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USGS - science for a changing world

2019 Fiscal Year State of the Survey

2019 Fiscal Year State of the Survey

U.S. Geological Survey, Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration

Thumbnail of and link to report PDFAbstract

This first of its kind publication, the USGS “2019 Fiscal Year State of the Survey” report, highlights notable USGS accomplishments over the past year that have contributed to meeting our goals and priorities in support of the Department of the Interior Strategic Plan. The activities summarized in this report demonstrate how integrated science and administrative support contribute to fulfilling our vision of being a world leader in the natural sciences through our scientific excellence and responsiveness to society’s need. And it celebrates the great work and dedication of our employees in helping advance our scientific knowledge and understanding of the Earth and its processes.

The "State of the Survey" is much more than a simple listing of accomplishments. It is a colorful visual tour through our diverse scientific endeavors. Within its pages you will find short videos on algal blooms, ShakeAlert, flood prediction, and more. You will find maps of where our centers and stations are located, charts of our funding sources, and pictures of our researchers at work.

Suggested citation:

U.S. Geological Survey, Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration, 2020, 2019 fiscal year state of the Survey: U.S. Geological Survey report, 36 p.,



Land Resources

Energy and Minerals

Environmental Health

Natural Hazards

Water Resources

Core Science Systems

Science Support

Special Topic: Quality Management System


USGS Regional Realignment

First posted August 3, 2020

For additional information contact:
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
U.S. Geological Survey
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20192

Contact Pubs Warehouse

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