stack will be used in CLIENT * mode. In CLIENT mode, some functions specific to client operation * are enabled. */ //#define STACK_CLIENT_MODE /* * When HTTP is enabled, TCP must be enabled. */ #if defined(STACK_USE_HTTP_SERVER) #if !defined(STACK_USE_TCP) #define STACK_USE_TCP #endif #endif /* * When FTP is enabled, TCP must be enabled. */ #if defined(STACK_USE_FTP_SERVER) #if !defined(STACK_USE_TCP) #define STACK_USE_TCP #endif #endif #if defined(STACK_USE_FTP_SERVER) && !defined(STACK_CLIENT_MODE) #define STACK_CLIENT_MODE #endif #if defined(STACK_USE_SNMP_SERVER) && !defined(STACK_CLIENT_MODE) #define STACK_CLIENT_MODE #endif /* * When DHCP is enabled, UDP must also be enabled. */ #if defined(STACK_USE_DHCP) #if !defined(STACK_USE_UDP) #define STACK_USE_UDP #endif #endif #if defined(STACK_USE_SNMP_SERVER) && !defined(STACK_USE_UDP) #define STACK_USE_UDP #endif /* * When IP Gleaning is enabled, ICMP must also be enabled. */ #if defined(STACK_USE_IP_GLEANING) #if !defined(STACK_USE_ICMP) #define STACK_USE_ICMP #endif #endif /* * When TFTP Client is enabled, UDP must also be enabled. * And client mode must also be enabled. */ #if defined(STACK_USE_TFTP_CLIENT) && !defined(STACK_USE_UDP) #define STACK_USE_UDP #endif #if defined(STACK_USE_TFTP_CLIENT) && !defined(STACK_CLIENT_MODE) #define STACK_CLIENT_MODE #endif /* * DHCP requires unfragmented packet size of at least 328 bytes, * and while in SLIP mode, our maximum packet size is less than * 255. Hence disallow DHCP module while SLIP is in use. * If required, one can use DHCP while SLIP is in use by modifying * C18 linker scipt file such that C18 compiler can allocate * a static array larger than 255 bytes. * Due to very specific application that would require this, * sample stack does not provide such facility. Interested users * must do this on their own. */ #if defined(STACK_USE_SLIP) #if defined(STACK_USE_DHCP) #error DHCP cannot be used when SLIP is enabled. #endif #endif /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code * #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE1 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE2 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE3 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE4 (n) * @endcode * Use these defines to define the default IP address of the device. */ /* MM original code #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE1 (10) #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE2 (1) #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE3 (0) #if defined(DEMO_MODE) #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE4 (50) #else #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE4 (1) #endif */ // new USGS default /* // for work at MOF #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE1 (192) #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE2 (168) #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE3 (3) #if defined(DEMO_MODE) #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE4 (50) #else #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE4 (110) #endif */ // for work at WHOI #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE1 (128) #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE2 (128) #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE3 (205) #if defined(DEMO_MODE) #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE4 (50) #else #define MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE4 (110) #endif // end USGS /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code * #define MY_STATIC_IP_BYTE1 (n) * #define MY_STATIC_IP_BYTE2 (n) * #define MY_STATIC_IP_BYTE3 (n) * #define MY_STATIC_IP_BYTE4 (n) * @endcode * Use these defines to define the default static IP address that is used if no DHCP server is found. */ #define MY_STATIC_IP_BYTE1 appcfgGetc(APPCFG_IP0) #define MY_STATIC_IP_BYTE2 appcfgGetc(APPCFG_IP1) #define MY_STATIC_IP_BYTE3 appcfgGetc(APPCFG_IP2) #define