Lake Pontchartrain
Basin: Bottom Sediments and Related Environmental Resources |
Recreational Impact of Fecal Loading on Lake Pontchartrain
Basin Streams
Anderson, A.C.
Habitat Degradation of the LaBranche Wetlands and an
Approach to its Restoration
Binet, G., and A.B. Ensminger
The Lake Borgne and Lake Pontchartrain Commercial Seafood
Production from 1970 to 1989, Volumes and Variations
Boebel, R.W., and Frank C. Crawford
A Public Domain Software Program for Charting
Environmental Attributes in Lake Pontchartrain Basin
Brown, Murray L.
The Occurrence of Potamogeton Perfoliatus L. (clasping
pondweed), a Rare Submerged Aquatic Vascular Plant in Lake Pontchartrain
Burns, J.W., M.A. Poirrier, and K. Preston
Shoreline Changes of Lake Pontchartrain 1955-1990.
Calix, A.G.; E. Seeger, L. Velado, J. Rucker, and L.R. Handley
Comparison of Single-Well and Two-Well Tracer Tests for
Acquiring Velocity and Effective Porosity Estimates in the Pine Island Aquifer, New
Orleans, LA
Caraher, M.F., W.M. Dahl, and D.H. Easley
Petroleum Industry Activity in the Lake Pontchartrain
Conatser, W.E.
Historical Ecology of Lake Pontchartrain-Borgne Basin:
Condrey, Richard
New Orleans--North America's Premier Below Sea Level City
Davis, D.W.
Distribution of Heavy Metals in Bayou Trepagnier Bottom
DeLaune, R.D and J.H. Pardue
Stable Nitrogen Isotopes Studies Fingerprint Surface
Water Inorganic Nitrogen Sources Entering the Pontchartrain Basin
Delaune, R.D. and C.W. Lindau
Water Quality Monitoring Activities of the U.S.
Geological Survey in the Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Maurepas Basins
Demans, Charles R., and Charles R. Garrison
Assessing the Effectiveness of Several Protective
Measures Againse Herbivory of Cypress Taxodium Distichum Seedlings
Devall, Margaret S., and Bernard R. Parresol
Man in the Basin: Habitation and Forest Exploitation in
the Pontchartrain Basin
Dranguet, C. A., and Roman J. Heleniak
The Influence of the Introduced Eurasian Milfoil
(Myriophyllum spicatum) and Native Aquatic Vegetation on Fish Nursery Habitat in Lake
Duffy, K. C., and D.M. Baltz
Jefferson and Orleans Parishes, Louisiana, Urban Flood
Control and Water Quality Management Study
Earl, C., B. Hicks, and F. Hull
Determination of Fecal and Total Coliform Levels in Lake
Pontchartrain by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Ellis, L. E.; J.C. Francis, and D.K. Tracy
Shrinkage of the Pontchartrain Basin, The Need for a
Cooperative Regional Approach
Emmer, R. E.
Distribution of Fishes and Community Stability in Bayou
Farabee, M.V., and R.C. Cashner
Historic Changes in Secchi Disk Transparency in Lake
Francis, J.C., V. Wijesundera, D.E. Barbe, M.M. Mulino, and M.A. Poirrier
Herbivory in Baldcypress: A Threat to the Pontchartrain
Goyer, R.A., G.J. Lenhard, J.L. Chambers, and V.R. Van Sickle
Fresh Water Input into Lake Pontchartrain
Hardy, J.W.
Surface Drift Movement of Larval Marine Fishes and
Other Organisms through Passes of the Upper Lake Pontchartrain Estuary
Hastings, Robert W.
Storm Frequencies and Storm Runoff into Lake Pontchartrain
Keim, B.D.
Baseline Pollutant Data on Water Column, Sediment, and
Bivalve Tissue Samples from the Inner Harbor Navigational Canal, Chef Menteur Pass, and
the Rigolets
Lawler, G.C., and L. Hartzog
Potential Significance of Active Faults in Lake
Lopez, John A.
Lake Pontchartrain Basin Evolution; Late
Pleistocene-Holocene Geological History
Otvos, E.G.
The Fisheries of the Pontchartrain Basin
Perret, William S., L. Brandt Savoie, John F. Burdon, and Karl A. Mapes
The Effects of New Orleans Urban Runoff on the Benthic
Community of Southern Lake Pontchartrain
Powers, S.P., M.A. Poirrier, and P.O. Yund
Community Structure and Distribution of Submerged
Aquatic Vegetation in Lake Pontchartrain, LA
Preston, K.P., M.A. Poirrier, and J.W. Burns
Lake Pontchartrain Basin: Urban Nonpoint Source Pollution
Problems and Solutions
Rheams, Anne B.
Deviations Between Modeled and Measured Runoff in the Lake
Pontchartrain Basin
Rohli, R.V.
Algal Bioluminescence in Toxicity Testing
Sabaté, R.W., E.L. Dewailly, and A.V. Stiffey
North-Shore Sources of Suspended Sediment in the Surface
Runoff to Lake Pontchartrain
Smith, Sue K.
Histopathological Assessment of Two Species of Fish from
the Bayou Trepagnier
Thiyagarajah, A., and M.J. Ledet
A Review of Fish Studies on Lake Pontchartrain
Thompson, Bruce A.
Geological History of Lake Pontchartrain
Thomson, A., and R.J. LeBlanc, Sr.
The Geology and Geohydrology of an Area Representative
of Near Surface Aquifer Systems on the Mississippi River Flood Plain in South Louisiana
Turbeville, J.H. Jr.
Long-term Climatic Variability of Modeled and Measured
Runoff within the Lake Pontchartrain Basin
Vega, A.J.
Synurophycean Algae from the Lake Pontchartrain region: A
Preliminary Survey from the Southern Atlantic Coastal Plain of North America
Wee, James L., Dennis J. Booth, and Michael A. Bossier |