Scientific Investigations Map 2935
The Tanacross B-4 1:63,360-scale quadrangle, through which the Alaska Highway runs, is in east-central Alaska about 100 mi west of the Yukon border. The surficial geologic mapping in the quadrangle is in support of the "Geologic Mapping in support of land, resources, and hazards issues in Alaska" Project of the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program. The Tanacross B-4 quadrangle contains parts of two physiographic provinces, the Yukon-Tanana Upland and the Northway-Tanana Lowland. The gently rolling hills of the Yukon-Tanana Upland, in the northern and eastern map area, rise to about 3,100 ft. The Northway-Tanana Lowland, in the western and southern map area, contains the westerly flowing Tanana River. Elevations along the floor of the lowland generally range between 1,540 and 1,700 ft. The dominant feature within the map is the Tok fan, which occupies about 20 percent of the map area. This large, nearly featureless fan contains a high percentage of volcanic clasts derived from outside the present-day drainage of the Tok River. The map provides interpretations of the Quaternary surficial deposits and associated geologic hazards in this area of the upper Tanana valley. Because the map area is dominated by various surficial deposits, the map depicts 13 different Quaternary surficial units consisting of man-made, alluvial, colluvial, organic, lacustrine, and eolian deposits. Deposits shown on this map are generally greater than 1 m thick. The map is accompanied by a text containing unit descriptions incorporating information pertaining to material type, location, associated hazards, resource use (if any), and thickness. This map is available from USGS: Maps on Demand. |
Version 1.0 Posted November 2006
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