Philmont Country: The Rocks and Landscape of a Famous New Mexico Ranch

U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 505

by G. D. Robinson, A.A.Wanek, W. H. Hays and M. E. McCallum

Table of Contents

What this book is about

A bird's-eye view: the Philmont landscape


Water on the land : creeks and lakes


A closer view : the rocks, fossils, and water beneath the land

Rocks beneath the plains

Gravel and sand

Black shale and orange shale

Gray limestone

Dark mica-rich lamprophyre

Brown andesite

Rocks of the benchlands

Yellow sandstone and conglomerate

Light-gray sand stone


Dark basalt

Dacite porphyry



Rocks of the hummocky hillsides

Rocks of the rugged mountains

Spotted dacite porphyry

Striped gneiss and schist

Garnet schist


Diorite porphyry

Pink granodiorite

Yellow and gray quartz sandstone

Red sandstone and conglomerate

Red shale and black shale

Limestone conglomerate


Red bomb beds

Pepper-and-salt diorite


Ore deposits?

Thoughts about rocks

Water in the ground: the lake beneath us

A cake of many layers: the rock sequence

Putting the rocks on paper: naming and mapping formations

When was this cake made?

Missing layers

Subsurface geologic processes at work

Measuring the tilt of beds

Deformed layers: tilted and folded rocks

Deformed layers: broken rocks

Philmont in three dimensions


Injections of molten rock

Volcanic eruptions

Ground water in folded rocks : artesian water?

Shaping the landscape

The network of streams

The special history of Cimarron Creek

The high benchlands

The northern benchlands

Deer Lake Mesa: hollowed by the wind?

The southern benchlands, their meadows and lakes

The lowland plains

Waterfalls and mountain meadows

The rugged mountain country

Hummoeky hillsides : fossil landslides


Landscapes of the past

Restless mountains, restless plains : the geologic history of Philmont

Exit wondering

Suggested reading

About this book



Plate 1: The Philmont Landscape

Plate 2: The Parade of Philmont Rocks

Plate 3: Geologic Map of the Philmont Ranch Region, New Mexico

Plate 4: Geology of Philmont

Plate 5: Geologic Sections of the Philmont Ranch Region, New Mexico

Plate 6: Geologic Structure of Philmont





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