DESCRIPTION OF THE DIGITAL DATABASE FOR GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE MTM 85200 QUADRANGLE, OLYMPIA RUPES REGION OF MARS U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS MAP 3197 INTRODUCTION This digital database for the Geologic Map of the MTM 85200 quadrangle, Olympia Rupes Region, Mars includes multiple GIS features that collectively present the entire content of the geologic map, along with supporting files and metadata. Data is in shapefile and ArcGIS geodatabase format, including attribute domains, and is collated within a single feature dataset that preserves the relevant geographic information. Together with the geologic map, the GIS database provides georeferenced information on the geologic units, structure, and morphology of the MTM 85200 quadrangle. All GIS data are in Stereographic projection using the Mars 2000 polar sphere geographic coordinate system (GCS_Mars_2000_Sphere_Polar). Units are in meters. GEOLOGIC CONTENT This ArGIS geodatabase contains one feature dataset with the following features as geologic content: CrossSection_endpoints - Origin and termination of two geologic cross-sections, used to annotate each, as a point feature class. Contains an "Endpoint_id" field denoting the cross-section number and origin and/or termination. CrossSection_locations - Locations of the two cross- sections located within the quadrangle as a polyline feature class. Contains a "Section_no" field denoting the cross-section number. MTM85200_annotation - Unit symbols and leader lines as an annotation feature class. MTM85200_boundary - Quadrangle boundary as a polygon feature class. MTM85200_figure_locations - Locations of figures included on the geologic map as a polygon feature class. Contains a "Figure" field denoting the figure number. MTM85200_geocontacts - Final geologic contact polyline feature class. Contains a "Type" field denoting the type of geologic contact. MTM85200_geounits - Final geologic unit polygon feature class. Contains a "UName" field denoting the unit name, a "USymbol" field denoting the unit symbol, a "UQueried" field denoting whether the unit is tagged as questionable, and a "Sph_Area" field containing the area of each polygon, as calculated using the spheroid. MTM85200_nomenclature - Annotation feature class showing the location and extent of approved planetary nomenclature for features located wholly or partly within the quadrangle boundary. MTM85200_point_features - Final location landforms as a point feature class. Contains a "Type" field denoting the type of location landform, a "Strike" field denoting the 0-360 degree direction of the landform (as needed), and a "Reference" field denoting an instrument and image number that depicts the location landform. BASE MAP CONTENT The primary base for this geologic map consisted of a "blended" product created by overlaying a time-controlled mosaic of Viking Oribiter images (acquired during 1976 Martian northern summer) at and the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) gridded elevation. This base map served as the primary discriminator of discrete geologic unit boundaries as the means to characterize their appearance, morphology, and spatial distribution. The base map was provided by USGS Astrogeology Science Center as a 8-bit raster image in Stereographic projection using the Mars" 2000 polar sphere geographic coordinate system (GCS_Mars_2000_Sphere_Polar). Supplemental information used in the identification and description of geologic units and features included MOLA-derived products (cell- to-cell slope, aspect, and color-shaded relief maps), a Context (CTX) camera image mosaic, and the full range of Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS), Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC), High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE), and CTX images via web-linked image footprints within the project GIS. These data are available for download at: DIGITAL DATABASE AND METADATA PACKAGE ( The geologic map files, basemap, and supportive files are included in the database package, as described below: File Description --------------------------------------------------------- SIM3197_readme.txt This readme file. SIM3197_MTM85200_500K.gdb ArcGIS geodatabase containing all digital geologic map information SIM3197_metadata.txt Text-format FGDC-style metadata for the database package SIM3197_metadata.xml XML-format FGDC-style metadata for the database package SIM3197_MTM85200.mxd ArcGIS project for the database package "BaseMaps" directory --------------------------------------------------------- mola_115mpx.tif TIFF-format MOLA elevation data mola_115mpx.tfw World file that locates MOLA elevation data mola_115mpx_hlshd.tif TIFF-format MOLA-derived topographic hillshade mola_115mpx_hlshd.tfw World file that locates MOLA- derived topographic hillshade mola_viking_merge.tif TIFF-format "blended' topography and image base map mola_viking_merge.tfw World file that locates the "blended" base map viking_50mpx.tif TIFF-format Viking Orbiter image mosaic viking_50mpx.tfw World file that locates Viking Orbiter image mosiac "LayerFiles" directory --------------------------------------------------------- MTM85200_geocontacts.lyr ArcGIS layer file containing contact symbol look-up table MTM85200_geounits.lyr ArcGIS layer file containing unit color look-up table MTM85200_point_features.lyr ArcGIS layer file containing location feature symbol look-up table MTM85200_structure.lyr ArcGIS layer file containing structure symbol look-up table "Shapefiles" directory --------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains GIS shapefiles exported from the ArcGIS geodatabase described above. As such, the names and descriptions for each shapefile are identical to the content of the included geodatabase. See above "GEOLOGIC CONTENT" for details. "SupplementalData" directory --------------------------------------------------------- ctx_6mpx.jp2 JPEG2000-format CTX image mosaic ctx_6mpx.j2w World file that locates CTX image mosaic mola_115mpx_aspect.tif TIFF-format MOLA-derived aspect (slope direction) map mola_115mpx_aspect.tfw World file that locates MOLA- derived aspect map mola_115mpx_slope.tif TIFF-format MOLA-derived cell- to-cell slope map mola_115mpx_slope.tfw World file that locates MOLA- derived slope map Users of the database package may wish to download the technical and/or nontechnical pamphlet (sim3197_technical.pdf) for the contained Description of Map Units. The material described above is available on the World Wide Web at http:/ ZIP FILES The files described above are packaged within a ZIP file. Utilities to uncompress ZIP files are available for most operating systems and may be found readily with a simple web search. DIGITAL DATABASE FORMAT The digital information compiled in this report used ArcGIS v 9.3 and v 10, a commercial Geographic Information System produced by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, California. OBTAINING HARD-COPY OF SIM 3197 USGS Information Services Box 25286 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225-0046 (303) 202-4200 1-888-ASK-USGS Email: World Wide Web: ACKOWLEDGMENTS We thank Eric Kolb and Corey Fortezzo for technical map reviews.