Professional Paper 1894–C
Use the vertical slider (square in upper right corner of figure) to control base-map opacity.
Use layer icon (bottom right) to select constituent and to select display of summary pie charts.
Click on each individual pie chart for local detailed information.
Pie charts with colors indicating concentration relative to Human Health Benchmark (HHB).
Gray shading indicates approximate boundaries of Principal Aquifers (PAs). Cross-hatching indicates that a PA that
overlies other PAs.
[>, greater than; <, less than]
High: >HHB
Moderate: 0.5 HHB to HHB
Low: <0.5 HHB
Figure 1.3. Summary of groundwater-quality results of principal aquifer network in Cycle 3 (2012–22) in the conterminous United States. Maps
of arsenic and manganese are also presented in figure 16.