MOLA 128 Polar files in GIS format Converted from the files MOLA DEMs 'megt_n_128_1.img, megt_s_128_1.img' from the MOLA PDS website: on Jan 2005. They were converted to an ISIS file to calculate the correct projected meters offset which was not available in the original labels using lev2lab. Then they were converted to a 32bit ESRI (Arc/Info,ArcView) Grid format from the original unsigned 16bit PDS images using the scale and offet values found in the PDS label. >new_image32 = orig_image16 * 0.25 + -8000 ISIS calculated cell size in meters: 460.35786 Note: Circular latitude range (~ +-51.51 to +-90) Projection Note: You will want to force programs that support elliptical equations for polar stereographic to use the semi-minor axis '3376200.0' for both axis. ISIS now (sincce 2004) uses the semi-minor axis for its polar projection ('pola') also. Grid projection file 'prj.adf' for the north (-90lat true scale for south): Projection Polar Stereographic Units METERS Zunits NO Xshift 0.0 Yshift 0.0 Parameters 3376200.0 3376200.0 /*Semi-minor radius of Mars 0 0 0.0 /* longitude of central meridian 90 0 0.0 /* latitude of true scale 0.0 /* false easting (meters) 0.0 /* false northing (meters) ArcMap projection definitions: Copy the file 'Mars Spolar Sphere.prj' and 'Mars Npolar Sphere.prj' to your ArcMap fovrites folder to define your dataframe's coordinate system. This directory is usually found: C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\ESRI\ArcMap\Coordinate Systems\ ArcMap/ArcInfo Projection Information for the Grids: I have supplied a 'prj.bak' file in the data's directory but it will need to be renamed from prj.bak to prj.adf. With no projection set for the data file, ArcMap will not try to do anything fancy using its projection-on-the-fly enigne for rasters. If you rename this file to prj.adf and set the projection correctly for the ArcMap's dataframe, this shouldn't be an issue and you can use images that have their projection define. How to convert to another format: The ESRI grid format can be converted to many other GIS/RS formats using the opensource library GDAL utility called 'gdal_translate' on most machine types. The file to convert is the 'w001001.adf' example: >gdal_translate -of gtiff megt_n_128_1\w001001.adf megt_n_128_1.tif Trent Hare USGS, flagstaff 928-556-7126