Revision History for Open File Report 2012-1266 By Brian D. Andrews, Jason D. Chaytor, Uri S. ten Brink, Daniel S. Brothers, James V. Gardner, Elizabeth A. Lobecker, and Brian R. Calder Bathymetric Terrain Model of the Atlantic Margin for Marine Geological Investigations ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online December 3, 2013 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted May 25, 2016, version 2.0 Changes in version 2.0: 1) Added bathymetric data from the following surveys: PF0501, KNOX17RR, PFO502, RB1202, EX1205L1, EX1205L2, EX1206, EX1301, EX1302, EX1303, EX1304L1, EX1304L2, EX1403, EX1404L1, and MGL15-12. 2) The surveys listed above in #1 superceded (replaced) the following older surveys from version 1.0: B00219, B00217, B00218, B00220, B00308, and B00309. 3) Updated the AtlanticMarginBathSource.shp to AtlanticMarginBathSource_V2.shp with new boundaries. 4) Updated date ranges, descriptions of the area surveyed, and reference citations in the text to reflect new bathymetric data from the surveys listed in #1 above. 5) Rewrote the abstract. 6) Added general information about bathymetric terrain models to the “Introduction” section. 7) Added information about how spatial extents were determined to the “Data Processing” section. 8) Added the “Data Resolution” section heading. 9) Updated the plate and figures to reflect the new bathymetric data. 10) Added Elizabeth A. Lobecker and Brian R. Calder as co-authors. 11) Additional surveys (#1 above) were added to table 1–1 (appendix 1), and older surveys (#2 above) were removed. New citation for version 2.0: Andrews, B.D., Chaytor, J.D., ten Brink, U.S., Brothers, D.S., Gardner, J.V., Lobecker, E.A., and Calder, B.R., 2016, Bathymetric terrain model of the Atlantic Margin for marine geological investigations (ver. 2.0, May 2016): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–1266, 12 p., 1 pl.,