Identification_Information: Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: David A. Sawyer Originator: Scott A. Minor Originator: Ren A. Thompson Originator: Ralph R. Shroba Originator: Gary A. Smith Originator: David P. Dethier Originator: V.J.S. Grauch Originator: Theodore R. Brandt Publication_Date: 2007 Title: Geologic Map of the Cochiti Pueblo Area, New Mexico (plate 2 of 6) Edition: version 1.0 Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map Series_Information: Series_Name: USGS Professional Paper Issue_Identification: 1720 Publication_Information: Publication_Place: Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. Publisher: United States Geological Survey Online_Linkage: Larger_Work_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Scott A. Minor, editor Publication_Date: 2007 Title: The Cerrillos Uplift, the La Bajada Constriction, and Hydrogeologic Framework of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico Edition: version 1.0 Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map Series_Information: Series_Name: USGS Professional Paper Issue_Identification: 1720 Publication_Information: Publication_Place: Denver, Colorado, USA Publisher: United States Geological Survey Online_Linkage: Description: Abstract: This digital geologic map summarizes all available geologic information for the Cochiti Pueblo area, located immediately southwest of Santa Fe, New Mexico. The geologic map consists of new polygon (geologic map units), line (contact, fault, fold axis, dike, flow contact, hachure)data, and point data (site-specific geochronologic and paleomagnetic data, and locations of magnetotelluric stations and water wells). The map database has been generated at 1:50,000 scale and provides significant new geologic information for the La Bajada constriction area and overlapping southern Cerros del Rio volcanic field, which sit astride the boundary of the Espanola and Santo Domingo basins of the Rio Grande rift. The surficial geology of the Cochiti Pueblo area consists mostly of Pleistocene and Holocene fluvial, alluvial, eolian, colluvial, and Landslide deposits. These surficial deposits mantle the principal bedrock units, which are (from youngest to oldest) (1) Bandelier Tuff (Pleistocene; 1.61 Ma and 1.22 Ma), erupted from the Valles caldera and post-caldera rhyolites;(2) basalts, basanites, andesite, and trachyte of the Pliocene-Pleistocene (2.7-1.1 Ma) Cerros del Rio volcanic field; (3) poorly consolidated Miocene-Pleistocene sediments of the Santa Fe Group; (4) Miocene volcanic rocks of the Jemez volcanic field of the Keres Group; (5) older Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks (Abiquiu?, Espinaso, and Galisteo Formations); (6) Eocene-Oligocene intrusive rocks of the Cerrillos intrusive center; and (7) Mesozoic sedimentary rocks ranging in age from Upper Triassic (Chinle Formation) to Upper Cretaceous (Mancos Shale). Purpose: The purpose of this mapping was to determine the bedrock geology that would control or impact ground-water flow from the Espanola Basin into the Santo Domingo Basin. As it is a multi-purpose geologic map, it is suitable as the geologic layer for any variety of interdisciplinary investigations incorporating geology as a theme. Supplemental_Information: Coverages included in this geospatial database: cochcomu: polygon coverage of geologic units and faults cochmag: line coverage of faults located by aeromagnetic survey cochxs: line coverage of geologic cross-section lines for the Geologic Setting of the La Bajada Constriction and Cochiti Pueblo Area map. coamt: point coverage of magnetotelluric stations copptsa: point coverage of geochronologic age determinations cowell: point coverage of well data pmagu: point coverage of paleomagnetic data geol_sfo.lin: lineset file that defines geologic line types in the geologically themed coverages geoscamp2.mrk: This markerset file defines the geologic markers in the geologically themed coverages. wpgcmykg.shd: shadeset file that defines the cmyk values of colors assigned to polygons in the geologically themed coverages Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2007 Currentness_Reference: publication date Status: Progress: Complete Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: none planned Spatial_Domain: Bounding_Coordinates: West_Bounding_Coordinate: -106.5000000 East_Bounding_Coordinate: -106.1250000 North_Bounding_Coordinate: 35.75000000 South_Bounding_Coordinate: 35.50000000 Keywords: Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: American Geological Institute Glossary of Geology Theme_Keyword: Geologic map Theme_Keyword: Cerros del Rio volcanic field Theme_Keyword: Hydrogeology Theme_Keyword: Santa Fe Group Theme_Keyword: Rio Grande rift Theme_Keyword: Santo Domingo basin Theme_Keyword: Rio Grande Place: Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: U.S. Board of Geographic Names (BGN) Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Place_Keyword: USA Place_Keyword: United States of America Place_Keyword: New Mexico Place_Keyword: Santa Fe County Place_Keyword: Sandoval County Place_Keyword: Cochiti Pueblo Place_Keyword: Santo Domingo Pueblo Place_Keyword: La Cienega Place_Keyword: Cerrillos Hills Place_Keyword: Rio Grande Access_Constraints: none Use_Constraints: none. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data. Although software enables the user to display images at various scales, map data in this report should not be used at scales greater than 1:50,000. Point_of_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Person_Primary: Contact_Person: David A. Sawyer Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing address Address: MS 980, Box 25046 DFC City: Denver State_or_Province: CO Postal_Code: 80225-0046 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: 303-236-8007 Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 303-236-0214 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Browse_Graphic: Browse_Graphic_File_Name: Browse_Graphic_File_Description: graphic representation of map layout Browse_Graphic_File_Type: PDF Data_Set_Credit: We would like to thank Cochiti Pueblo for permitting access onto Pueblo lands, and also for the support and interest in the project by Jacob Pecos and Gary Valdo of the Cochiti Environmental Protection Office. Gary Smith and David Dethier provided input and feedback far beyond their co-authorship on parts of the report. Reviews by Bob Bohannon, Ric Page, and Steve Cather were very useful for improving the map. Thanks to Mark Hudson for his support as project chief of the Framework of Rio Grande basins project, and to the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping program, which funded the research. Native_Data_Set_Environment: Windows_XP, Intel ArcInfo version 9.1 Data_Quality_Information: Attribute_Accuracy: Attribute_Accuracy_Report: Data were entered and checked by the geologist who made the field observations. The attributes of this geospatial data set consist of text identifiers and numeric codes that indicate the identity of the geologic unit or type of geologic feature, and determine how each feature is colored or symbolized. To check attribute accuracy, a color check plot was visually compared to the geologist's original compilation. Discrepancies between the digital geospatial dataset and the original analog compilation were corrected as needed. Machine-created listings of unique attribute values were used to identify spelling errors or other inconsistencies, and corrections were made as needed. This map has been thoroughly reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards and stratigraphic