Thermal surveillance of active volcanoes using the Landsat-1 data collection system: Part III, Heat discharge from Mount St. Helens, Washington
Jules D. Friedman, David Frank
1977, Open-File Report 77-541
Distribution and character of naleds in northeastern Alaska
Deborah Harden, Peter W. Barnes, Erk Reimnitz
1977, Open-File Report 77-91
An examination of the distribution of river naleds seen in Landsat satellite imagery and high- and low-altitude aerial photography of Alaska's North Slope indicates that these features are widespread east of the Colville River and less abundant to the west. Where naleds occur, stream channels are wide and often form...
Interpretation of Landsat images: Qatar (preliminary report)
Maurice J. Grolier
1977, Open-File Report 77-295
Gasfields in Devonian black shale and Landsat lineaments in parts of Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania
George Willis Colton
1977, Open-File Report 77-864
Electronic thermal sensor and Landsat data collection platform technology
Duane M. Preble, Jules D. Friedman, David Frank
1977, Open-File Report 77-87
Five Data Collection Platforms (DCP) were integrated electronically with thermal sensing systems, emplaced and operated in an analog mode at selected thermally significant volcanic and geothermal sites. The DCP's transmitted 3260 messages comprising 26,080 ambient, surface, and near-surface temperature records at an accuracy of ±1.15°C for 1121 instrument days between...
Interpretation of Landsat images: Oman
Maurice J. Grolier
1977, Open-File Report 77-296
The part of northern Oman shown on this mosaic of two Landsat images extends from Ras al Hadd in the east to the village of Wudam Alwa on the coast of the Gulf of Oman. The mosaic consists of two Landsat images printed in false color on Cibachrome material. The three major physiographic...
Interpretation of Landsat images: Bahrain (preliminary report)
Maurice J. Grolier
1977, Open-File Report 77-298
Use of imaging in the 0.46-2.36 [micrometers] spectral region for alteration mapping in the Cuprite mining district, Nevada
Michael J. Abrams, R. P. Ashley, L. C. Rowan, A. F. H. Goetz, A.B. Kahle
1977, Open-File Report 77-585
Color composites of Landsat MSS ratio images that display variations in the intensity of ferric-iron absorption bands are highly effective for mapping limonitic altered rocks, but ineffective for mapping nonlimonitic altered rocks. Analysis of 0.45-2.5 ?m field and laboratory spectra shows that iron-deficient opalites in the Cuprite mining district, Nevada,...
Data from geologic investigations in the Yemen Arab Republic during 1976
Maurice J. Grolier, J.A. Domenico, Mary Donato, G. Chase Tibbitts Jr., W.C. Overstreet, Mohammad Mukred Ibrahim
1977, Open-File Report 77-733
The results of semiquantitative spectrographic analyses for 31 elements in 126 specimens of rocks from the Yemen Arab Republic, collected mainly during February 1976 from the Precambrian area in the southeastern part of the country, provide background data for use in geochemical evaluation of areas potentially favorable for mineral deposits....
Interpretation of Landsat images: Kuwait (preliminary report)
Maurice J. Grolier
1977, Open-File Report 77-299
Urban and regional land use change detected by using Landsat data
William J. Todd
1977, Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey (5) 529-534
The Atlanta Regional Commission and the Earth Resources Observation Systems Data Center participated in a demonstration of the use of Landsat digital data to detect land use change in the Atlanta, Ga., area. Temporal overlays combining Landsat band-5 data from October 1972 and 1974 were made by using the General...
A radiometric interpretive legend for Landsat digital thematic maps
Charles J. Robinove
1977, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (43) 593-594
A legend is suggested for use with computer-generated thematic maps made from Landsat digital data that designates some of the radiometric characteristics of each thematic map unit as well as the described terrain attributes of each map unit. The relationship between spectral band and radiance for each map unit is...
Landsat data availability from the EROS Data Center and status of future plans
Russell A. Pohl, G.G. Metz
1977, Conference Paper, OCEANS '77 Conference Record
The Department of Interior's EROS Data Center, managed by the U.S. Geological Survey, was established in 1972, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to serve as a principal dissemination facility for Landsat and other remotely Sensed data. Through the middle of 1977, the Center has supplied approximately 1.7 million copies of...
User experience with the applications of Landsat data
G. A. Thorley, D. Hood
1977, Conference Paper, Atti del XXIV Congresso internazionale per l'elettronica
No abstract available....
Prospecting for ground water with Landsat images
Gerald K. Moore
1977, Conference Paper, Technical session on hydrological applications of remote sensors
No abstract available....
