EXCERPT from Table 10. Summary statistics for the physical-habitat characteristics and biotic indices for the studied wadeable streams in Wisconsin.

[EPT, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera; #, number; m, meter; m/km, meter per kilometer; mg/m2, milligram per square meter; log, logarithm to base 10 transformation; --, values are not indicative of water quality]

Characteristic/index Abbreviation Units
Physical-habitat characteristics
Stream width WIDTH m
Stream mean depth DEPTH m
Mean thalweg depth THALD m
Stream gradient GRAD m/km
Percentage of pools POOL% %
Percentage of riffle RIFF% %
Percentage of run RUN% %
Depth of sediment on stream bottom SEDEP m
Percentage of silt in bottom sediments SILT% %
Percentage of sand in bottom sediments SAND% %
Percentage of gravel in bottom sediments GRAV% %
Percentage of rocky-substrate embeddedness EMB% %
Percentage of stream bottom covered by algae ALGAE% %
Percentage of stream bottom covered by macrophytes MACR% %
Percentage of stream with fish cover COVER% %
Percentage of stream shaded SHADE% %
Percentage of stream bank with erosion EROSION% %
Buffer width BUFFER m
Benthic chlorophyll a/diatoms
Benthic chlorophyll a BCHL mg/m2
Diatom Nutrient Index DNI #
Diatom Siltation Index DSI #
Diatom Biotic Index DBI #
Hilsenhoff Biotic Index HBI #
Percentage of EPT individuals EPTN% %
Percentage of EPT taxa EPTTX% %
Percentage of scrapers SCRAP% %
Percentage of shredders SHRED% %
Number of taxa TAXAN #
Fish Index of Biotic Integrity IBI #
Percentage of carnivores CARN% %
Percentage of insectivores INSECT% %
Percentage of omnivores OMNI% %
Percentage of intolerant species TOL% %
Percentage of tolerant species INTOL% %
Number of fish FISHN #
Number of fish species FISHSPEC #