nomenclature. Logical_Consistency_Report: Map elements were visually checked for overshoots, undershoots, duplicate features, polygon closure, and other errors by the authors and by the GIS technician(s) who created the digital database. Automated (ArcInfo) routines were also used to check the database for polygon label errors, line or point attribution errors, sliver polygons, dangling arcs, intersection errors, and projection information. Check plots of the map were reviewed by another geologist and cartographer for consistency with basic geologic principles and general conformity to USGS mapping standards. Completeness_Report: Data are complete. No features that could be accurately represented at a scale of 1:50,000 were eliminated or generalized. The smallest area represented is approximately 25 square meters. All geospatial database elements are attributed. Positional_Accuracy: Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy: Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy_Report: Most digitized positions on the map that depict distinct contacts between rock formations in the field are estimated to be within about 50 m of the actual contact on the land in most instances. Boundaries (lines) between Quaternary units (for example, terrace gravels) that correspond closely to distinct edges of landforms (for example, river terraces) are of comparable accuracy. Boundaries (lines) between some Quaternary units, such as eolian deposits and broad alluvial aprons, are approximately located within an indefinite gradational zone between them. Horizontal positional accuracy was tested by visual comparison of hard copy test plots to source maps or comparing locations of data on a computer monitor to other data layers in the same geographic area. The database contains no elevation data. Accuracy of these digital data indirectly depends on accuracy of the base maps on which the original source geologic maps were compiled. These base maps were made by the U.S. Geological Survey, which routinely checks them for compliance with the National Map Accuracy Standards. Lineage: Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Bachman, G.O. Title: Geologic Map of the Madrid 15-minute quadrangle, Santa Fe and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1975 Series_Information: Series_Name: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map Issue_Identification: GQ-1268 Other_Citation_Details: none Source_Scale_Denominator: 62500 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1975 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Bachman (1975) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Cather, S.M. Title: Suggested revisions to the Tertiary tectonic history of north- central New Mexico Publication_Date: 1992 Series_Information: Series_Name: Mew Mexico Geological Society Guidebook Issue_Identification: 43 Other_Citation_Details: p. 109-122 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1992 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Cather (1992) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Cather, S.M. Originator: Connell, S.D. Originator: Black, B.A. Title: Geology of the San Felipe Pueblo NE 7.5-min. quadrangle, Sandoval County, New Mexico Publication_Date: 2000 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Open- file Geologic Map Issue_Identification: OF-GM 37 Other_Citation_Details: none Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2000 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Cather and others (2000) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Cather, S.M. Originator: Connell, S.D. Originator: Lucas, S. Originator: Picha, M.G. Originator: Black, B.A. Title: Geology of the Hagan 7.5-min. quadrangle, Sandoval County, New Mexico Publication_Date: 2002 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Open-file Geologic Map Issue_Identification: OF-GM 50 Other_Citation_Details: none Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2002 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Cather and others (2002) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Chapin, C.E. Originator: Cather, S.M. Title: Tectonic setting of the axial basins of the northern and central Rio Grande Rift, in Keller, G.R., and Cather, S.M., eds., Basins of the Rio Grande Rift--Structure, stratigraphy, and tectonic setting Publication_Date: 1994 Series_Information: Series_Name: Geological Society of America Special Paper Issue_Identification: v. 291 Other_Citation_Details: p. 5-25 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1994 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Chapin and Cather (1994) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Dethier, D. P. Title: Quaternary evolution of the Rio Grande near Cochiti Lake, northeast Santo Domingo basin, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1999 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Geological Society Issue_Identification: 50th Field Conference Other_Citation_Details: p. 371-378 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1999 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Dethier (1999) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Dethier, D. P. Originator: Halverson, N. Originator: Marrack, L. Originator: Meagher, M. Originator: Oelkers, E. Originator: Harrington, C. D. Originator: Sarna-Wojcicki, A. Originator: Meyer, C. E. Title: Occurrence of the Lava Creek B tephra layer in the northwestern Espanola Basin, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1990 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Geology Issue_Identification: v. 12 Other_Citation_Details: p. 77-82 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1990 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Dethier and others (1990) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Dethier, D. P. Originator: Thompson, R A. Originator: Hudson, M.R. Originator: Minor, S.A. Originator: Smith, G.A. Originator: U.S. Geological Survey Originator: Williams College Title: Unpublished geologic mapping Publication_Date: Unpublished material Series_Information: Series_Name: Unpublished material Issue_Identification: Unpublished material Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: Unknown Source_Currentness_Reference: Unknown Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Dethier, Thompson, Hudson, Minor, Smith, Williams College, and U.S.Geological Survey (unpublished) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Disbrow, A.E. Originator: Stoll, W.C. Title: Geology of the Cerrillos area, Santa Fe County, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1957 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin Issue_Identification: 48 Other_Citation_Details: 73 p. Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1957 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Disbrow and Stoll (1957) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Erskine, D.W. Originator: Smith, G.A. Title: Compositional characterization of volcanic products from a primarily sedimentary record Publication_Date: 1993 Series_Information: Series_Name: Geological Society of America Bulletin Issue_Identification: v. 105 Other_Citation_Details: p. 1214-1222 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1993 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Erskine and Smith (1993) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Ferguson, John F. Originator: Baldridge, W.S. Originator: Braile, L.W. Originator: Biehler, S. Originator: Gilpin, B. Originator: Jiracek, G.R. Title: Structure of the Espanola basin, Rio Grande rift, from SAGE seismic and gravity data Publication_Date: 1995 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook Issue_Identification: 46th Field Conference Other_Citation_Details: p. 105-110 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1995 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Ferguson and others (1995) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Goff, Fraser Originator: Gardner, Jamie Originator: Valentine, Greg Title: Geologic map of the St. Peter's Dome area, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1990 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Geologic Map Issue_Identification: 69 Other_Citation_Details: none Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1990 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Goff and others (1990) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Izett, G.A. Originator: Obradovich, J.D. Title: 40Ar/39Ar age constraints for the Jaramillo Normal Subchron and the Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic boundary Publication_Date: 1994 Series_Information: Series_Name: Journal of Geophysical Research Issue_Identification: v. 99 Other_Citation_Details: p.2925-2934 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1994 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Izett and Obradovich (1994) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Kelley, V.C. Title: Tectonics of the Rio Grande depression of central New Mexico Publication_Date: 1952 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook Issue_Identification: 3rd Field Conference Other_Citation_Details: p. 92-105 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1952 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Kelley (1952) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Kelley, V.C. Title: Geology of Albuquerque basin, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1977 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir Issue_Identification: 33 Other_Citation_Details: 60 p. Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1977 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Kelley (1977) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Kelley, V.C. Title: Geology of the Espanola basin, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1978 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Geologic Map Issue_Identification: 48 Other_Citation_Details: none Source_Scale_Denominator: 125000 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1978 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Kelley (1978) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Koning, D.J. Originator: Hallett R.B. Title: Geology of the Turquoise Hill 7.5-min. quadrangle, Santa Fe County, New Mexico Publication_Date: 2000 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Open-file Geologic Map Issue_Identification: OF-GM 41 Other_Citation_Details: none Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2000 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Koning and Hallett (2000) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Koning, D.J. Originator: Connell, S.D. Originator: Pazzaglia, F.J. Originator: McIntosh, W.C. Title: Redefinition of the Ancha Formation and Plio-Pleistocene deposition in the Santa Fe embayment, north-central New Mexico Publication_Date: 2002 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Geology Issue_Identification: v. 24 Other_Citation_Details: p. 75-87 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2002 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Koning and others (2002) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Kuhle, Andrike J. Originator: Smith, Gary A. Title: Alluvial-slope deposition of the Skull Ridge Member of the Tesuque Formation, Espanola Basin, New Mexico Publication_Date: 2001 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Geology Issue_Identification: v. 23 Other_Citation_Details: p. 30-37 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2001 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Kuhle and Smith (2001) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Lanphere, Marvin A. Originator: Champion, Duane E. Originator: Christiansen, Robert L. Originator: Izett, Glen A. Originator: Obradovich, John D. Title: Revised ages for tuffs of the Yellowstone Plateau volcanic field; assignment of the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff to a new geomagnetic polarity event Publication_Date: 2002 Series_Information: Series_Name: Geological Society of America Bulletin Issue_Identification: v. 114 Other_Citation_Details: p. 559-568 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2002 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Lanphere and others (2002) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Maynard, S.R. Originator: Sawyer, David A. Originator: Rogers, J. Title: Preliminary geologic map of the Madrid 7.5-minute quadrangle Publication_Date: 2001 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report Issue_Identification: DM-40 Other_Citation_Details: none Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2001 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Maynard and others (2001) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Peery, R.L. Originator: Pearson ,J.W. Title: Hydrogeology and water-resource assessment, proposed La Bajada subdivision, Santa Fe County, NM Publication_Date: 1994 Series_Information: Series_Name: John Shomaker & Associates consultant report Issue_Identification: none Other_Citation_Details: 33 p. Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1994 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Peery and Pearson (1994) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Reneau, S. L. Originator: Dethier, D. P. Title: Pliocene and Quaternary history of the Rio Grande, White Rock Canyon and vicinity, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1996 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook Issue_Identification: 47 Other_Citation_Details: p. 317-324 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1996 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Reneau and Dethier (1996) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Reneau, S. L. Originator: Gardner, J. N. Originator: Forman, S. L. Title: New evidence for the age of the youngest eruptions in the Valles caldera, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1996 Series_Information: Series_Name: Geology Issue_Identification: v. 24 Other_Citation_Details: p. 7-10 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1996 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Reneau and others (1996) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Sauer, Rebecca R. Title: Petrochemistry and geochronology of plutons relative to tectonics in the San Pedro-Ortiz porphyry belt, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1999 Series_Information: Series_Name: University of Colorado M.S. thesis Issue_Identification: none Other_Citation_Details: 115 p. Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1999 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Sauer (1999) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Sawyer, D.A. Originator: Shroba, R.R. Originator: Minor, S.A. Originator: Thompson, R.A. Title: Geologic map of the Tetilla Peak quadrangle, Santa Fe and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico Publication_Date: 2001 Series_Information: Series_Name: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map Issue_Identification: MF-2352 Other_Citation_Details: none Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2001 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Sawyer and others (2001) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Self, Stephen Originator: Heiken, Grant Originator: Sykes, Martha L. Originator: Wohletz, Kenneth Originator: Fisher, R.V. Originator: Dethier, D. P. Title: Field excursions to the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1996 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin Issue_Identification: 134 Other_Citation_Details: 72 p. Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1996 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Self and others (1996) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Shomaker, John W. Title: Hydrogeology of the Ortiz Mountains and vicinity Publication_Date: 1995 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook Issue_Identification: 46th Field Conference Other_Citation_Details: p. 313-318 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1995 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Shomaker (1995) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Smith, G.A. Title: Development of a pyroclastic apron adjacent to rhyolite domes in a subsiding basin-Upper Miocene Peralta Tuff, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico in L.S. Crumpler and S.G. Lucas, eds., Volcanology in New Mexico Publication_Date: 2001 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin Issue_Identification: 18 Other_Citation_Details: p. 97-129 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2001 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Smith (2001) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Smith, G.A. Title: Middle to Late Cenozoic development of the Rio Grande rift and adjacent regions in northern New Mexico, in Mack, G. H., and Giles, K. A., eds., The Geology of New Mexico-A Geologic History Publication_Date: 2004 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Geological Society Special Publication Issue_Identification: 11 Other_Citation_Details: p. 331-358 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2004 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Smith (2004) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Smith, G. A. Originator: Kuhle, A. J. Title: Geologic map of the Santo Domingo Pueblo quadrangle, Sandoval County, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1998 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Open- file Digital Map Issue_Identification: OF-DM-26 Other_Citation_Details: none Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1998 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Smith and Kuhle (1998a) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Smith, G.A. Originator: Kuhle, A.J. Title: Geologic map of the Santo Domingo Pueblo SW quadrangle, Sandoval County, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1998 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Open- file Digital Map Issue_Identification: OF-DM-26 Other_Citation_Details: 1 sheet and text Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1998 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Smith and Kuhle (1998b) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Smith, G.A. Originator: Kuhle, A.J. Originator: University of New Mexico Title: Unpublished geologic mapping Publication_Date: Unpublished material Series_Information: Series_Name: Unpublished material Issue_Identification: Unpublished material Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: Unknown Source_Currentness_Reference: Unknown Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Smith, Kuhle, and University of New Mexico (unpublished) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Smith, G. A. Originator: Lavine, Alex Title: What is the Cochiti Formation? Publication_Date: 1996 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook Issue_Identification: 47 Other_Citation_Details: p.219-224 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1996 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Smith and Lavine (1996) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Smith, G.A. Originator: McIntosh, William Originator: Kuhle, A.J. Title: Sedimentologic and geomorphic evidence for seesaw subsidence of the Santo Domingo accommodation-zone basin, Rio Grande rift, New Mexico Publication_Date: 2001 Series_Information: Series_Name: Geological Society of America Bulletin Issue_Identification: v. 113 Other_Citation_Details: p. 561-574 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2001 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Smith and others (2001) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Smith, R.L. Originator: Bailey, R.A. Originator: Ross, C.S. Title: Geologic map of the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1970 Series_Information: Series_Name: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Issue_Identification: I-571 Other_Citation_Details: none Source_Scale_Denominator: 125000 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1970 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Smith and others (1970) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Spiegel, Zane Originator: Baldwin, Brewster Title: Geology and Water Resources of the Santa Fe area Publication_Date: 1963 Series_Information: Series_Name: U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper Issue_Identification: 1525 Other_Citation_Details: 258 p. Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1963 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Spiegel and Baldwin (1963) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Stearns, C.E. Title: Tertiary geology of the Galisteo-Tonque area, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1953 Series_Information: Series_Name: Geological Society of America Bulletin Issue_Identification: v. 64 Other_Citation_Details: p. 459-508 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1953 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Stearns (1953) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Sun, Ming-shan Originator: Baldwin, Brewster Title: Volcanic rocks of the Cienega area, Santa Fe County, New Mexico Publication_Date: 1958 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin Issue_Identification: 54 Other_Citation_Details: 80 p. Source_Scale_Denominator: 15840 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1958 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Sun and Baldwin (1958) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Thompson, R A. Originator: Shroba, R R. Originator: Hudson, M.R. Originator: U.S. Geological Survey Title: Unpublished geologic mapping Publication_Date: Unpublished material Series_Information: Series_Name: Unpublished material Issue_Identification: Unpublished material Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: Unknown Source_Currentness_Reference: Unknown Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Thompson, Shroba, Hudson, and U.S. Geological Survey (unpublished) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: WoldeGabriel, G. Originator: Warren, R.G. Originator: Broxton, D.E. Originator: Vaniman, D.T. Originator: Heizler, M.T. Originator: Kluk, E.C. Originator: Peters, L. Title: Episodic volcanism, petrology, and lithostratigraphy of the Pajarito Plateau and adjacent areas of the Espanola Basin and the Jemez Mountains, in L.S. Crumpler and S.G. Lucas, eds., Volcanology in New Mexico Publication_Date: 2001 Series_Information: Series_Name: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin Issue_Identification: 18 Other_Citation_Details: p. 97-129 Type_of_Source_Media: paper Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2001 