Revision History for OFR 2015-1213 Downing-Kunz, M.A., Work, P.A., and Shellenbarger, G.G. Record-High Specific Conductance and Water Temperature in San Francisco Bay during Water Year 2014 ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online November 18, 2015 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted December 28, 2015, version 1.1 Manuscript Section: Introduction (p. 1)– Removed (San Francisco Estuary Institute, 2014) reference at the end of paragraph. Figure 1: Added Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta label. Manuscript Section: Instrumentation and Data Collection (p. 2)– 2nd paragraph: “... that had periods of record of less than 5 years...” changed to “... with less than 5 years of data...” Manuscript Section: Water Year 2014 Records (p. 2)– 1st paragraph, 1st sentence: The word “recorded” was replaced with “measured.” “... that exceeded all previous values in the period of record” was changed to “... that exceeded all previously measured values...” and moved. 1st paragraph, last sentence: Sentence was removed. Figure 3: Revised explanation; Moved Alviso Slough label and data; Revised figure caption. Manuscript Section: Water Year 2014 Records (p. 3)– Figure 4: Revised explanation; Moved Alviso Slough label and data; Revised figure caption. Manuscript Section: Annual-Mean Values and Relation to Freshwater Inflow (p. 3)– 1st paragraph: “... the major source of freshwater inflow...” moved. 2nd paragraph: “deg C” changed to °C. Figure 5: Commas added to figure caption; Multiplier moved from graph axis to axis label. Manuscript Section: Annual-Mean Values and Relation to Freshwater Inflow (p. 4)– 3rd paragraph: “... which affects flushing rates across the bay (Walters and others, 1985)...” added. Hyphen added. “... than during other times” removed from last sentence. Figure 6: Multiplier moved from graph axis to axis label. References: San Francisco Estuary Institute, 2011 reference replaced with Walters and others, 1985.