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Scientific Investigations Map 2996

Geologic map of Prescott National Forest and the headwaters of the Verde River, Yavapai and Coconino Counties, Arizona

By Ed DeWitt, Victoria Langenheim, Eric Force, R.K. Vance, P.A. Lindberg, and R.L. Driscoll


Thumbnail of and link to Map PDF (26 MB)This 1:100,000-scale digital geologic map details the complex Early Proterozoic metavolcanic and plutonic basement of north-central Arizona; shows the mildly deformed cover of Paleozoic rocks; reveals where Laramide to mid-Tertiary plutonic rocks associated with base- and precious-metals deposits are exposed; subdivides the Tertiary volcanic rocks according to chemically named units; and maps the Pliocene to Miocene fill of major basins. Associated digital files include more than 1,300 geochemical analyses of all rock units; 1,750 logs of water wells deeper than 300 feet; and interpreted logs of 300 wells that define the depth to basement in major basins. Geophysically interpreted buried features include normal faults defining previous unknown basins, mid-Tertiary intrusive rocks, and half-grabens within shallow bains.

Version 1.0

Posted September 2008

Suggested citation:

DeWitt, Ed, Langenheim, Victoria, Force, Eric, Vance, R.K., Lindberg, P.A., and Driscoll, R.L., 2008, Geologic map of the Prescott National Forest and the headwaters of the Verde River, Yavapai and Coconino Counties, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2996, scale 1:100,000, 100-p. pamphlet.

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