MY_STATIC_IP_BYTE4 appcfgGetc(APPCFG_IP3) /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code * #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE1 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE2 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE3 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE4 (n) * * #define MY_DEFAULT_GATE_BYTE1 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_GATE_BYTE2 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_GATE_BYTE3 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_GATE_BYTE4 (n) * * #define MY_DEFAULT_MAC_BYTE1 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_MAC_BYTE2 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_MAC_BYTE3 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_MAC_BYTE4 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_MAC_BYTE5 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_MAC_BYTE6 (n) * @endcode * Use these defines to define the default Mask, Gateway and Ethernet MAC address of this device. */ /* original code #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE1 (0xfful) #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE2 (0x00ul) #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE3 (0x00ul) #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE4 (0x00ul) */ // USGS code /* // netmask at USGS #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE1 (0xfful) #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE2 (0xfful) #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE3 (0xfful) #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE4 (0x00ul) */ // netmask proscribed by WHOI #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE1 (0xfful) #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE2 (0xfful) #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE3 (0xfful) #define MY_DEFAULT_MASK_BYTE4 (0x80ul) // end USGS #define MY_DEFAULT_GATE_BYTE1 MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE1 #define MY_DEFAULT_GATE_BYTE2 MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE2 #define MY_DEFAULT_GATE_BYTE3 MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE3 #define MY_DEFAULT_GATE_BYTE4 MY_DEFAULT_IP_ADDR_BYTE4 #define MY_DEFAULT_MAC_BYTE1 (0x00ul) #define MY_DEFAULT_MAC_BYTE2 (0x04ul) #define MY_DEFAULT_MAC_BYTE3 (0xa3ul) #define MY_DEFAULT_MAC_BYTE4 (0x00ul) #define MY_DEFAULT_MAC_BYTE5 (0x00ul) #if defined(DEMO_MODE) #define MY_DEFAULT_MAC_BYTE6 (0x50ul) #else // #define MY_DEFAULT_MAC_BYTE6 (0x00ul) // USGS MAC for use on WHOI network and to differentiate between back door modtronix #define MY_DEFAULT_MAC_BYTE6 (0x01ul) #endif /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code * #define MY_DEFAULT_DNS_BYTE1 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_DNS_BYTE2 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_DNS_BYTE3 (n) * #define MY_DEFAULT_DNS_BYTE4 (n) * @endcode * Use these defines to define the default Primary DNS server IP address. */ #define MY_DEFAULT_DNS_BYTE1 MY_DEFAULT_GATE_BYTE1 #define MY_DEFAULT_DNS_BYTE2 MY_DEFAULT_GATE_BYTE2 #define MY_DEFAULT_DNS_BYTE3 MY_DEFAULT_GATE_BYTE3 #define MY_DEFAULT_DNS_BYTE4 MY_DEFAULT_GATE_BYTE4 /* * Mac address for this node - is contained in AppConfig structure */ #define MY_MAC_BYTE1 AppConfig.MyMACAddr.v[0] #define MY_MAC_BYTE2 AppConfig.MyMACAddr.v[1] #define MY_MAC_BYTE3 AppConfig.MyMACAddr.v[2] #define MY_MAC_BYTE4 AppConfig.MyMACAddr.v[3] #define MY_MAC_BYTE5 AppConfig.MyMACAddr.v[4] #define MY_MAC_BYTE6 AppConfig.MyMACAddr.v[5] /* * Subnet mask for this node - is contained in AppConfig structure * Must not be all zero's or else this node will never transmit anything !! */ #define MY_MASK_BYTE1 AppConfig.MyMask.v[0] #define MY_MASK_BYTE2 AppConfig.MyMask.v[1] #define MY_MASK_BYTE3 AppConfig.MyMask.v[2] #define MY_MASK_BYTE4 AppConfig.MyMask.v[3] /* * IP address of this node - is contained in AppConfig structure */ #define MY_IP_BYTE1 