Lake Pontchartrain Basin:  Bottom Sediments and Related Environmental Resources

Basics of the Basin - 1996 Table of Contents

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The Bonnet Carré Freshwater Diversion Reanalysis: Science vs. Pork Barrel Politics
Armingeon, N. A.

Environmental Systems Approach to Flood Basin Management: The Amite River's Link to the Pontchartrain Basin
Autin, Whitney J., and Joann Mossa

PROJECT C.E.E.D.: Coastal Education for Economic Development
Banbury, M.M., S.E. Lyons, S. Flanagan, and D. Maygarden

Valuation of Lake Pontchartrain's Northshore Seagrasses
Barnidge, Brent

Spatial and Temporal Variability of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Carbon (DOC AND POC) in the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary: The Use of Chemical Biomarkers
Bianchi, T.S., and M. Argyrou

Management Strategies for Maximizing Growth and Survival of Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich.) in Southeast Louisiana

New Coastal Land Loss Maps for Louisiana
Britsch, L.D., and J.B. Dunbar

Submersed Aquatic Vegetation as Indicators of Water Quality in the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary
Burns, J.W., M. P. Poirrier, and K. P. Preston

In Situ Hurricane Simulations on Two Age Classes of Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) (L.) (Rich) Seedlings
Campo, F.M., G.P. Shaffer, and D.W. Llewellyn

Water Quality Improvement Using Coastal Wetlands in St. Bernard Parish
Day, J.W., J. Rybczyk, A.J. Englande, Michael Dolese and Glenn Cooper

Overland Flow of Mississippi River Water in Coastal Wetlands within and surrounding the Bonnet Carré Spillway
Day, J.W., R.R. Lane, G. Paul Kemp, Brian Perez, Joe Suhayda, and Dennis Demcheck

Water Quality Analysis of the Caernarvon Freshwater Diversion Project
Day, J.W., R.R. Lane, and B. Thibodeaux

Restoration of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin
Dufrechou, Carlton

Wetland Education: The Community College Connection
Flanagan, S.A.

Changes in the Water Quality of Bayou Trepagnier after Diversion of Industrial Discharge
Flowers, G.C., M.A. Poirrier, J.N. Suhayda, L.V. Koplitz, J.W. Clymire, and G.L. McPherson

Recent Trends in Water Clarity of Lake Pontchartrain
Francis, J. C., and M.A. Poirrier

Overview of Coastal Restoration Projects in the Pontchartrain Basin   Authorized under the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act of 1990
Gammill, S.P.

Fecal Coliform Levels in the Tangipahoa: The Present Situation
Gurney, David

Overview of Programs of Turtle Cove Environmental Research Station
Hastings, Robert W.

Restoration of a Marsh in the La Branche Ponds - A Case Study
Hawes, Suzanne R.

Population Variation in Salt Tolerance in Panicum hemitomon: Morphological and Physiological Investigations
Hester, M. W., I.A. Mendelssohn, and K.L. McKee

Water Quality Initiatives on Dairy Operations in the Florida Parishes of Louisiana
Joseph, Jr. Randolph

Construction of a 7100'-long Segmented Geotextile Tube Breakwater along the North Shore of Lake Pontchartrain
Kendrick, D. Brian, James R. Buchtel, and David M. Burkholder

Using the Internet for Environmental Education and Advocacy
Kenwood, Clifford M.

An Upgraded Environmental and Geological Bibliography for Lake Pontchartrain
Kenwood, Clifford, Frank T. Manheim, and S. Jeffress Williams

Sediment Contaminant Profiles in Bayou Trepagnier Before and After Diversion of Industrial Effluent
Koplitz, Lynn Vogel, Anh Nguyen, George C. Flowers, Gary L. McPherson, Joe Clymire, Jeff Dowling, Suzie Ramirez, Will Washington

Wave Modeling in Lake Pontchartrain
List, Jeffrey H., and Richard P. Signell

Historical Oil and Gas Production in Lake Pontchartrain
Lopez, John A.

Review and Update of Active Geologic Faulting in Lake Pontchartrain
Lopez, John A.

Project F.U.R. (Fight Urban Runoff)
Lyons, S.E.

A New Geochemical Database for Sediments from the Lake Pontchartrain Basin
Manheim, Frank T., Charles W. Holmes, and S. Jeffress Williams

Biotechnology Developments in Plant Materials for Coastal Restoration
Materne, M.D., and T.P. Croughan

Ecosystem Management in the Breton Sound Estuary
Meffert, Douglas J., and Bill Good, Ph. D.

Wintering Lesser Scaup on Lake Pontchartrain and their Relationship to Mollusk Abundance
Melancon, George E., Robert H. Chabreck

A Critical Evaluation of the Wetlands Value Assessment
Miller, M. S.

The Status of Benthic Invertebrate Populations in Southern Lake Pontchartrain
Pedalino, Francesca A., and Michael A. Poirrier

Coastal Land Loss Rates, Forms, and Processes in the Pontchartrain Basin
Penland, S., L. Wayne, D. Britsch, and S.J. Williams

The Big Stink of 1995: Observations on Algal Blooms, Fish Kills and Grassbed Decline
Poirrier, Michael A.

General Water Quality and Sediment Conditions in the LaBranche Wetlands Assessed Using In Situ Testing and Sediment Core Evaluations
Preslan, J.E., S. Adams, J. Bollinger, W.J. George, and M.B. Anderson

Testing Toxicity of Lake Pontchartrain Waters with a Bioluminescent Organism
Sabaté, R.W., A.V. Stiffey, and E.L. Dewailly

Swamp Restoration in Louisiana: Amelioration of Multiple Stressors - Is it worth the Cost?
Shaffer, G., M. Greene, D. Llewellyn, R. Myers, and D. Forder

Modeling Storm-Driven Circulation in Lake Pontchartrain
Signell, R.P., J. H. List, and R.P. Stumpf

Benthic Foraminifera and Heavy Metals in the Lake Pontchartrain
Soudamini, Mishra, G.C. Flowers, and B. Kohl

Lake Pontchartrain's Meteorological Monitoring Network
Steiner, S.J. and J.M. Grymes III

Restoring an Urban Estuary with Christmas Trees and Flowers: Making a Home Fit for the Birds
Steller, Diana Lee

The Beneficial Use of Dredged Material at the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet - Jetties Between 1985 and 1995
Tao, Q., C. Zganjar, K.A. Westphal, S. Penland, L. Mathies, B. Nord, and R. Gunn

The Potential Impact and Distribution of Zebra Mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, in the Lake Pontchartrain System from Introduction via the Bonnet Carré Spillway
Thompson, Bruce A., Yvonne C. Allen, and Patricia S. Glas

Water Quality, Diversions and Cost
Turner, R.E.

Holocene Geologic Framework and Development of the Pontchartrain Basin
Williams, S.J., S. Penland, P. Connor, D. Britsch, C. Holmes, J. Kindinger, and J.A. Lopez

An Analysis of Vallisneria americana Leaf Characteristics Near Bayou Lacombe, Lake Pontchartrain
Woods, M. K., D.M. Baltz, A. Arrivillaga, and K.C. Duffy

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