Identification_Information: Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Oberlindacher, H.P. Originator: Hovland, R.D. Originator: Miller, S.T. Originator: Evans, J.G. Originator: Miller, R.J. Publication_Date: 2015 Title: Geologic map of the Lower Valley quadrangle, Caribou County, Idaho Edition: 1.0 Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data Series_Information: Series_Name: Scientific Investigations Map Issue_Identification: 3215 Publication_Information: Publication_Place: Menlo Park, California Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey Online_Linkage: Description: Abstract: The Lower Valley 7.5-minute quadrangle, located in the core of the Southeast Idaho Phosphate Resource Area, includes Mississippian to Triassic marine sedimentary rocks, Pliocene to Pleistocene basalt, and Tertiary- to Holocene-age surficial deposits. The Mississippian to Triassic marine sedimentary sequence was deposited on a shallow shelf between an emergent craton to the east and the Antler orogenic belt to the west. The Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale Member of the Permian Phosphoria Formation hosts high-grade deposits of phosphate that have been the subject of geologic studies through much of the 20th Century. Open-pit mining of phosphate has been underway within and near the Lower Valley quadrangle for several decades. James G. Evans compiled this geologic in 1998 primarily from maps by Oberlindacher (1983), Hovland (1981), and Susan T. Miller (written commun., 1981) Purpose: The database may be queried in several ways to produce a variety of geologic maps. These data may be integrated with other datasets and used for modeling and analysis in a Geographic Information System. Geologic maps have long been used to understand Earth history, mineral and energy resource potential, water resources, and hazards related to earth-processes. Supplemental_Information: This spatial database contains geologic information prepared on a 1:24,000-scale base map for the Lower Valley quadrangle: US Geological Survey, Scientific Investigation Map 3215. The spatial databases used to create the map file are provided as a file geodatabase and Shapefiles for uses in a Geographic Information System. Four shapefiles together form the Lower Valley quadrangle, Idaho geologic map spatial database: LV_arc - Geologic line features; LV_geology - Geologic map unit polygon features; LV_str - Strike and dip point features; LV_kar - Geochronologic sample location point features. The file geodatabase SIM3215_geodatabase.gdb is a composite of these four shapefiles and three annotation feature classes: LV_arcAnno - Annotation for geologic line features; LV_geologyAnno - Annotation for geologic map unit polygon features; LV_strAnno - Annotation for strike and dip point features. Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 2007 Currentness_Reference: publication date Status: Progress: Complete Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned Spatial_Domain: Bounding_Coordinates: West_Bounding_Coordinate: -111.501008 East_Bounding_Coordinate: -111.374246 North_Bounding_Coordinate: 42.875478 South_Bounding_Coordinate: 42.749522 Keywords: Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: none Theme_Keyword: geology Theme_Keyword: digital geologic map Theme_Keyword: spatial database Place: Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: none Place_Keyword: Lower Valley quadrangle Place_Keyword: Idaho Place_Keyword: Pacific Northwest Place_Keyword: USA Place_Keyword: Caribou County Stratum: Stratum_Keyword_Thesaurus: USGS Geologic Names Lexicon (formal geologic formation names) Stratum_Keyword: Thaynes Formation Stratum_Keyword: Ankareh Formation Stratum_Keyword: Dinwoody Formation Stratum_Keyword: Phosphoria Formation Stratum_Keyword: Park City Formation Stratum_Keyword: Wells Formation Stratum_Keyword: Monroe Canyon Limestone Temporal: Temporal_Keyword_Thesaurus: stratigraphic age names Temporal_Keyword: Permian Temporal_Keyword: Triassic Temporal_Keyword: Pennsylvanian Temporal_Keyword: Mississippian Temporal_Keyword: Quaternary Temporal_Keyword: Tertiary Access_Constraints: none Use_Constraints: These databases are not meant to be used or displayed at any scale larger than 1:24,000. Any hardcopies utilizing these datasets shall clearly indicate their source. If the users have modified the data in any way, they are obligated to describe the types of modifications they have performed on the hardcopy map. Users specifically agree not to misrepresent these data sets, nor imply that changes they have made were approved by the U.S. Geological Survey. Point_of_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Person_Primary: Contact_Person: Robert Powell Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Contact_Position: geologist, project chief Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing address Address: 520 North Park Ave Address: ENRB Building City: Tucson State_or_Province: AZ Postal_Code: 85719 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: 520-670-5505 Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 520-670-5571 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Data_Set_Credit: H. Peter Oberlindacher, R. David Hovland, and Susan T. Miller mapped the geology of the Lower Valley Quadrangle, Idaho. James G. Evans compiled the geology (and field checked various areas). Robert J. Miller converted the source map data to a standard database structure. He finalized all revisions to the spatial database and metadata, based on technical reviewers' comments. Helen Z. Kayser (contractor) made interim corrections to the coverage, created look-up tables, and prepared initial metadata. Barry C. Moring revived product for publication, and converted 2009 era shapefiles to ArcMap 10.3 geodatabase format