Structure mapping on enhanced landsat images of Southern Brazil: Tectonic control of mineralization and speculations on metallogeny
Terry W. Offield, E.A. Abbott, A. R Gillespie, S.O. Loguercio
1977, Geophysics (42) 482-500
Computer enhancement, particularly contrast-stretching, reveals a previously unnoticed east-west structural zone across a Landsat image of the southern Brazilian Precambrian shield. In this zone occur the only known economic or near-economic deposits of gold, tin, and copper. Such deposits are typically localized by small east-west structural elements. Non-economic copper occurrences...
Discrimination of hydrothermal altered and unaltered rocks in visible and near infrared multispectral images
L. C. Rowan, A. F. H. Goetz, Roger P. Ashley
1977, Geophysics (42) 522-535
Mineralogical differences between altered rocks and most unaltered rocks in south-central Nevada cause visible and near-infrared (0.45 to 2.4 mu m) spectral-reflectance differences which can be used to discriminate these broad categories of rocks in multispectral images. The most important mineralogical differences are the increased abundance of goethite, hematite, and...
Mapping of hydrothermal alteration in the Cuprite mining district, Nevada, using aircraft scanner images for the spectral region 0.46 to 2.36µm
M. J. Adams, Roger P. Ashley, L. C. Rowan, A. F. H. Goetz, A.B. Kahle
1977, Geology (5) 713-718
Color composites of Landsat Multispectral Scanner ratio images that display variations in the intensity of ferric-iron absorption bands are highly effective for mapping limonitic altered rocks but are ineffective for mapping nonlimonitic altered rocks. Analysis of 0.45- to 2.5-µm field and laboratory spectra shows that iron-deficient opalized rocks in the...
Monitoring irrigated land acreage using Landsat imagery: An application example
William C. Draeger
1977, Conference Paper, Proceedings of the eleventh International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
No abstract available....
A selected bibliography: Application of Landsat digital multispectral scanner data to agriculture, forestry, and range management
Wayne G. Rohde
1977, Report
This bibliography contains citations of selected publications and technical reports dealing with the application of Landsat digital data analysis techniques to agriculture, forestry, and range management problems. All of the citations were published between 1973 and 1977. The citations reference publications and reports which discuss specific analysis techniques and specific...
Exploration for porphyry copper deposits in Pakistan using digital processing of Landsat-1 data
Robert G. Schmidt
1976, Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey (4) 27-34
Rock-type classification by digital-computer processing of Landsat-1 (formerly ERTS-1) multispectral scanner data has been used to select 23 prospecting targets in the Chagai District, Pakistan, 5 of which have proved to be large areas of hydrothermally altered porphyry containing pyrite. The known porphyry copper deposit at Saindak was used as...
Electronic thermal sensor and Data Collection Platform technology: Part 5 in Thermal surveillance of active volcanoes using the Landsat-1 Data Collection System
Duane M. Preble, Jules D. Friedman, David Frank
1976, Report, Thermal surveillance of active volcanoes using the Landsat-1 Data Collection System
Five Data Collection Platforms (DCP) were integrated electronically with thermall sensing systems, emplaced and operated in an analog mode at selected thermally significant volcanic and geothermal sites. The DCP's transmitted 3260 messages comprising 26,080 ambient, surface, and near-surface temperature records at an accuracy of ±1.15 °C for 1121 instrument days...
Monitoring arctic habitat and goose production by satellite imagery
H.M. Reeves, F.G. Cooch, R. E. Munro
1976, Journal of Wildlife Management (40) 532-541
Spacecraft imagery, especially from the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration's Improved TIROS (Television Infra-Red Observational Satellite) Operational Satellites, permits timely evaluations of snow and ice conditions encountered by arctic nesting geese. Imagery from the TIROS satellite for 5 wide]y scattered locations in arctic North America was obtained for three...
Preliminary geologic map of North Yemen, region north of San'a, Yemen Arab Republic Landsat-1 image No. 1189-06555
Maurice J. Grolier, William C. Overstreet
1976, Open-File Report 76-741
Mapping and measuring land-cover characteristics of New River Basin, Tennessee, using Landsat digital tapes
E. F. Hollyday, S.P. Sauer
1976, Water-Resources Investigations Report 76-106
Land-cover information is needed to select subbasins within the New River basin, Tennessee, for the study of hydrologic processes and also is needed to transfer study results to other sites affected by coal mining. It was believed that data recorded by the first Earth Resources Technology Satellite (Landsat-1) could be...