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Open-File Report 2013–1084

Digital Tabulation of Stratigraphic Data from Oil And Gas Wells in Cuyama Valley and Surrounding Areas, Central California

By Donald S. Sweetkind, Shiera C. Bova, Victoria E. Langenheim, Lauren E. Shumaker, and Daniel S. Scheirer

Thumbnail of and link to report PDF (15.4 MB)Abstract

Stratigraphic information from 391 oil and gas exploration wells from Cuyama Valley, California, and surrounding areas are herein compiled in digital form from reports that were released originally in paper form. The Cuyama Basin is located within the southeasternmost part of the Coast Ranges and north of the western Transverse Ranges, west of the San Andreas fault. Knowledge of the location and elevation of stratigraphic tops of formations throughout the basin is a first step toward understanding depositional trends and the structural evolution of the basin through time, and helps in understanding the slip history and partitioning of slip on San Andreas and related faults.

First posted May 10, 2013

For additional information contact:
Director, Central Mineral and Environmental Resources Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, MS-973
Denver, CO 80225

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Suggested citation:

Sweetkind, D.S., Bova, S.C., Langenheim, V.E., Shumaker, L.E., and Scheirer, D.S., 2013, Digital tabulation of stratigraphic data from oil and gas wells in Cuyama Valley and surrounding areas, central California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013–1084, 44 p.,




Geologic Setting

Data Compilation Methodology

Explanation of Column Headings and Abbreviations in Data Table Appendix



References Cited

Appendix 1. Stratigraphic Data from Oil and Gas Wells in Cuyama Valley and Surrounding Areas

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 09-May-2013 20:13:50 EDT