and added FGDC reference codes for symbolizing lines line file. Donna L. Knifong made final corrections to the geodatabase, shapefiles, and metadata (ArcMap 10.5). Security_Information: Security_Classification_System: None Security_Classification: Unclassified Native_Data_Set_Environment: Microsoft Windows® XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI® ArcCatalog Data_Quality_Information: Attribute_Accuracy: Attribute_Accuracy_Report: Attribute accuracy was verified by both (1) onscreen comparison of georectified TIFF images of the original source maps with the digital geology file and (2) visual comparison of the original paper source maps to paper plots derived from the digital geology file. Logical_Consistency_Report: Polygon and chain-node topology present. Segments making up the outer and inner boundaries of a polygon tie end to end to completely enclose the area. Line segments are a set of sequentially numbered coordinate pairs. No duplicate features exist nor do duplicate points in a data string. Intersecting lines are separated into individual line segments at the point of intersection. All nodes are represented by a single coordinate pair which indicates the beginning or end of a line segment. Completeness_Report: These spatial databases contains geologic information prepared on 1:24,000-scale topographic base maps for the Lower Valley, Idaho quadrangle. Data completeness reflects content of the source document data. Positional_Accuracy: Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy: Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy_Report: The geologic map was compiled at a scale of 1:24,000. The manuscript maps were scanned and transformed to Universal Transverse Mercator projection (zone 12). The RMS error was approximately 2 meters; vectorizing probably allowed an additional error of several meters locally. The positional accuracy of the original mapping is not known. Vertical_Positional_Accuracy: Vertical_Positional_Accuracy_Report: unknown Lineage: Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Evans, J.G., comp. Publication_Date: Unpublished Material Title: unpublished green-line mylar geologic map compilation for the Lower Valley 7.5-minute quadrangle (Idaho) Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map Source_Scale_Denominator: 24000 Type_of_Source_Media: mylar Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1998 Source_Currentness_Reference: ground condition Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Evans (1998) Source_Contribution: Evans (1998) compiled the geologic map from source material prepared by Oberlindacher (1983), Hovland (1981), and Susan T. Miller (written commun., 1981). Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Oberlindacher, H.P. Publication_Date: Unpublished Material Title: Geology of the southern part of the Wooley Range, Caribou County, Idaho Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map Series_Information: Series_Name: Master's Thesis Publication_Information: Publication_Place: San Jose, California Publisher: San Jose State University Other_Citation_Details: Oberlindacher, H.P., 1983, Geology of the southern part of the Wooley Range, Caribou County, Idaho: San Jose, Calif., San Jose State University Master's Thesis, 110 p. Source_Scale_Denominator: 12000 Type_of_Source_Media: stable-base material Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1983 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Oberlindacher (1983) Source_Contribution: Oberlindacher (1983) provided geologic map information for the southern part of the Wooley Range area (on a mylar of the 1:24,000-scale topographic base map enlarged to a scale of 1:12,000). Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Hovland, R.D. Publication_Date: Unpublished Material Title: Geology of the northwest part of the Lower Valley quadrangle, Caribou County, Idaho Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map Series_Information: Series_Name: Master's Thesis Publication_Information: Publication_Place: San Jose, California Publisher: San Jose State University Other_Citation_Details: Hovland, R.D., 1981, Geology of the northwest part of the Lower Valley quadrangle, Caribou County, Idaho: San Jose, Calif., San Jose State University Master's Thesis, 108 p. Source_Scale_Denominator: 12000 Type_of_Source_Media: stable-base material Source_Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: 1981 Source_Currentness_Reference: publication date Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Hovland (1981) Source_Contribution: Hovland (1981) provided geologic map information for the northwest part of the Lower Valley quadrangle, Caribou County, Idaho (on a mylar of the 1:24,000-scale topographic base map enlarged to a scale of 1:12,000). Source_Information: Source_Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: Miller, S.T. Publication_Date: Unpublished Material Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map Other_Citation_Details: Miller (written commun., 1981) provided geologic map data for the Lower Valley quadrangle. Source_Scale_Denominator: 12000 Type_of_Source_Media: stable-base material Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Susan T. Miller (written commun., 1981) Source_Contribution: Susan T. Miller (written commun., 1981) provided geologic map data for the Lower Valley quadrangle. Process_Step: Process_Description: INTRODUCTION All spatial processing was performed in workstation ArcInfo version 7.2 and ArcGIS versions 8x, 9.0, and 9.1. DATA PROCESSING The maps were scanned and transformed to Universal Transverse Mercator projection (zone 12) and North American Datum of 1927. Map data was digitized into ArcInfo coverages. STANDARDIZING DATABASES Arcs were numerically coded by line type, and polygons were numerically coded by