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: WoldeGabriel and others (2001) Source_Contribution: geologic data source Process_Step: Process_Description: Published geologic mapping by Sawyer and others (2001) for the Tetilla Peak quadrangle, Santa Fe and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico at 1:24,000 was integrated by Theodore Brandt. ArcInfo was utilized to conduct final editing and modification of map elements, build and tag polygons, assign attributes to map elements, and generate a checkplot of the final geologic compilation. Process_Date: 2004 Process_Step: Process_Description: Published geologic mapping by Smith and Kuhle (1998) for the Santo Domingo Pueblo and Santo Domingo Pueblo S.W. 7.5-minute quadrangles, Sandoval County, New Mexico at 1:24,000 was integrated by Theodore Brandt. ArcInfo was utilized to conduct final editing and modification of map elements, build and tag polygons, assign attributes to map elements, and generate a checkplot of the final geologic compilation. Process_Date: 2004 Process_Step: Process_Description: Unpublished geologic mapping by Gary Smith and Andrike Kuhle for the Caņada 7.5-minute quadrangle, supplemented by the published geologic map of the St. Peter's Dome area by Fraser Goff, Jamie Gardner, and Greg Valentine at 1:24,000 was integrated by Theodore Brandt. ArcInfo was utilized to conduct final editing and modification of map elements, build and tag polygons, assign attributes to map elements, and generate a checkplot of the final geologic compilation Process_Date: 2004 Process_Step: Process_Description: Unpublished geologic mapping by David P. Dethier for the Cochiti Dam quadrangle, supplemented by the published geologic map of the St. Peter's Dome area by Fraser Goff, Jamie Gardner, and Greg Valentine at 1:24,000 was integrated and simplified by Theodore Brandt. ArcInfo was utilized to conduct final editing and modification of map elements, build and tag polygons, assign attributes to map elements, and generate a checkplot of the final geologic compilation Process_Date: 2004 Process_Step: Process_Description: Unpublished geologic mapping by Ren Thompson and Ralph Shroba for the Montoso Peak quadrangle was integrated by Theodore Brandt. ArcInfo was utilized to conduct final editing and modification of map elements, build and tag polygons, assign attributes to map elements, and generate a checkplot of the final geologic compilation Process_Date: 2004 Process_Step: Process_Description: Checkplots of the coverages were printed and checked against source materials for accuracy and completeness. The database information was checked visually and using various routines in ArcInfo for accuracy and consistency. Process_Date: 2004 Process_Step: Process_Description: Metadata for the Geologic Setting of the La Bajada Constriction and Cochiti Pueblo Area mapping project was created by Theodore Brandt, U.S. Geological Survey. Process_Date: 2004 Process_Step: Process_Description: Metadata for the Geologic Setting of the La Bajada Constriction and Cochiti Pueblo Area mapping project was revised by Theodore Brandt, U.S. Geological Survey. Process_Date: 2007 Spatial_Data_Organization_Information: Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Vector Spatial_Reference_Information: Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition: Planar: Planar_Coordinate_Information: Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair Coordinate_Representation: Abscissa_Resolution: 5 Ordinate_Resolution: 5 Planar_Distance_Units: METERS Grid_Coordinate_System: Universal_Transverse_Mercator: UTM_Zone_Number: 13 Transverse_Mercator: Scale_Factor_at_Central_Meridian: .9996 Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -105.0000 Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 0.00 False_Easting: 500000.0000 False_Northing: 0.0000 Grid_Coordinate_System_Name: Universal Transverse Mercator Geodetic_Model: Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1927 Ellipsoid_Name: Clarke 1866 Semi-major_Axis: 6378206.4 Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 294.98 Entity_and_Attribute_Information: Overview_Description: Entity_and_Attribute_Overview: The data is supplied in ARCINFO export format and ArcView shapefile format. DATABASE STRUCTURE - ArcInfo ==================================== This GIS database includes related look-up tables, which store detailed attribute information. This database structure is more fully described in USGS OFR 99-438. The GIS database structure used in the database includes symbol and pattern items in coverage point, polygon (PAT), and arc (AAT) attribute tables for user convenience. ArcInfo relates for each coverage are saved in a file named .rel. Use the RELATE command with the restore argument at the arc prompt to make the relates active. Alternatively, in ArcTools, use the Relate environment: open dialog in the Manage - Relates flyout menu under the ArcTools menu to make the relates active. cochcomu coverage: Contains all contact lines and label points for each geologic polygon. In the .pat INFO file file the UNIT item provides a number corresponding to the stratigraphic order of the rock unit. The SOURCE item provides a numeric code used to identify the data source for the rock unit. Complete references for the sources listed are listed in the cochcomu.ref file. The LABEL item indicates the symbol (abbreviation) used to label the unit on map. The DESC item defines formal or informal unit name. The SYMBOL item contains the shadeset symbol number used by ArcInfo to plot a filled/shaded polygon. The symbol numbers in this item refer to the wpgcmykg.shd shadeset included with the dataset. The PATTERN item contains the pattern number used in the published version of the map. Patterns that correspond with the pattern numbers are displayed in USGS OFR 99-430. There is no ArcInfo shadeset which corresponds to these patterns. In the cochcomu.aat INFO file the LINECODE item provides a numeric code used to identify type of linear feature. Linecodes less than 100 are used for contacts and boundaries which are described in the cochcomu.con file. Linecodes greater than 100 are used for structures that are described in the cochcomu.str file. The NAME item lists the name given to structural feature. The SOURCE item lists the numeric code used to identify the data source for the linear feature. The SYMBOL item lists the line symbol number used by ArcInfo to plot the line (Symbol numbers refer to the geol_sfo.lin lineset). Complete references for the sources are listed in the cochcomu.ref file. Related look-up table files are cochcomu.con, cochcomu.str, and cochcomu.ref. In the cochcomu.con INFO file, the LINECODE item indicates the numeric code (a value less than 100) used to identify type of contact or boundary. The SYMBOL item lists the line symbol number used by ArcInfo to plot the line (symbol numbers refer to the geol_sfo.lin lineset included with the dataset). The TYPE item lists the major type of line (for example, contact, State boundaries, lines of latitude and longitude used for neatlines). The MODIFIER item lists the line type modifier, (that is, approximate, concealed, or gradational). No entry implies 'known.' The CERTAINTY item lists the degree of certainty of contact or boundary, (that is, inferred or uncertain). No entry implies 'certain.' The DESC item lists the written description or explanation of the contact or boundary. In the cochcomu.str INFO file, the LINECODE item indicates the numeric code (a value greater than 100) used to identify type of structure. The SYMBOL item lists the line symbol number used by ArcInfo to plot the line (symbol