USGS identifier

Tertiary Coals in South Texas:
Anomalous Cannel-Like Coals of Webb County (Claiborne Group, Eocene) and Lignites of Atascosa County (Jackson Group, Eocene) - Geologic Setting, Character, Source-rock and Coal-bed Methane Potential

San Antonio Field Trip Logo


The 1999 AAPG Annual Convention Energy Minerals Division Field Trip # 15

April 14-15, 1999

Field Trip Leaders:
Peter D. Warwick, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA; Robert W. Hook, Consultant, Austin, TX; John R. SanFilipo, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA

Edited by P.D. Warwick, C.E. Aubourg, and J.C. Willett

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-301

Table of Contents

Entire Guidebook (PDF 3.1 Mb)

Group Photo

Geologic Information
Eastern Energy Resources Team

Maintained by Eastern Publications Web Team
Last Updated 05.07.99