/**************************************************************************************** *SAS ver 9.1 Randomizied assignment date: Page ___ of ___ * * Analysis prepared by: MPG * * Verified by: _______ (Date:_______) * * file name: random allocation of treatment to tank.SLSFH jul 2011.walleye.raceways.sas * ****************************************************************************************/ DM 'LOG; CLEAR; OUTPUT; CLEAR;'; * CLEAR LOG AND OUTPUT; FOOTNOTE1 'Analysis performed by M. Gaikowski SAS version ' &SYSVER &SYSTIME &SYSDATE; options pageno = 1 nocenter nodate nosource2; /*Randomized assignment of treatment to tank*/ /* block 1 = Block A, block 2 = Block B*/ data trt; do block = 1 to 2 by 1; do tank = 1 to 5 by 1; x = ranuni(-1); output; end; end; run; data trt2; set trt; proc sort data=trt2; by block x; run; data trt3; set trt2; if block = 1 and tank = 1 then tankn = 'A1'; if block = 1 and tank = 2 then tankn = 'A2'; if block = 1 and tank = 3 then tankn = 'A3'; if block = 1 and tank = 4 then tankn = 'A4'; if block = 1 and tank = 5 then tankn = 'A5'; if block = 2 and tank = 1 then tankn = 'B1'; if block = 2 and tank = 2 then tankn = 'B2'; if block = 2 and tank = 3 then tankn = 'B3'; if block = 2 and tank = 4 then tankn = 'B4'; if block = 2 and tank = 5 then tankn = 'B5'; run; proc sort data=trt3; by block x; run; proc print; data trt4; set trt3; if _n_ = 1 then trt = 'control'; if _n_ = 2 then trt = 'FFC'; if _n_ = 3 then trt = 'FFC'; if _n_ = 4 then trt = 'TM200'; if _n_ = 5 then trt = 'TM200'; if _n_ = 6 then trt = 'control'; if _n_ = 7 then trt = 'FFC'; if _n_ = 8 then trt = 'FFC'; if _n_ = 9 then trt = 'TM200'; if _n_ = 10 then trt = 'TM200'; run; proc sort data=trt4; by block tank; run; proc print data=trt4; title1 h=2 'Field effectiveness of Aquaflor or TM200 to control mortality from MAS'; title2 h=1.5 'Study Number AEH-09-MAS-02'; title3 h=1 'Random distribution of treatment to walleye raceways'; title4 h=1 'Field trial at Spirit Lake State Fish Hatchery - July 2011'; title5 h=1 'BLINDED DATA - FOR STUDY MONITOR USE ONLY '; title6 h=1 'BLINDED DATA - UNTIL AFTER COMPLETION OF DOSING'; title7 h=1 'BLINDED DATA'; run;