numbers refer to the geol_sfo.lin lineset included with the dataset). The TYPE item lists the major type of line, (for example, fault or fold-axis). The HORIZONTAL item refers to the type of horizontal fault movement (for example, left-lateral or right-lateral). No entry implies 'unknown' or no strike-slip movement. The VERTICAL item refers to the type of vertical fault movement (for example, normal). No entry implies 'unknown' or no dip-slip movement. The FOLD item refers to the type of fold, (for example, anticline or syncline). The PLUNGE item refers to the type of plunge on fold, (that is, horizontal, plunging, plunging in, or plunging out). The ACCURACY item refers to the line type modifier indicating degree of accuracy, (that is, approximately located, concealed, gradational). No entry implies 'certain.' The CERTAINTY item lists the degree of certainty of structure, (that is, inferred, uncertain). No entry implies 'certain.' The DESC item lists the written description or explanation of the structure. The INFO structure of these files is listed below: >COCHCOMU.PAT: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE > 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 > 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 > 17 COCHCOMU# 4 5 B - > 21 COCHCOMU-ID 4 5 B - > 25 UNIT 4 4 I - > 29 SOURCE 4 4 I - > 33 LABEL 10 10 C - > 43 SYMBOL 3 3 I - > 46 DESC 100 100 C - > 146 PATTERN 4 4 I - >COCHCOMU.AAT: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - > 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - > 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - > 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - > 17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5 > 25 COCHCOMU# 4 5 B - > 29 COCHCOMU-ID 4 5 B - > 33 LINECODE 3 3 I - > 36 NAME 100 100 C - > 136 SOURCE 4 4 I - > 140 SYMBOL 3 3 I - > COCHCOMU.CON: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 LINECODE 3 3 I - > 4 SYMBOL 3 3 I - > 7 TYPE 10 10 C - > 17 MODIFIER 20 20 C - > 37 CERTAINTY 15 15 C - > 52 DESC 100 100 C - >COCHCOMU.STR: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 LINECODE 3 3 I - > 4 SYMBOL 3 3 I - > 7 TYPE 10 10 C - > 17 HORIZONTAL 20 20 C - > 37 VERTICAL 20 20 C - > 57 FOLD 15 15 C - > 72 PLUNGE 15 15 C - > 87 ACCURACY 15 15 C - > 102 CERTAINTY 15 15 C - > 117 DESC 100 100 C - > COCHCOMU.REF: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 SOURCE 4 4 I - > 5 SCALE 8 8 I - > 13 AUTHORS 200 200 C - > 213 YEAR 4 4 I - > 217 REFERENCE 250 250 C - cochmag coverage: Contains lines representing faults located by aeromagnetic survey. In the cochmag.aat INFO file the LINECODE item provides a numeric code used to identify type of linear feature. Linecodes less than 100 are used for contacts and boundaries which do not occur in this coverage. Linecodes greater than 100 are used for structures that are described in the cochmag.str file. The NAME item lists the name given to structural feature. The SOURCE item lists the numeric code used to identify the data source for the linear feature. The SYMBOL item lists the line symbol number used by ArcInfo to plot the line (Symbol numbers refer to the geol_sfo.lin lineset). Complete references for the sources are listed in the cochmag.ref file. Related look-up table files are cochmag.str, and cochmag.ref. In the cochmag.str INFO file, the LINECODE item indicates the numeric code (a value greater than 100) used to identify type of structure. The SYMBOL item lists the line symbol number used by ArcInfo to plot the line (symbol numbers refer to the geol_sfo.lin lineset included with the dataset). The TYPE item lists the major type of line, (for example, fault or fold-axis). The HORIZONTAL item refers to the type of horizontal fault movement (for example, left-lateral or right-lateral). No entry implies 'unknown' or no strike-slip movement. The VERTICAL item refers to the type of vertical fault movement (for example, normal). No entry implies 'unknown' or no dip-slip movement. The FOLD item refers to the type of fold, (for example, anticline or syncline). The PLUNGE item refers to the type of plunge on fold, (that is, horizontal, plunging, plunging in, or plunging out). The ACCURACY item refers to the line type modifier indicating degree of accuracy, (that is, approximately located, concealed, gradational). No entry implies 'certain.' The CERTAINTY item lists the degree of certainty of structure, (that is, inferred, uncertain). No entry implies 'certain.' The DESC item lists the written description or explanation of the structure. >COCHMAG.AAT: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - > 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - > 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - > 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - > 17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5 > 25 COCHMAG# 4 5 B - > 29 COCHMAG-ID 4 5 B - > 33 LINECODE 3 3 I - > 36 NAME 100 100 C - > 136 SOURCE 4 4 I - > 140 SYMBOL 3 3 I - > >COCHMAG.STR: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 LINECODE 3 3 I - > 4 SYMBOL 3 3 I - > 7 TYPE 10 10 C - > 17 HORIZONTAL 20 20 C - > 37 VERTICAL 20 20 C - > >COCHMAG.REF: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 SOURCE 4 4 I - > 5 SCALE 8 8 I - > 13 AUTHORS 200 200 C - > 213 YEAR 4 4 I - > 217 REFERENCE 250 250 C - cochxs coverage: Contains geologic cross-section lines for the Geologic Map of the Cochiti Pueblo Area, New Mexico. In the cochxs.aat INFO file the LINECODE item provides a numeric code used to identify type of linear feature. Linecodes less than 100 are used for contacts and boundaries which are described in the cochxs.con file. The NAME item lists the name given to linear feature. The SOURCE item lists the numeric code used to identify the data source for the linear feature. The SYMBOL item lists the line symbol number used by ArcInfo to plot the line (Symbol numbers refer to the geol_sfo.lin lineset). Complete references for the sources are listed in the cochxs.ref file. Related look-up table files are cochxs.con, and cochxs.ref. In the cochxs.con INFO file, the LINECODE item indicates the numeric code (a value less than 100) used to identify type of contact or boundary. The SYMBOL item lists the line symbol number used by ArcInfo to plot the line (symbol numbers refer to the geol_sfo.lin lineset included with the dataset). The TYPE item lists the major type of line (for example, contact, State boundaries, lines of latitude and longitude used for neatlines). The MODIFIER item lists the line type modifier, (that is, approximate, concealed, or gradational). No entry implies 'known.' The CERTAINTY item lists the degree of certainty of contact or boundary, (that is, inferred or uncertain). No entry implies 'certain.' The DESC item lists the written description or explanation of the contact or boundary >COCHXS.AAT: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - > 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - > 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - > 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - > 17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5 > 25 COCHXS# 4 5 B - > 29 COCHXS-ID 4 5 B - > 33 LINECODE 3 3 I - > 36 NAME 100 100 C - > 136 SOURCE 4 4 I - > 140 SYMBOL 3 3 I - > >COCHXS.CON: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 LINECODE 3 3 I - > 4 SYMBOL 3 3 I - > 7 TYPE 10 10 C - > 17 MODIFIER 20 20 C - > 37 CERTAINTY 15 15 C - > 52 DESC 100 100 C - > >COCHXS.REF: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 SOURCE 4 4 I - > 5 SCALE 8 8 I - > 13 AUTHORS 200 200 C - > 213 YEAR 4 4 I - > 217 REFERENCE 250 250 C - coamt coverage: