Suggested citation and version history for: Wrucke, Chester T., Stone, Paul, and Stevens, Calvin H., 2007, revised 2008, Geologic map of the Warm Spring Canyon area, Death Valley National Park, Inyo County, California, with a discussion of the regional significance of the stratigraphy and structure: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2974, v. 1.1, 40 p., 1 plate, scale 1:24,000 []. Version 1.1, October 31, 2008 1. Replaced Figure 9 (p. 22). The original Figure 9 showed three ammonoid specimens stated to be from the upper member of the Permian Owens Valley Formation. The authors later discovered the illustrated specimens to be Lower Triassic ammonoids from another formation in the region, but which erroneously had been thought to be from the Owens Valley Formation. The new Figure 9 shows two unidentified ammonoid specimens collected from the Owens Valley Formation in Warm Spring Canyon by one of the authors (Wrucke). The photographs in the new Figure 9 are reproduced from the Ph.D. dissertation of Wrucke (1966). 2. Made minor revisions to last paragraph on p. 21 (beginning with "Ammonoid impressions" and extending to p. 23) to reflect new content of Figure 9. 3. Added Addendum (p. 40). The addendum contains additional taxonomic and biostratigraphic information on ammonoids from the Owens Valley Formation in Warm Spring Canyon. This information came to light after the original publication of the report. The addendum makes reference to a Ph.D. dissertation (Lee, 1975) in which ammonoid specimens collected from the Owens Valley Formation in Warm Spring Canyon by one of the authors (Stevens) are described and illustrated. 4. Added Figure 10 (in the addendum). This figure illustrates four ammonoid specimens from the Owens Valley Formation in Warm Spring Canyon with photographs reproduced from the Ph.D. dissertation of Lee (1975). Version 1.0, December 18, 2007 Initial release online at