GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE WARM SPRING CANYON AREA, DEATH VALLEY NATIONAL PARK, INYO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, WITH A DISCUSSION OF THE REGIONAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STRATIGRAPHY AND STRUCTURE Scientific Investigations Map 2974 By Chester T. Wrucke, Paul Stone, and Calvin H. Stevens 2007 DESCRIPTION OF DATA FILES By Paul Stone INTRODUCTION The results of this mapping of the geology of the Warm Spring Canyon area are presented as a digital geologic map database. This document describes the types and contents of files comprising the database. Information on how to extract and plot the map also is provided. This publication includes ARC/INFO (Environmental Systems Research Institute, version 8.1.2 coverages and associated tables; Portable Document Format (PDF) files of the geologic map (which includes four structural cross sections) and an accompanying geologic pamphlet; and a text file of FGDC- compliant metadata for the report. GEOLOGIC MAP DATABASE FILES AND ASSOCIATED FILES All files listed in this section are in a compressed tar file named SIM2974.tar.gz; see section below titled, SOFTWARE UTILITIES. ARC/INFO Coverage Contains Interchange file wsc_geo.e00 wsc_geo Contacts, faults, and rock units wsc_str.e00 wsc_str Folds; attitudes and dip values wsc_bvt.e00 wsc_bvt Inferred original trace of the Butte Valley Thrust wsc_sample.e00 wsc_sample Sample localities wsc_xs.e00 wsc_xs Cross-section lines The directory, info/, is produced in the process of importing interchange files to ARC coverages in ARC/INFO. The info/ directory contains: Polygon attribute table wsc_geo.pat Arc attribute tables wsc_geo.aat, wsc_str.aat, wsc_xs.aat, wsc_bvt.aat Point attribute tables wsc_str.pat, wsc_sample.pat FILES FOR VIEWING AND PLOTTING SIM2974_map.pdf A Portable Document Format (PDF) file for viewing and plotting the geologic map at full scale. The plot is approximately 29 x 37 inches in size. SIM2974_pamphlet.pdf A Portable Document Format (PDF) file for viewing and printing a pamphlet that accompanies the map. The pamphlet contains a geologic interpretation and the description of map units. METADATA SIM2974_met.txt Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) compliant metadata file derived from the digital database SOFTWARE UTILITIES Files that have the .gz file extension were compressed using gzip. Gzip utilities are available free of charge via the Internet at the gzip home page, The data package is additionally bundled into a single tar (tape archive) file. The individual files must be extracted using a tar utility, available free of charge via the Internet through links on the Common Internet File Formats page, One such utility is WinZip, available at (WinZip can also decompress files). HOW TO OBTAIN THE DIGITAL FILES The digital files constituting the geologic map database of this report may be obtained via the Internet from the U.S. Geological Survey publications website. Go to the web page at and follow the directions to download the files. EXTRACTING THE GEOLOGIC MAP DATABASE FROM THE TAR FILE After downloading the files, they must be uncompressed using a gzip utility such as gzip itself or WinZip. The data files must then be extracted using the appropriate tar utility. To do this Type this at the Unix command prompt Uncompress SIM2974.tar.gz gzip -d SIM2974.tar.gz (or use gzip utility to SIM2974.tar of choice) Go to the directory that will cd local_directory hold the directory wsc/ (if different from local_directory) Extract the Warm Spring Canyon tar -xvof {path to tar file}/SIM2974.tar directory from the tar file (or use tar utility of choice) This process will create a directory, wsc/, that contains the ARC/INFO interchange files and supporting files. CONVERTING THE ARC/INFO EXPORT FILES ARC interchange (.e00) files are converted to ARC coverages using the ARC command IMPORT with the option COVER. ARC interchange files also can be read by some other Geographic Information Systems. Please consult your GIS documentation to see if you can use ARC interchange files and to determine the procedure for importing them. PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT (PDF) FILES The PDF files are accessed using Adobe Acrobat Reader software, available free from the Adobe website Follow instructions at the website to download and install the software. Acrobat Reader contains an on-line manual and tutorial.