AppConfig.MyIPAddr.v[0] #define MY_IP_BYTE2 AppConfig.MyIPAddr.v[1] #define MY_IP_BYTE3 AppConfig.MyIPAddr.v[2] #define MY_IP_BYTE4 AppConfig.MyIPAddr.v[3] /* * Gateway address for this node - is contained in AppConfig structure */ #define MY_GATE_BYTE1 AppConfig.MyGateway.v[0] #define MY_GATE_BYTE2 AppConfig.MyGateway.v[1] #define MY_GATE_BYTE3 AppConfig.MyGateway.v[2] #define MY_GATE_BYTE4 AppConfig.MyGateway.v[3] /* * Primary DNS address for this node */ #define MY_DNS_BYTE1 appcfgGetc(APPCFG_DNS_IP0) #define MY_DNS_BYTE2 appcfgGetc(APPCFG_DNS_IP1) #define MY_DNS_BYTE3 appcfgGetc(APPCFG_DNS_IP2) #define MY_DNS_BYTE4 appcfgGetc(APPCFG_DNS_IP3) #define MY_DNS_BYTE1_SET(n) appcfgPutc(APPCFG_DNS_IP0, n) #define MY_DNS_BYTE2_SET(n) appcfgPutc(APPCFG_DNS_IP1, n) #define MY_DNS_BYTE3_SET(n) appcfgPutc(APPCFG_DNS_IP2, n) #define MY_DNS_BYTE4_SET(n) appcfgPutc(APPCFG_DNS_IP3, n) /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define MAC_SOCKETS @endcode * Number of available TCP sockets to be created. Note that each socket consumes 34 bytes of RAM.
* TCP configurations
To minimize page update, match number of sockets and * HTTP connections with different page sources in a page. For example, if page * contains reference to 3 more pages, browser may try to open 4 simultaneous * HTTP connections, and to minimize browser delay, set HTTP connections to * 4, MAX_SOCKETS to 4. If you are using ICMP or other applications, you should * keep at least one socket available for them. */ #if defined(BRD_SBC44EC) || defined(BRD_SBC45EC) #define MAX_SOCKETS (4) #elif defined(BRD_SBC65EC) || defined(BRD_SBC68EC) #define MAX_SOCKETS (10) #else #error "Board type not defined!" #endif /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define MAC_UDP_SOCKETS @endcode * Number of available UDP sockets to be created. */ #if defined(BRD_SBC44EC) || defined(BRD_SBC45EC) #define MAX_UDP_SOCKETS (2) #elif defined(BRD_SBC65EC) || defined(BRD_SBC68EC) #define MAX_UDP_SOCKETS (8) #else #error "Board type not defined!" #endif #if (MAX_SOCKETS <= 0 || MAX_SOCKETS > 255) #error Invalid MAX_SOCKETS value specified. #endif #if (MAX_UDP_SOCKETS <= 0 || MAX_UDP_SOCKETS > 255 ) #error Invlaid MAX_UDP_SOCKETS value specified #endif #if !defined(STACK_USE_SLIP) // The MAC_TX_BUFFER_COUNT must be equal to MAX_SOCKETS + 1 // (for high priority messages), or else calls to TCPPut may // fail when multiple TCP sockets have data pending in the // output buffer that hasn't been acked. Changing this value // is recommended only if the rammifications of doing so are // properly understood. #if defined(NON_MCHP_MAC) #define MAC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE (1024ul) #define MAC_TX_BUFFER_COUNT (3ul) #else #define MAC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE (576ul) #define MAC_TX_BUFFER_COUNT (MAX_SOCKETS+1) #endif #else /* * For SLIP, there can only be one transmit and one receive buffer. * Both buffer must fit in one bank. If bigger buffer is required, * you must manually locate tx and rx buffer in different bank * or modify your linker script file to support arrays bigger than * 256 bytes. */ #define MAC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE (250ul) #define MAC_TX_BUFFER_COUNT (1) #endif // Rests are Receive Buffers #define MAC_RX_BUFFER_SIZE (MAC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE) #if (MAC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE <= 0 || MAC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE > 1500 ) #error Invalid MAC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE value specified. #endif #if ( (MAC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE * MAC_TX_BUFFER_COUNT) > (4* 1024) ) #error Not enough room for Receive buffer. #endif /** @addtogroup mod_conf_projdefs * @code #define HTTP_CONNECTIONS @endcode * Maximum numbers of simultaneous HTTP connections allowed. * Each connection consumes 10 bytes. */ #if