#!/bin/tcsh # sioheave_pltwbt - runs sioseis flow SIO_PEAKWBT, which picks the seafloor, shifts traces to remove heave artifacts, mutes the watercolumn, and writes a heave corrected seg-y file for Edgetech chirp data. #Two usages depending upon which WBT method is utilized (this script is for THRES): # For THRES: # sioheave_pltwbt # For Peak: #: sioheave_pltwbt # # seg-y_file without extension # thres_amp = amplitude threshold seafloor reflection is expected to exceed, for THRES method # tmin = upper limit of window encompassing seafloor, for PEAK method # tmax = lower limit of window encompassing seafloor, for PEAK method # n = number of traces to be used in the swell filter moving average # # track_param = value in seconds (0.006 = 6 ms) used to discriminate picks # from trace to trace along sea floor. Make this value larger when # sea floor topography is increased.... (usually between 6 and 40 ms # should work fine) # This script will pop up a GNU plot window showing the autopicked 'WBT' seafloor and the smoothed seafloor # after 'SWELL' trace shifting. To exit the plot after evaluation, hit enter in the xterm that you ran the script in. # If you are satisfied with the resulting trace shifts, go on to make the final plot. If not, run this script again # using different paprameters until you feel the resulting shifts are adequate. #echo `date` >> Proc.log #echo "sio_peakwbt $1 $2 $3 $4 $5" >> Proc.log sio_threswbt_s $1 $2 $3 $4 | \ tee wbt_echo.dat #grep pick | nl -d " " > wbt.dat #grep picked wbt_echo.dat | nl -d " " > wbt.dat egrep -v "picked|sum|shift|WARNING" wbt_echo.dat | grep E\- > wbt.tmp #join wbt.dat wbtsmth.dat > wbttmp #use these for just muting #gawk ' {printf ("%5s %1.8f\n", \ #$1,$2)} ' \ #< wbt.tmp > ../wbt/$1.wbt #use these for swell/mute #17.000 0.34310E-01 0.34400E-01 -0.90327E-04 gawk ' {printf "%5s %1.8f %1.8f %1.10f\n", \ $1,$2,$3,$4} ' \ < wbt.tmp > ../wbt/$1.wbt gnuplot pltwbt_m.gp