This 1:100,000-scale digital geologic map details the complex Early Proterozoic metavolcanic and plutonic basement of north-central Arizona; shows the mildly deformed cover of Paleozoic rocks; reveals where Laramide to mid-Tertiary plutonic rocks associated with base- and precious-metals deposits are exposed; subdivides the Tertiary volcanic rocks according to chemically named units; and maps the Pliocene to Miocene fill of major basins. Associated digital files include more than 1,300 geochemical analyses of all rock units; 1,750 logs of water wells deeper than 300 feet; and interpreted logs of 300 wells that define the depth to basement in major basins. Geophysically interpreted buried features include normal faults defining previous unknown basins, mid-Tertiary intrusive rocks, and half-grabens within shallow bains.