Lake Pontchartrain
Basin: Bottom Sediments and Related Environmental Resources |
The Oyster Resources of the Pontchartrain Basin
Ancelet, R., and J.F. Burdon
The Bonnet Carré Freshwater Diversion, a Political
Armingeon, Neil A.
Are there Regulatory Barriers to a Clean Lake? A Holistic
Barbé, Cheek, and Barbé
Analysis of Fecal Coliform Concentrations on the South
Shore of Lake Pontchartrain
Barbé, D.E., Ph.D., P.E., J.C. Francis, Ph.D., and S.D. Seenappa
Pollution Prevention and Environmental Education Efforts
in Louisiana
Branch, Bill, and Paul Coreil
Winter Population Trends of Selected Bird Species in
the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary
Brantley, Christopher G., and Bruce H. Baird
Submersed Aquatic Vegetation: Current Status and
Restoration Research
Burns, John W. Jr., K. P. Preston, and Michael A. Poirrier
Effect of Mississippi River on Water Quality in Lake
Pontchartrain, Louisiana
Demas, Charles R., and Charles R. Garrison
Algal Growth Potential in Lake Pontchartrain,
Louisiana, September 1993
Demcheck, Dennis K., and Benton D. McGee
Assessment of Water Quality Impacts to Lake Pontchartrain
by the Bonnet Carré Freshwater Diversion Project
Drake, Marvin A.
The Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation's Comprehensive
Management Plan: The Public's Vision for the Basin
Dufrechou, Carlton F.
Comprehensive Estuarine Management Framework: The
Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Case History
Flint, R. Warren
Recent Trends in Water Clarity of Lake Pontchartrain
Francis, J. C., and M.A. Poirrier
Assessment of Metals and Organics in Water and Sediments
at Selected Sites along Bayou Trepagnier
George, W. J., M.B. Anderson, J. Preslan, and S. Adams
Current Status of the Stormwater Treatment Project at the
Bonnabel Boat Launch
Gorin, Steve
The Impact of Insect Herbivory on Baldcypress in Forested
Goyer, R. A., and G.J. Lenhard
The Interacting Effects of Allogenic and Autogenic Agents
on Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin, Manchac,
Louisiana, USA
Greene, Michael C., Randell S. Myers, and Gary P. Shaffer
The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration
Act: Past, Present and Future
Hawes, Suzanne, and G. Paul Kemp
Effects of Storm Events on Sediment Distribution
Patterns in Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuaries
Isphording, Wayne C., and George C. Flowers
Citizen's Monitoring in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin
Kenwood, Clifford M.
Movement of Heavy Metal Contamination out of Bayou
Koplitz, Lynn Vogel, Renan Bu Contreras, Joy Green, Eric Hopkins, Catherine Lanier, J.
Michael Smith, and Remington Gross III
Transport of Heavy Metals into Lake Pontchartrain via
Outfall Canals
Liu, Schuang, George C. Flowers, and Wayne C. Isphording
Penland, Shea, and Jeff Williams
Effects of Urban Runoff on Benthic Invertebrates: A
Search for Causal Factors
Poirrier, Michael A., and Casey J. Rowe
Amite River Water Quality Trend Analysis
Smith, Stephanie L.
Water Control Performance of the Caernarvon Freshwater
Diversion Project
Thibodeaux, Burnell
Schools Water Quality Study
Thomas, R.A., D.F. Maygarden, and R. Scott
Sedimentation on Lower Big Creek in East Central
Tangipahoa Parish: Land use change as a contributing cause, and perceptions on the part of
citizens and the elected parish council about sedimentation in parish streams
Whitehurst, Andrew E.
Geologic Framework and Processes of the Lake
Pontchartrain Basin: A Multidisciplinary Study of Louisiana's Premier But Troubled Urban
Williams, S. Jeffress
Subsurface Fault Detection Using Seismic Data for
Hazardous-Waste-Injection Well Permitting: An Example from St. John the Baptist Parish,
Zinni, Edward V.