Revision History for Open-File Report 2015-1055 P. Soupy Dalyander, Rangley C. Mickey, Joseph W. Long, and James Flocks Effects of Proposed Sediment Borrow Pits on Nearshore Wave Climate and Longshore Sediment Transport Rate Along Breton Island, Louisiana ----------------------------------------------------- First posted May 14, 2015 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted August 31, version 2 The acknowledgments were modified to add "This project included funding from the Louisiana Outer Coast Early Restoration Project, obtained by the natural resource trustees for the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, pursuant to the Framework for Early Restoration Addressing Injuries Resulting from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, executed April 20, 2011." Figure 17 caption was revised to remove the words "gradient of", in order to match the variable illustrated in the figure. The USGS data release (Mickey and others, 2017) associated with appendix 4 was added to the References Cited section. Appendix 4 was added with the results of analysis of an additional borrow pit (borrow pit 3). -----------------------------------------------------