Version history for Booth, Derek B., Troost, Kathy Goetz, and Shimel, Scott A., 2005, Geologic map of northwestern Seattle (part of the Seattle North 7.5' X 15' quadrangle), King County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2903, 1:12,000 [available on the World Wide Web at URL ]. Version 1.0 March 29, 2007 In the Description of Map Units, the "mass-wastage deposits" unit has been changed to a 1st-rank unit (it was shown as a 2nd-rank unit under "tideflat deposits" in error). In the Description of Map Units, the "landslide deposits" unit has been changed to a 2nd-rank unit beneath "mass- wastage deposits (it was shown as a 3rd-rank unit in error). The change is a cartographic one and not one that affects the database. Fixed typo on the Troost and others (2005) URL in the references. December 9, 2005 Initial release online at