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USGS - science for a changing world

Professional Paper 1894–C

Figure 1.4

Use the horizontal slider (circle with three vertical bars) to compare selected data overlay.

Use the vertical slider (square in upper right corner of figure) to control base-map opacity.

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[>, greater than; ≤, less than or equal to]

Predicted probability of arsenic greater than 5 or 10 milligrams per liter

0 to 0.15
>0.15 to 0.3
>0.3 to 0.5
>0.5 to 0.7
>0.7 to 1

Predicted probability of manganese-reducing conditions as indicated by manganese concentration ≥ 50 micrograms per liter in groundwater that is
5 meters and 100 meters below the water table

0 to 0.1
>0.1 to 0.3
>0.3 to 0.5
>0.5 to 0.7
>0.7 to 1.0

Predicted lithium concentration in groundwater in the typical domestic and public supply well depth zone

>4 to 10
>10 to 30

Predicted probability of oxic conditions in groundwater that is
5 meters and 100 meters below the water table

0 to 0.1
>0.1 to 0.3
>0.3 to 0.5
>0.5 to 0.7
>0.7 to 1.0

Predicted groundwater nitrate concentration in the typical domestic and public supply well depth zone

0 to 1
>1 to 2.5
>2.5 to 5
>5 to 10

Predicted probability of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) occurrence in groundwater in the typical domestic and public supply well depth zone

0 to 0.3
>0.3 to 0.5
>0.5 to 0.75
>0.75 to 1

Figure 1.4. Interactive, searchable map showing selected groundwater-quality model results in the conterminous United States.

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