Version History for Open-File Report 2024–1045 Assessment of Water Levels, Nitrate, and Arsenic in the Carson Valley Alluvial Aquifer and the Development of a Data Visualization Tool for the Carson River Basin, Nevada By Ramon C. Naranjo, and Anjela Bubiy ----------------------------------------------------- First posted online August 22, 2024 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted September 16, 2024 as version 1.1 On page 2, in the Introduction, the following sentence was deleted: Yager and others (2012) projected a 50-year groundwater-level decline from 5 to 40 feet (ft) in the vicinity of production wells operated by the Town of Minden (fig. 1). On page 2, in the Introduction, the following sentence was changed from "During the last 23 years, 225 residents in this area have deepened their wells in response to declining water levels (State of Nevada Division of Water Resources, 2022)" to "Groundwater declines in areas of Carson Valley may have contributed to residents decision to deepen wells. Since 1980, 239 wells domestic wells have been deepened within select community areas of Carson Valley (State of Nevada Division of Water Resources, 2022)." On page 8, under the "Water-Level and Nitrate Monitoring Heading, "deepened wells" was added to the list in the first sentence of paragraph 3. On page 8, following the opening sentence of paragraph 3, this sentence was added: "From 1980 through 2022, 171 out of 239 (70 percent) domestic wells deepened were located in the community areas of Johnson Lane, Ruhenstroth, East Valley and Indian Hills/Jacks Valley areas." On page 9, the caption for table 2 was updated to include this phrase at the beginning: "The total number of domestic wells, deepened wells (1980 to 2022), monitoring wells,..." On page 9, table 2, the headnote was updated to include this sentence: "Domestic well database obtained from Nevada Division of Water Resources (Nevada Division of Water Resources, 2022)." On page 9, table 2 was updated with three additional columns after Area. These columns include the number of domestic wells, deepened wells, and the percentage of deepened wells. On page 9, under the heading "Assessment of the Carson Valley Groundwater Monitoring Well Network, paragraph 2, the sentence "The State of Nevada well inventory database indicates that 225 wells have been deepened in Carsson valley since 1980" was changed to The State of Nevada well inventory database indicates that 239 wells have been deepened in select community areas of Carson valley since 1980 (State of Nevada Division of Water Resources, 2022). On page 21, the following two opening sentences under "Assessment of Monitoring Well Network" were deleted: "Whether domestic or municipal, groundwater pumping has been shown to contribute to water-level declines throughout the valley and declines of 5 to 40 ft have been forecasted (Yager and others, 2012). As water levels decline, domestic well owners have been deepening their wells."