Lake Pontchartrain Basin:  Bottom Sediments and Related Environmental Resources

Data Sources

Sources for the level 1b satellite data include:

  • Louisiana State University Earth Scan Laboratory (Dr. Oscar Huh, Director)
  • NOAA National Climatic Data Center (Satellite Data Services Division)
  • University of South Florida Department of Marine Science

Selected References

Kidwell, K.B., 1991, NOAA- Polar Orbiter Data Users Guide (TIROS-N, NOAA--6, NOAA--7, NOAA--8, NOAA--9, NOAA--10, NOAA--11, NOAA--12): National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, Washington, D.C.

McClain, E.P., Pichel, W.P., and Walton, C.C., 1985, Comparative performance of advanced very high resolution radiometer-based multichannel sea surface temperatures: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 90, p. 11,587-11,601.

Stumpf, R.P., 1992, Remote sensing of water clarity and suspended sediments in coastal waters: Needs and solutions for pollution monitoring, control, and abatement: Proceedings First Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, (SPIE 1930), ERIM, Ann Arbor Michigan, p. 293-305.

Stumpf, R.P., Gelfenbaum, G.R., and Pennock, J.R., 1993, Wind and tidal forcing of a buoyant plume, Mobile Bay, Alabama: Continental Shelf Research, v. 13, p. 1281-1301.

Stumpf, R.P., and Pennock, J.R., 1989, Calibration of a general optical equation for remote sensing of suspended sediments in a moderately turbid estuary: Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, v. 94(C10), p. 14,363-14,371.

Stumpf, R.P., and Pennock, J.R., 1991, Remote estimation of the diffuse attenuation coefficient in a moderately turbid estuary: Remote Sensing of Environment, v. 38, p. 183-191.

Stumpf, R.P., 1998, Satellite imagery of the north-central Gulf of Mexico, June 1993 – May 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-484, 1 CD-ROM.

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