Version History for U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2022-1039 Ecological Status and Trends of the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers Edited by Jeffrey N. Houser ----------------------------------------------------- First posted online June 22, 2022 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted July 14, 2022, as version 1.1 The word “Indicators” was added after the chapter titles "Land Cover," "Water Quality," and "Aquatic Vegetation." The changes were made in the table of contents (p. v and vi) and in the main body of the report (p. 71, 72, 83, 84, 111, and 112). The caption for figure B1 was slightly reworded to clarify that the first three streamgages were located on the Upper Mississippi River. This change was made in the table of contents (p. viii) and in the main body of the report (p. 39). Figure I2's page number in the table of contents was right justified to match up with the other entries (p. xi). The definitions of abbreviations in the front matter were aligned to match each other (p. xiv). An ending parenthesis was added to the in-text citation De Jager and Rohweder, 2017 (p. 4). In figure ES2's figure caption, "Upper Mississippi River Restoration Program" was changed to "Upper Mississippi River Restoration program" (p. 5). Chapter links were added for large-scale drivers in figure A3's caption (p. 13). Chapter links were added in one place (p. 18). Chapter links were added in three different places (p. 28). Several instances of the year range 2010–2019 were changed to 2010–19 (p. 47). The in-text citation Rajib and Merwade, was moved up to the previous line (p. 50). The "and" in Long Term Resource and Monitoring was deleted (p. 93). Sentence wrap under the "Trends" section was corrected (p. 99). Hughes, Kay, and Brown, 2013 was changed to Hughes and others, 2013 (p. 104). The font size for species name Heteranthera dubia (Jacq.) MacMill was changed to match the size of the other entries in the table (p. 118). The y-axis label of the bar chart of figure F9 was changed from "Percentage of total area, in hectares" to "Emergent coverage, in hectares" (p. 125). Chapters were hyperlinked in two different places (p. 150). Chapters were hyperlinked in two different places (p. 151). Chapters were hyperlinked in one place (p. 153). The word "effects(s)" was changed to "effects" (p. 156). The text "the long-term changes of" was deleted under the heading "Long-Term Changes and Variability in Potential Drivers of Vegetation Change" (p. 162). Chapters were hyperlinked in one place and the "2" in "R2" was superscripted (p. 165). Eleven minor wording changes in the "Interactions and Feedbacks" section (p. 171). All cooperators except U.S. Army Corps of Engineers were deleted from Chapter I's title page (p. 179). "Pre-establishment" was spelled wrong in figure I5. "Ictiobus cyprinellus" was spelled wrong for figure I5's caption (p. 186). "Manier, 2021" was changed to "Manier and others, 2021" (p. 192).