Contains points recording site-specific measurements at magnetotelluric sounding locations. In the coamt.pat INFO file the MTSITES item lists the audiomagnetotelluric (AMT-1, etc.) or magnetotelluric (MT-8, etc.) sounding location. The ZF-ELEV item contains the elevation in feet of the sounding location. The ZM- ELEV item contains the elevation in meters of the sounding location. Complete references for the sources are listed in the coamt.ref file. >COAMT.PAT: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 > 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 > 17 COAMT# 4 5 B - > 21 COAMT-ID 4 5 B - > 25 MTSITES 10 10 C - > 35 ZF-ELEV 8 8 I - > 43 ZM-ELEV 8 8 I - > >COAMT.REF: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 SOURCE 4 4 I - > 5 SCALE 8 8 I - > 13 AUTHORS 200 200 C - > 213 YEAR 4 4 I - > 217 REFERENCE 250 250 C - copptsa coverage: Contains points recording site-specific measurements of geochronologic age definitions. In the copptsa.pat INFO file the SAMPLE item lists the sample number. The AGE item list the age (Ma)(million years). The UNCERT item lists the age uncertainty (Ma) (million years). Complete references for the sources are listed in the copptsa.ref file. >COPPTSA.PAT: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 > 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 > 17 COPPTSA# 4 5 B - > 21 COPPTSA-ID 4 5 B - > 25 SAMPLE 13 13 C - > 38 AGE 8 12 F 2 > 46 UNCERT 8 11 F 2 > >COPTTSA.REF: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 SOURCE 4 4 I - > 5 SCALE 8 8 I - > 13 AUTHORS 200 200 C - > 213 YEAR 4 4 I - > 217 REFERENCE 250 250 C - cowell coverage: Contains points recording site-specific measurements at well locations. In the cowell.pat INFO file the SWLFT item lists the static water level in feet. The CELEVFT item lists the collar elevation in feet of the well. The TDFT item list the total depth in feet of the well. The DTWATER item lists the depth to water in feet. The WELLNAME item list the recorded name of the well. Complete references for the sources are listed in the cowell.ref file. >COWELL.PAT: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 > 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 > 17 COWELL# 4 5 B - > 21 COWELL-ID 4 5 B - > 25 SWLFT 4 4 I - > 29 CELEVFT 4 4 I - > 33 TDFT 4 4 I - > 37 DTWATER 4 4 I - > 41 WELLNAME 80 80 C - >COWELL.REF: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 SOURCE 4 4 I - > 5 SCALE 8 8 I - > 13 AUTHORS 200 200 C - > 213 YEAR 4 4 I - > 217 REFERENCE 250 250 C - pmagu coverage: Contains points recording site-specific measurements at well locations. In the pmagu.pat INFO file the SITE item lists the paleomagnetic site number. The POLARITY item lists the magnetic polarity at the site: Normal (N) or Reversed (R). Complete references for the sources are listed in the pmagu.ref file. >PMAGU.PAT: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 > 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 > 17 PMAGU# 4 5 B - > 21 PMAGU-ID 4 5 B - > 25 SITE 8 8 C - > 33 POLARITY 8 8 C - >PMAGU.REF: > >COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 SOURCE 4 4 I - > 5 SCALE 8 8 I - > 13 AUTHORS 200 200 C - > 213 YEAR 4 4 I - > 217 REFERENCE 250 250 C - cochlgrd grid: Contains hillshade values derived from USGS National Elevation Dataset (NED) 10 meter resolution elevation data for the Geologic Map of the Cochiti Pueblo Area, New Mexico. The grid's projection is the same UTM nad27 datum projection used for the geologic database coverages. The illumination angle for the hillshade's shaded relief grid was generated at an azimuth of 315 degrees and horizon angle of 45 degrees. In the integer grid's cochlgrd.vat INFO file, the VALUE item lists integer values that describe the illumination level of a cell or group of cells comprising a zone. The COUNT item lists the number of cells in a zone. In the grid's cochlgrd.sta INFO file, the MIN item contains the minimum value, the MAX item contains the maximum value, the MEAN item contain the average value, and the STDV item contains the standard deviation. >COCHLGRD.VAT > >COLUMN ITEM NAMEWIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 VALUE 4 10 B - > 5 COUNT 4 10 B - >COCHLGRD.STA > >COLUMN ITEM NAMEWIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME > 1 MIN 8 15 F 3 > 9 MAX 8 15 F 3 > 17 MEAN 8 15 F 3 > 25 STDV 8 15 F 3 >Coding of LABEL and DESC attributes in the cochcomu coverage: >LABEL | DESC >Je | Entrada Sandstone (Middle Jurassic) >Jmb | Brushy Basin Member of Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic) >Jmj | Jackpile Sandstone Member of Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic) >Jmw | Westwater Canyon Member of Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic) >Jt | Todilto Formation (Middle Jurassic) >Jwb | Beclabito Member of Wanakah Formation (Middle Jurassic) >Kdc | Cubero Tongue of Dakota Sandstone (Late Cretaceous) >Kdo | Oak Canyon Member of Dakota Sandstone (Late Cretaceous) >Kmb | Bridge Creek Limestone and Graneros Members of Mancos Shale, undivided (Late Cretaceous) >Kmd | Mancos Shale and Dakota Sandstone, undivided (Late Cretaceous) >Kmj | Juana Lopez, Blue Hill, and Fairport Members of Mancos Shale, undivided (Late Cretaceous) >Kmn | Niobrara Member of Mancos Shale (Late Cretaceous) >QTba | Basaltic alluvium (middle Pleistocene to Pliocene(?)) >QTbc | Basalt of Cochiti (early Pleistocene to late Pliocene) >QTc | Cochiti Formation (early Pleistocene to late Miocene) >QTs | Eastern piedmont facies of uppermost Santa Fe Group (middle Pleistocene to late Pliocene(?)) >QTsa | Axial river gravel facies of Sierra Ladrones Formation (early Pleistocene to late Miocene) >QTsp | Eastern piedmont facies of Sierra Ladrones Formation (early Pleistocene to late Miocene) >QTt | Tuerto Gravel and Ancha Formation, undivided (middle Pleistocene to Pliocene) >Qac | Alluvium and colluvium, undivided (Holocene and late Pleistocene) >Qact | Older alluvium and Cerro Toledo Rhyolite, undivided (early Pleistocene) >Qal | Channel and floodplain deposits of the Rio Grande (Holocene) >Qalm | Alluvium of La Majada Mesa (middle Pleistocene) >Qbo | Otowi Member of Bandelier Tuff (early Pleistocene) >Qbt | Tshirege Member of Bandelier Tuff (early Pleistocene) >Qc | Colluvium (Holocene to middle Pleistocene) >Qcc | Basaltic andesite of Cochiti Cone (early Pleistocene) >Qd | Debris-flow deposits (Holocene to middle(?) Pleistocene) >Qda | Dacite of Arroyo Montoso (early Pleistocene) >Qe | Eolian sand and silt (Holocene to middle Pleistocene) >Qec | El Cajete tephra (late Pleistocene) >Qfa | Gravelly alluvial-fan deposits (Holocene to middle Pleistocene) >Qfd | Fan alluvium and debris-flow deposits (Holocene to middle(?) Pleistocene) >Qg | Gravelly alluvium (Holocene to middle(?) Pleistocene) >Qls | Landslide deposits (Holocene to middle Pleistocene) >Qoa | Older alluvial deposits of the Rio Grande (Holocene and late Pleistocene) >Qog | Older gravelly alluvium (early Pleistocene) >Qpu | Sandy piedmont alluvium, undivided (middle Pleistocene) >Qsw | Sandy sheetwash deposits (Holocene to middle Pleistocene) >Qta1 | Oldest alluvial terrace deposits of the Rio Grande (middle to early Pleistocene) >Qta2 | Old alluvial terrace deposits of the Rio Grande (middle Pleistocene) >Qta3 | Intermediate alluvial terrace deposits of the Rio Grande (middle Pleistocene) >Qta4 | Young alluvial terrace deposits of the Rio Grande (late Pleistocene) >Qtp1 | Oldest piedmont terrace alluvium (middle Pleistocene) >Qtp2 | Old piedmont terrace alluvium (middle Pleistocene) >Qtp3 | Intermediate piedmont terrace alluvium (middle Pleistocene) >Qtp4 | Young piedmont terrace alluvium (late