Revision History for U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016-1175 By James S. Kuwabara, Brent R. Topping, James L. Carter, Rick A. Carlson, Francis Parchaso, Steven V. Fend, Natalie Stauffer-Olsen, Andrew J. Manning, and Jennie M. Land Benthic Processes Affecting Contaminant Transport in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online September 30, 2016 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted October 11, 2016, version 1.1 The text version was modified. On page 10, paragraph 2, the mean values of SiO2 fluxes were modified to account for a calculation error. No changes were made the wording because the calculation error did not change the values in a way that affected the discussion. Table 3 was updated. SiO2 fluxes for 2013 were revised to account for the same calculation error discussed above. Added unit definitions to the headnotes in tables 4, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, and 22 so that all abbreviations are well defined. Table 19 removed from the report PDF file and instead made available separately as an Excel document to make it more legible.