MAGENTA: Weighted mean (thick line) and min/max (thin lines) model slip rate.
BLUE: Weighted mean (thick line) and min/max (thin lines) target slip rate.
RED Lines: Weighted mean (thick line) and min/max (thin lines) along-stike paleoseismically observable event-rate (the product of event-rate and the UCERF3 paleo-probability model). These rates are constrained to match the paleoseismic data and should be compared with the red error bars.
BLACK Lines: Weighted mean/min/max along-strike event-rate.
GREEN Lines: Weighted mean (thick line) and min/max (thin lines) along-stike average-slip observable event-rate (the product of event-rate and the UCERF3 probability-of-observed-slip model). These rates are constrained to match the average-slip proxy event-rate data and should be compared with the green circles.
RED error bars: Paleoseismic constraints and 95% confidence intervals.
GREEN circles: Average-slip proxy event-rate constraints.