Open-File Report 2021-1061
Animated movements and migrations for a subset of the federally endangered Lost River suckers (Deltistes luxatus) and shortnose suckers (Chasmistes brevirostris) tagged with radio transmitters in the Clear Lake Reservoir watershed (Modoc County, California), 2014-2017. Animations were made using the program, AquaTracker (Reyes-Tomassini and others, 2011), and modified for radio-telemetry detections in lakes and small, spawning tributaries. Selected individuals are not representative of population level patterns; animations are intended to show the diversity of movements and migrations observed during the study. Fork length (mm) of selected fish and the year of tagging are included in parentheses following radio tag ID.
Reyes-Tomassini, J., Moore, M., Berejikian, B., Lee, J., and Goetz, F., 2011, AquaTracker telemetry track analysis software program Version 1.00A: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Manchester Research Station, WA.