Revision History for U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1195 Profiles of Reservoir Properties of Oil-Bearing Plays for Selected Petroleum Provinces in the United States By Philip A. Freeman and Emil D. Attanasi ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online November 5, 2015 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted on February 2, 2016, version 1.1 After publication, omission of play statistics for four oil reservoirs in the Sacramento Basin Province, province code 9, was discovered. The province map shown in figure 1 now has Province 9 labeled. A row of province data for the Sacramento Basin Province has been inserted into table 1. Four reservoirs in a single play are too few to require a province profile for the Sacramento Basin Province. Other updates are listed below. Abstract, paragraph 1, added after sentence 2: The information used in this report is based on reservoir properties from the “Significant Oil and Gas Fields of the United States Database” prepared by Nehring Associates, Inc. (2012). As described by Nehring Associates, Inc., the database “covers all producing provinces (basins) in the United States except the Appalachian Basin and the Cincinnati Arch.” [Added paragraph break] Abstract, paragraph 2, added after sentence 4: For this report and for the purposes of screening reservoirs as candidates for the application of CO2-EOR methods, oil reservoirs must have no more than 10,000 standard cubic feet of natural gas per barrel of oil at surface conditions. Oil-bearing plays presented in this report must contain at least one oil reservoir so defined. Introduction, paragraph 1, added after sentence 2: The information used in this report is based on reservoir properties from the “Significant Oil and Gas Fields of the United States Database” prepared by Nehring Associates, Inc. (2012). As described by Nehring Associates, Inc., the database “covers all producing provinces (basins) in the United States except the Appalachian Basin and the Cincinnati Arch.” [Added paragraph break] Introduction, replaced footnote 2 with the following addition to the text and renumbered footnote 3 as 2. Introduction, paragraph 5, added after sentence 3: For this report and for the purposes of screening reservoirs as candidates for the application of CO2-EOR methods, oil reservoirs must have no more than 10,000 standard cubic feet of natural gas per barrel of oil at surface conditions. Oil-bearing plays presented in this report must contain at least one oil reservoir so defined. Caption of figure 1, expanded sentence 3 and added sentences 4 and 5 as follows: Stripes designate provinces featured in this report’s profiles of provinces containing conventional oil-bearing plays where at least 1 play has 10 or more oil reservoirs that have no more than 10,000 standard cubic feet of natural gas per barrel of oil at surface conditions. Oil reservoir properties in this report are based on data from the “Significant Oil and Gas Fields of the United States Database” prepared by Nehring Associates, Inc. (2012). As described by Nehring Associates, Inc., the database “covers all producing provinces (basins) in the United States except the Appalachian Basin and the Cincinnati Arch.”