SIM 3107 README TEXT TITLE Surficial Geologic Map of the Cuddeback Lake 30'x 60' Quadrangle, San Bernardino and Kern Counties, California AUTHORS Lee Amoroso and David M. Miller PUBLISHER U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3107 URL DESCRIPTION OF MAP DATABASE AND ASSOCIATED FILES - sim3107_readme.txt - this file MAP DATABASE FILES necessary for using in an ArcMap project - SIM3107gdb.mdb - Personal geodatabase (zip file named METADATA - sim3107_metadata.txt - FGDC compliant metadata. Each geodatabase feature class also has its own metadata. FILES FOR VIEWING AND PLOTTING - sim3107_sheet.pdf - A Portable Document Format (PDF)file for viewing and plotting the map at full scale. - sim3107_pamphlet.pdf - A Portable Document Format (PDF) file for viewing and printing a pamphlet that describes map units and features of interest.