defined(BRD_SBC44EC) || defined(BRD_SBC45EC) #define MAX_HTTP_CONNECTIONS (2) #elif defined(BRD_SBC65EC) || defined(BRD_SBC68EC) #define MAX_HTTP_CONNECTIONS (6) #else #error "Board type not defined!" #endif #if (MAX_HTTP_CONNECTIONS > FSEE_MAX_FILES) #if ((MAX_HTTP_CONNECTIONS - FSEE_MAX_FILES) > 2) #error "Too little file handles defined!" #error "For better performance of the web server, try and match HTTP Connections and file handles!" #endif #endif #if (MAX_HTTP_CONNECTIONS <= 0 || MAX_HTTP_CONNECTIONS > 255 ) #error Invalid MAX_HTTP_CONNECTIONS value specified. #endif #define AVAILABLE_SOCKETS (MAX_SOCKETS) #if defined(STACK_USE_HTTP_SERVER) #define AVAILABLE_SOCKETS2 (AVAILABLE_SOCKETS - MAX_HTTP_CONNECTIONS) #else #define AVAILABLE_SOCKETS2 (MAX_SOCKETS) #endif /* * When using FTP, you must have at least two sockets free */ #if defined(STACK_USE_FTP_SERVER) #define AVAILABLE_SOCKETS3 (AVAILABLE_SOCKETS2 - 2) #else #define AVAILABLE_SOCKETS3 (AVAILABLE_SOCKETS2) #endif #if AVAILABLE_SOCKETS3 < 0 #error Maximum TCP Socket count is not enough. #error Either increase MAX_SOCKETS or decrease module socket usage. #endif #define AVAILABLE_UDP_SOCKETS (MAX_UDP_SOCKETS) #if defined(STACK_USE_DHCP) #define AVAILABLE_UDP_SOCKETS2 (AVAILABLE_UDP_SOCKETS - 1) #else #define AVAILABLE_UDP_SOCKETS2 AVAILABLE_UDP_SOCKETS #endif #if defined(STACK_USE_SNMP_SERVER) #define AVAILABLE_UDP_SOCKETS3 (AVAILABLE_UDP_SOCKETS2 - 1) #else #define AVAILABLE_UDP_SOCKETS3 AVAILABLE_UDP_SOCKETS2 #endif #if defined(STACK_USE_TFTP_CLIENT) #define AVAILABLE_UDP_SOCKETS4 (AVAILABLE_UDP_SOCKETS2) #else #define AVAILABLE_UDP_SOCKETS4 AVAILABLE_UDP_SOCKETS3 #endif #if AVAILABLE_UDP_SOCKETS4 < 0 #error Maximum UDP Socket count is not enough. #error Either increase MAX_UDP_SOCKETS or decrease module UDP socket usage. #endif // USGS defines // note IP address and mask for this SBC are set above #define USGS_VERSION1 '2' // 1 byte only #define USGS_VERSION2 '6' // 1 byte only // this is the default IG20 setup SYNCX+STX+CMD+LEN(2)+TIME(4) //#define IG20_FRAME_LENGTH 60 // this is #data bytes + 8 framing, CRC, etc. bytes // this is a short, time only test, SYNCX+STX+CMD+LEN(2)+TIME(4)+CRC(2)+ETX //#define IG20_FRAME_LENGTH 12 // this is for the experiment, SYNCX+STX+CMD+LEN(2)+EULER(12)+ACCEL(12)+TEMP(8)+TIME(4)+CRC(2)+ETX #define IG20_FRAME_LENGTH 44 #define IG20_BAUD BAUD_115200 #define BUF_SER2UDP_MAXSIZE 100 #define DEFAULT_MOXA_UDPPORT (54128ul) #define IG20_ON_SER1 0 // IG20 plugged into USART1 #define IG20_ON_SER2 1 // IG20 plugged into USART2 #define DELAY_TO_ARP 60 // seconds #define CHECK_ARP_AT_STARTUP 1 #define RE_CHECK_ARP 0 #define ARP_TIMEOUT_AT_STARTUP 10 // sec to wait on ARP // diagnostics #define FAKE_A2D 0 // send fake A/D data #define FAKE_IG20 0 // send fake IG20 data on UDP if no serial received (alternative is all zeros for IG20 dataframe) // comment out the next line to send on lony 1 UDP socket //#define DO2SOCKETS 1 // open two UDP sockets // typical Moxa destination address when in MOF node space #define MOXA_DEST_ADDR0 128 // IP the Modtronix should send UDP data to #define MOXA_DEST_ADDR1 128 #define MOXA_DEST_ADDR2 205 #define MOXA_DEST_ADDR3 111 // the Moxa /* // typical Moxa destination address when in MOF node space #define MOXA_DEST_ADDR0 192 // IP the Modtronix should send UDP data to #define MOXA_DEST_ADDR1 168 #define MOXA_DEST_ADDR2 3 #define MOXA_DEST_ADDR3 127 */ /* // Marinna's PC MAC 00:16:d3:29:d6:4e #define MOXA_DEST_ADDR0 128 // IP the Modtronix should send UDP data to #define MOXA_DEST_ADDR1 128 #define MOXA_DEST_ADDR2 205 #define MOXA_DEST_ADDR3 42 */ // these need to be declared in the file which has main() or they will be re-defined //BYTE bufSer2UDP[BUF_SER2UDP_MAXSIZE]; //Buffer of received bytes from USART that have to be TXed via UDP //BYTE bytesInSer2UDP; //How many bytes have been received that are to be send via UDP // end USGS defines #endif //_PROJDEFS_H_