Pleistocene) >Qtp5 | Youngest piedmont terrace alluvium (Holocene and late Pleistocene) >TRc | Chinle Formation (Late Triassic) >Ta | Late andesite of Caja del Rio (Pliocene) >Tab | Abiquiu Formation(?) (Miocene and Oligocene(?)) >Tac | Andesite of Cerro Rito (Pliocene) >Tae | Andesite of Arroyo Eighteen (Pliocene) >Tah | Andesite of Hill 6385 (Pliocene) >Tam | Andesite of Arroyo Montoso (Pliocene) >Tat | Andesite of Tetilla Peak (Pliocene) >Tb | Basalt of White Rock Canyon (Pliocene) >Tba | Basalt of Canada Ancha (Pliocene) >Tbb | Basalt of La Bajada (Pliocene) >Tbd | Basaltic dikes (Pliocene(?) to Oligocene(?)) >Tbe | Basalt of Tetilla Arroyo (Pliocene) >Tbf | Late basalt of Tetilla Arroyo (Pliocene) >Tbj | Basalt of Mesita de Juana (Pliocene) >Tbk1 | Flow 1, olivine basalt of Santa Ana Mesa (Pliocene) >Tbk2 | Flow 2, olivine basalt of Santa Ana Mesa (Pliocene) >Tbk3 | Flow 3, olivine basalt of Santa Ana Mesa (Pliocene) >Tbm | Basaltic hydromagmatic deposits (Pliocene) >Tbp | Peralta Tuff Member of Bearhead Rhyolite (Miocene) >Tbpb | Basalt of Pena Blanca (Pliocene) >Tbpc | Basaltic andesite of Petroglyph Canyon (Pliocene) >Tbr | Basalt of Caja del Rio (Pliocene) >Tbs | Basalt of Tsinat Mesa (Pliocene) >Tbt | Basalt of Tetilla Hole (Pliocene) >Tbx | Lower lava flows, late basalt of Arroyo Calabasas (Pliocene) >Tby | Upper lava flows, late basalt of Arroyo Calabasas (Pliocene) >Tbz | Basalt of Hill 7071 (Pliocene) >Tc | Cieneguilla Basanite (Oligocene) >Tcc | Andesite of Cerro Colorado (Pliocene) >Tcm | Basaltic andesite of Cerro Micho (Pliocene) >Tcmu | Late andesite of Cerro Micho (Pliocene) >Tcp | Andesite of Cerro Potrillo (Pliocene) >Tdt | Dacite of Tetilla Peak (Pliocene) >Te | Espinaso Formation (Oligocene and Eocene) >Tg | Galisteo Formation (Eocene) >Tglp | Gravel of Lookout Park (late Pliocene) >Tka | Andesite of Paliza Canyon Formation (Miocene) >Tkba | Basaltic andesite of Paliza Canyon Formation (Miocene) >Tkbd | Biotite dacite of Paliza Canyon Formation (Miocene) >Tkca | Clotted andesite of Paliza Canyon Formation (Miocene) >Tkct | Tuffs of Canovas Canyon Formation (Miocene) >Tkha | Hornblende andesite of Paliza Canyon Formation (Miocene) >Tkhd | Hornblende dacite of Paliza Canyon Formation (Miocene) >Tkoa | Olivine andesite of Paliza Canyon Formation (Miocene) >Tkpa | Porphyritic andesite of Paliza Canyon Formation (Miocene) >Tkrc | Rhyolite of Canovas Canyon Formation (Miocene) >Tkvs | Volcaniclastic sediments of Paliza Canyon Formation (Miocene) >Tm | Basaltic andesite of Cerro Montoso (Pliocene) >Tmh | Hornblende monzonite porphyry (Oligocene and Eocene) >Tmi | Monzonite and monzonite porphyry intrusive rocks (Oligocene and Eocene) >To | Andesite of Ortiz Mountain (Pliocene) >Trb | Bearhead Rhyolite (Miocene) >Tsf | Middle part of Santa Fe Group (Miocene and Oligocene) >Tsfb | Basalt lava flows of Santa Fe Group (Miocene and Oligocene) >Tsll | Lacustrine limestone, mudstone, and minor sandstone of Sierra Ladrones Formation (Pliocene) >Tslm | Lacustrine clay, silt, and sand of Sierra Ladrones Formation (Pliocene) >Tsls | Axial river sand of Sierra Ladrones Formation (Pliocene) >Ttd | Basaltic andesite of Thirty-One Draw (Pliocene) >Tth | Andesite of Twin Hills (Pliocene) >Tto | Basalt of Thirty-One Draw (Pliocene) >Water | Open water >af | Artificial fill (latest Holocene) >Coding of LINECODE and NAME attributes in the cochcomu and cochmag coverages: >1 | Contact - Certain >25 | Contact - Derived from aeromagnetic data >41 | Shoreline >60 | Quarry >65 | Lava flow boundary >70 | Volcanic vent crater >81 | Map boundary >101 | Fault - Certain >103 | Fault - Concealed >106 | Fault - Concealed, queried >401 | Anticline - Certain >413 | Syncline - Certain >415 | Syncline - Concealed >505 | Basaltic dike >505 | Tmi dike >518 | Fault - Inferred by aeromagnetic survey >535 | Fault - Approximately located, inferred by aeromagnetic survey >Coding of LINECODE and NAME attributes in the cochxs coverage: >LINECODE | NAME >98 | Cross-section line Auxiliary files: geol_sfo.lin: This lineset file defines geologic line types in the geologically themed coverages. wpgcmykg.shd: This shadeset file defines the cmyk values of colors assigned to polygons in the geologically themed coverages. cochbase.tif: A geo-registered raster file of a portion of the USGS Los Alamos, New Mexico 1:100,000 scale base map. cochbase.tfw: A geo-registered world file to accompany the above tif format file. p1720-pl2.pdf: A print-optimized file for viewing and printing a graphics version of the map and accessory elements using Adobe Acrobat viewing software (version 7.0). (Adobe Acrobat 7.0 viewing software is free and can be downloaded at the following URL: Entity_and_Attribute_Detail_Citation: Distribution_Information: Distributor: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey - Information Services Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing address Address: USGS Information Services Address: Box 25286, Mail Stop 306 City: Denver State_or_Province: Colorado Postal_Code: 80225 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: 1-888-ASK-USGS Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 303-202-4693 Resource_Description: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1720; available as one of six oversize plates on CD-ROM packaged with printed book(book duplicated on CD-ROM, along with the plates). Order from USGS at the address listed above or see for more ordering information. Distribution_Liability: Although these digital spatial data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, they are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from their authorized or unauthorized use. Standard_Order_Process: Digital_Form: Digital_Transfer_Information: Format_Name: ARCE, SHP Format_Version_Number: 9.1 Format_Version_Date: 2005 File_Decompression_Technique: GZIP TAR archive, In UNIX use the command "gunzip -c | tar xvf -" In Windows, use WinZip ( or other programs to extract the file. Digital_Transfer_Option: Offline_Option: Offline_Media: CD-ROM Recording_Format: Joliet Compatibility_Information: MS Windows Fees: For current charges please see Distribution_Information: Distributor: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing address Address: Denver Publishing Service Center Address: MS 902, Box 25046 DFC City: Lakewood State_or_Province: CO Postal_Code: 80225-0046 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: 303-236-4845 Distribution_Liability: Although these digital spatial data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, they are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from their authorized or unauthorized use. Resource_Description: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1720 Standard_Order_Process: Digital_Form: Digital_Transfer_Information: Format_Name: ARCE, SHP Format_Version_Number: 9.1 Format_Version_Date: 2005 File_Decompression_Technique: GZIP TAR archive, In UNIX use the command "gunzip -c | tar xvf -" In Windows, use WinZip ( or other programs to extract the file. Digital_Transfer_Option: Online_Option: Computer_Contact_Information: Network_Address: Network_Resource_Name: Fees: none Metadata_Reference_Information: Metadata_Date: 2007 Metadata_Review_Date: 2007 Metadata_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Person_Primary: Contact_Person: Theodore Brandt Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing address Address: U.S. Geological Survey Address: MS 980, Box 25046 Denver Federal Center City: Denver State_or_Province: CO Postal_Code: 80225-0046 Contact_Voice_Telephone: 303-236-1901 Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998