Version History for U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2023–1082 Annotated Bibliography of Scientific Research on Greater Sage-Grouse Published from October 2019 to July 2022 By Elisabeth C. Teige, Logan M. Maxwell, Samuel E. Jordan, Tait K. Rutherford, Emma I. Dietrich, Ella M. Samuel, Alexandra L. Stoneburner, Nathan J. Kleist, Jennifer K. Meineke, Lea B. Selby, Alison C. Foster, and Sarah K. Carter ----------------------------------------------------- First posted online October 27, 2023 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted November 13, 2023 as version 1.1 On page 1, the abstract sentence “The online version of this bibliography, available on the Science for Resource Managers tool (, is searchable by topic, location, and year, and includes links to each original publication” was changed to “The online version of this bibliography will be available on the Science for Resource Managers tool (, will be searchable by topic, location, and year, and will include links to each original publication” On page 2, the sentence, “Each product summary (and associated publication) is available on the Science for Resource Managers tool ( and searchable by management topic, location, year, and keywords” was changed to “Each product summary (and associated publication) will be available on the Science for Resource Managers tool ( and will be searchable by management topic, location, year, and keywords” On page 3, “a” was added to the first sentence in the “Methods” section to read as follows: "Previous reports (Carter and others, 2020) introduced a methodology." On page 6, “Public health, safety, or enforcement” and “Paleontological resources” were separated into two table rows. On page 7, figure 1 was replaced with the correct figure from Maxwell and others (2023). On page 8, figure 2 was replaced with the correct figure from Maxwell and others (2023). On page 11, in the Poor and others (2021) reference entry, “Ventenata dubia” was italicized. On page 11, in the U.S. Department of the Interior (2015) reference entry, “Centrocercus urophasianus” was italicized. On page 11, in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2013) reference entry, “Centrocercus urophasianus” was italicized. On page 16, in the Balasubramaniam and others (2021) entry, a line break was added between the “Objectives” and “Methods” sections. On page 17, in the “Methods” section of the Barlow and others (2019) entry, “2” was changed to “two” in the second line. On page 17, in the “Implications” section of the Barlow and others (2019) entry, a space was added in line 3 between “could” and “assess.” On page 18, in the “Background” section of the Blomberg and Hagen (2020) entry, the words “at which” were added to read as follows: “estimated at larger scales than the scales at which management actions.” On page 19, in the “Methods” section of the Blomberg and Hagen (2020) entry, “high” was deleted to read as follows: “including the highest annual male count from multiple lek visits.” On page 34, in the Coates, O’Neil, Muñoz, and others (2021) entry, in the last sentence of the “Implications” section, “indicate” was changed to “suggest” and “both” was changed to “the” to read as follows: "They suggest that managers monitor horse populations and GRSG responses in areas where the species co-occur." On page 35, in the second sentence of the “Methods” section of the Coates, Prochazka, and others (2021) entry, “at” was added before “three” to read as follows: "They used data from 8,241 lek locations to estimate population trends at three spatial scales." On page 39, in the “Background” section of the Dahlgren and others (2019) entry, a space was added between “use” and “broad.” On page 41, in the “Findings” section of the Dinkins, Lawson, and Beck (2021) entry, the extra period at the end of the last sentence was deleted. On page 44, in the “Findings” section of the Drovetski and others (2019) entry, “was” was deleted and the ending “d” in “related” was deleted to read as follows: "In contrast, GRSG gut microbial community composition did not differ between sexes or relate to body mass." On page 52, in the “Findings” section of the Fremgen-Tarantino, Olsoy, and others (2021) reference, “Landscape Fire and Resource Management Planning Tools” was changed to “The LANDFIRE data” at the beginning of two sentences. On page 60, in the third sentence of the “Findings” section of the Kirol, Kesler, and others (2020) entry, “PTT” was changed to the spelled-out form “platform transmitter terminals.” On page 61, in the Kirol, Smith, and others (2020) entry, in the last sentence of the “Findings” section, “was” was changed to “were” and “near” was removed to read as follows: "The authors also found that nest and brood survival were lower in mesic regions." On page 61, in the Kirol, Smith, and others (2020) entry, in the second sentence of the “Implications” section, “effect” was changed to “affect.” On page 66, in the “Background” section of the McIntire and others (2020) entry, “documented” was added after “single” and “the” was removed before “predations” to read as follows: "there is a single documented instance of successful predation on a less-than-1-day-old GRSG chick, but predations are difficult to observe and are not often documented." On page 70, the “Background” section of the Monroe, Wann, and others (2019) entry was broken into two sentences as follows: “Mathematical models can be used to estimate population size and trends by combining on-the-ground observations with measures of detectability (that is, the ability of the observer to detect and count individual GRSG). This data release supports Monroe and others (2019;” On page 78, in the “Findings” section of the O’Neil, Coates, and others (2020) entry, in the last sentence, “covering” was changed to “covered.” On page 79, in the “Findings” section of the Olsen, Severson, Allred, and others (2021) entry, in the last sentence, “then” was removed to read as follows: “and remained constant.” On page 80, in the first sentence of the “Methods” section of the Olsoy and others (2020) entry, the words “each site at” were deleted to read as follows: “sampled at two sites dominated by sagebrush.” On page 85, in the last sentence of the “Implications” section of the Picardi, Messmer, and others (2020) entry, the word “data” was deleted. On page 86, in the second sentence of the “Implications” section of the Picardi, Ranc, and others (2021) entry, “to maximize” was changed to “for maximizing.” On page 86, in the first sentence of the “Findings” section of the Pilliod, Beck, and others (2022) entry, “(NRI)” was added after “National Resources Inventory." On page 89, in the second sentence of the “Background” section of the Pratt and Beck (2021) entry, the word “this” was removed before “conflicting.” On page 94, in the Rabon, Nuñez, and others (2021) entry, the scientific name of greater sage-grouse was changed to be italicized in the title. On page 95, in the third sentence of the “Methods” section of the Randall and others (2022) entry, “and” was removed before “litter depth.” On page 95, in the second sentence of the “Implications” section of the Randall and others (2022) entry, “GSGR” was changed to “GRSG.” On page 95, the page number range in the Reinhardt and others (2020) entry was changed to use an en dash. On page 96, in the “Findings” section of the Reinhardt and others (2020) entry, in the first sentence, “was” was changed to “were.” In the second sentence, “and” was removed before “management activities” and a comma was added after “two-thirds of reductions.” On page 97, a break was inserted between the “Methods” and “Objectives” sections in the Ricca and Coates (2019) entry. On page 98, in the second sentence of the “Implications” section of the Ricca and Coates (2020) entry, “of” was added between “scale” and “interactions.” On page 100, in the last sentence of the “Implications” section of the Riley and Conway (2020) entry, “survival” was changed to “the” and “of survival estimates” was added after “accuracy” to read as follows: “Lastly, the authors list strategies to improve brood detection and the accuracy of survival estimates while reducing brood disturbance.” On page 104, in the Shyvers and others (2019) entry title, “Centrocercus urophasianus” was italicized. On page 105, in the second sentence of the “Findings” section of the Shyvers and others (2019) entry, “GUSG” was corrected to “GRSG.” On page 110, the scientific name “Centrocercus urophasianus” was italicized in the Vaasjo and others (2021) entry title. On page 114, in the third sentence of the “Methods” section of the Wann and others (2020) entry, “from ovaries” was removed to read as follows: "They used ovaries to estimate nesting propensity across female yearlings and adult GRSG.” On page 115, in the second to last sentence of the “Methods” section of the Watkinson, Naeth, and Pruss (2021) entry, “from derived” was changed to “derived from.”