Value | Definition |
Qs | Surficial deposits, undivided (Quaternary)
bu | Bedrock unknown (Unknown)
Kk | Kuskokwim Group, undivided (Cretaceous, Campanian(?) to Albian(?))
Kkn | Kuskokwim Group, nearshore facies (Cretaceous)
Kkv | Kuskokwim Group(?), volcanogenic rocks (Cretaceous(?))
KJvs | Volcanic and sedimentary rocks (Lower Cretaceous to Middle Jurassic)
KJv | Olivine basalt and fragmental volcanic rocks (Cretaceous or Jurassic)
Jkw | Graywacke of Kulukak Bay (Middle to Upper Jurassic)
Mzm | Melange (Mesozoic(?))
KTrag | Argillite and graywacke (Lower Cretaceous to Upper Triassic)
KTragi | Argillite and graywacke, cut by dike swarms (Lower Cretaceous to Upper Triassic)
Jms | Sedimentary rocks (Lower Jurassic)
JTrp | Phyllite and chert (Lower Jurassic and Upper Triassic(?))
Trcg | Chert and limestone (Upper Triassic)
Trv | Volcanic rocks (Upper Triassic)
TrPzrc | Rainbow chert (Triassic(?) to Paleozoic(?))
Pv | Volcanic rocks (Permian(?))
Pls | Limestone (Permian)
Pcs | Clastic rocks (Permian(?))
MDv | Greenstone and schist (Mississippian(?) and (or) Devonian(?))
Pzc | Black chert (lower Paleozoic(?))
Jssc | Chert, sandstone, and siltstone (Lower Jurassic)
Trlc | Limestone, silty limestone, and chert (Upper Triassic, Norian)
DZn | Farewell terrane, Nixon Fork subterrane of Decker and others (1994), undivided (Devonian(?) to Proterozoic)
Sab | Algal boundstone (Upper Silurian, Pridoki and Ludlow)
Sls | Lime mudstone (Upper Silurian, Wenlock to late Llandover)
Olss | Tcherskidium-bearing limestone (Upper Ordovician, Ashgillian)
Os | Shale (Ordovician)
Oab | Algal boundstone and lime mudstone (Lower Ordovician)
Ols | Lime mudstone (Lower Ordovician)
Cls | Limestone (Middle Cambrian)
Cs | Clastic and carbonate rocks (Lower Cambrian)
Zs | Dolostone, limestone, orthoquartzite, and minor chert (Neoproterozoic(?))
Ts | Sedimentary rocks (Tertiary, Pliocene or Miocene)
Ttyh | Kenai Group, Tyonek Formation and Hemlock Conglomerate undivided (Tertiary, Miocene and Oligocene)
Twf | West Foreland Formation (Tertiary, early Eocene and late Paleocene)
Tcl | Copper Lake Formation, undivided (Tertiary, Eocene and Paleocene(?))
Ksm | Saddle Mountain section of Magoon and others (1980) (Upper Cretaceous, Maastrichtian)
Kkg | Kaguyak Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Maastrichtian and Campanian)
KJkr | Koksetna River sequence of Wallace and others (1989) (Lower Cretaceous, Valanginian to Upper Jurassic, Kimmeridgian)
Jn | Naknek Formation (Upper Jurassic, Tithonian to Oxfordian)
Jnp | Pomeroy Arkose Member (Upper Jurassic, Kimmeridgian and Oxfordian(?))
Jni | Indecision Creek Sandstone Member (Upper Jurassic, Kimmeridgian and Oxfordian(?))
Jnst | Snug Harbor Siltstone Member (Upper Jurassic, Kimmeridgian and Oxfordian)
Jnn | Northeast Creek Sandstone Member (Upper Jurassic, Oxfordian)
Jnc | Chisik Conglomerate Member (Upper Jurassic)
Jcp | Chinitna Formation, Paveloff Siltstone Member (Middle Jurassic, Callovian)
Jct | Chinitna Formation, Tonnie Siltstone Member (Middle Jurassic, Callovian)
Jtb | Tuxedni Group, Bowser Formation (Middle Jurassic, Callovian and Bathonian)
Jtt | Tuxedni Group, Twist Creek Siltstone (Middle Jurassic, Bajocian)
Jtc | Tuxedni Group, Cynthia Falls Sandstone (Middle Jurassic, Bajocian(?))
