Revision History for USGS Open-File Report 2015-1142 Brian D. Collins and Randall W. Jibson Assessment of Existing and Potential Landslide Hazards Resulting from the April 25, 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake Sequence ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online July 28, 2015 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted August 2015, version 1.1 The dataset of landslides blocking river valleys in Nepal following the 2015 earthquakes has been updated to remove five landslides. Review of legacy satellite imagery not available at the time of the assessments indicates that these landslides occurred prior to the earthquakes. Text on pages 12 and 13 was revised to reflect this change. The number of landslides assessed was reduced from 74 to 69. The median volume of these landslides was revised from 6,000 m3 to 6,500 m3. The average surface area of impounded lakes was revised from 1,500 m2 to 1,700 m2. The percentage of dams impounding significant water was revised from 12 percent to 15 percent. Table 1 was revised to reflect the removal of five landslides from the dataset. Two other landslide names were updated. The map in figure 9 was revised to remove the locations of the five landslides that were not earthquake related. The histograms in figure 10 were revised in accordance with updates to the dataset. -----------------------------------------------------