Jtf | Tuxedni Group, Fitz Creek Siltstone (Middle Jurassic, middle Bajocian)
Jtg | Tuxedni Group, Gaikema Sandstone (Middle Jurassic, lower middle Bajocian)
Jtrg | Tuxedni Group, Red Glacier Formation (Middle Jurassic, lower middle Bajocian to lower Bajocian)
Jtk | Talkeetna Formation, undivided (Lower Jurassic)
Jtkh | Talkeetna Formation, Horn Mountain Tuff Member (Lower Jurassic)
Jtkp | Talkeetna Formation, Portage Creek Agglomerate Member (Lower Jurassic)
Jtkm | Talkeetna Formation, Marsh Creek Breccia Member (Lower Jurassic)
Trk | Kamishak Formation, undivided (Upper Triassic, Norian)
Trku | Kamishak Formation, Ursus Member (Upper Triassic, Norian)
Trkm | Kamishak Formation, middle Member (Upper Triassic, Norian)
Trkb | Kamishak Formation, Bruin Limestone Member (Upper Triassic, Norian)
Trsh | Gray shale and gray volcaniclastic sandstone (Triassic)
JPk | Kakhonak and Tlikakila Complexes (Jurassic, Triassic, and Permian(?) or older(?))
Qv | Volcanic rocks, undivided (Quaternary)
Qhv | Volcanic rocks (Quaternary, Holocene)
Qdf | Debris-flow deposits (Quaternary, Holocene)
Qmf | Volcanic rubble and mudflows (Quaternary, Holocene)
Qamp | Andesite and dacite domes (Quaternary)
QTv | Volcanic rocks, undivided (Quaternary, Pleistocene or Tertiary, Pliocene)
Ti | Intrusive rocks, undivided (Tertiary)
Tig | Granite and aplite (Oligocene(?) and younger)
Tpgr | Peralkaline granite (Tertiary)
Tign | Gabbronorite (Tertiary)
Togd | Granodiorite and quartz monzodiorite (Oligocene and late Eocene)
Teg | Granite (late Eocene)
Tipg | Older granite (Paleocene)
Tigd | Granodiorite (Paleocene)
KJg | Mafic granitic rocks (Cretaceous and (or) Jurassic)
Jtr | Trondhjemite (Late Jurassic)
Jla | Lamprophyre and basalt dikes (Jurassic)
Jqm | Granodiorite and quartz monzonite (Jurassic)
Jqd | Quartz diorite, tonalite, and diorite (Jurassic)
Jmu | Mafic and ultramafic plutonic rocks (Early Jurassic)
Trc | Cottonwood Bay Greenstone and Chilikradrotna Greenstone (Triassic)
MzPzb | Metamorphosed mafic volcanic and sedimentary rocks (Mesozoic and (or) Paleozoic)
Tvu | Volcanic rocks, undivided (Tertiary)
Tb | Basaltic volcanic rocks (late Tertiary)
Tpg | Gibraltar Lake Tuff (Tertiary, Pliocene(?) to Oligocene(?))
Tvr | Felsic volcanic rocks (Tertiary)
Tmv | Volcanic rocks, undivided (Tertiary, Oligocene and Eocene)
Tmf | Tuffaceous felsic volcanic rocks (Tertiary, Oligocene and Eocene)
Tmba | Basalt and andesite (Tertiary, Oligocene and Eocene)
Tvig | Ignimbrite (Tertiary, Paleocene)
TKv | Volcanic breccia and flows, undivided (Tertiary and (or) Cretaceous)
TKr | Rhyolite and dacite flows, tuff, dikes, and sills (Tertiary and (or) Cretaceous)
TKb | Basalt flows (Tertiary and (or) Cretaceous)
TKg | Granitic rocks, undivided (Tertiary and (or) Cretaceous)
TKgr | Granite and alaskite (Tertiary and (or) Cretaceous)
TKgs | Syenitic rocks (Tertiary and (or) Cretaceous)
TKqm | Quartz monzonite and quartz monzodiorite (Tertiary and (or) Cretaceous)
TKgd | Granodiorite (Tertiary and (or) Cretaceous)
TKqd | Monzodiorite and quartz diorite (Tertiary and (or) Cretaceous)
Mzmi | Mafic igneous rocks (Mesozoic(?))
Kg | Plutonic rocks, undivided (Cretaceous)
Kqms | Quartz monzonite and syenite (Late Cretaceous)
Klgd | Granodiorite (Late Cretaceous)
Kgr | Granite (Cretaceous)
Kgd | Granodiorite (Cretaceous)
Kqd | Quartz diorite, tonalite, and diorite (Cretaceous)