map unit. In addition, for arcs that utilize an asymmetric line decoration (for example, thrust teeth), line direction was adjusted to accommodate a right-reading lineset of line decorations. Paper plots were made and visually compared with the original source materials. QUALITY CONTROL The spatial database was proofed to make sure that it was all in a Clarke_1866_UTM_Zone_12N coordinate system, that all lines and polygons were attributed with a line or unit code, that the master map-unit look-up table contained the correct map label and unit name information, and that the information in the added identifier fields was correct. If we suspected a problem in line or polygon coding, a 1:24,000-scale plot of the spatial database was compared onscreen with the original source maps, and corrections to the spatial databases were made as warranted. Process_Date: 2002-2007 Process_Step: Process_Description: Dataset copied. Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: F:\Data2\moring\LowerValleyGeologicMap\shapes_2015\arc Process_Date: 20150210 Process_Time: 17512500 Process_Step: Process_Description: Metadata imported. Process_Date: 20161024 Process_Time: 18444400 Process_Step: Process_Description: Metadata imported. Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: C:\Users\moring\AppData\Local\Temp\1\xml43B2.tmp Process_Date: 20161025 Process_Time: 14062800 Spatial_Data_Organization_Information: Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Vector Point_and_Vector_Object_Information: SDTS_Terms_Description: SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: Complete chain Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 3288 SDTS_Terms_Description: SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: Label point Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 1041 SDTS_Terms_Description: SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: GT-polygon composed of chains Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 1037 SDTS_Terms_Description: SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: Point Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 16 Spatial_Reference_Information: Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition: Planar: Grid_Coordinate_System: Grid_Coordinate_System_Name: Universal Transverse Mercator Universal_Transverse_Mercator: UTM_Zone_Number: 12 Transverse_Mercator: Scale_Factor_at_Central_Meridian: 0.999600 Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -111.000000 Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 0.000000 False_Easting: 500000.000000 False_Northing: 0.000000 Planar_Coordinate_Information: Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair Coordinate_Representation: Abscissa_Resolution: 0.000104 Ordinate_Resolution: 0.000104 Planar_Distance_Units: meters Geodetic_Model: Horizontal_Datum_Name: D_Clarke_1866 Ellipsoid_Name: Clarke 1866 Semi-major_Axis: 6378206.400000 Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 294.978698 Entity_and_Attribute_Information: Detailed_Description: Entity_Type: Entity_Type_Label: LV_arc Entity_Type_Definition: ARC feature attribute file for arcs that represent linear geologic features and boundaries. Attribute: Attribute_Label: OBJECTID Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number. Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI Attribute_Domain_Values: Unrepresentable_Domain: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. Attribute: Attribute_Label: Shape Attribute_Definition: Feature geometry. Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI Attribute_Domain_Values: Unrepresentable_Domain: Coordinates defining the features. Attribute: Attribute_Label: NAME Attribute_Definition: Name of fault or fold Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Blackfoot Fault Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Enoch Valley Fault Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Rasmussen Fault Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Schmid Syncline Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Snowdrift Anticline Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Wooley Range Syncline Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Wooley Valley Anticline Attribute: Attribute_Label: Shape_Leng Attribute_Definition: Length of line segment in meters Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI Attribute: Attribute_Label: linetype Attribute_Definition: Description of line symbology Attribute_Definition_Source: Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: contact Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: contact Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: contact, concealed Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: contact, concealed Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: map boundary Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: map boundary (lines of latitude or longitude) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: fault, unknown offset Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: fault, unknown offset Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: fault, unknown offset, concealed Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: fault, unknown offset, concealed (dotted) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: normal fault Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: normal fault, (well located) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: normal fault, approximate Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: normal fault, approximate (dashed) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: normal fault, concealed Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: normal fault, concealed (dotted) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: left-lateral strike-slip fault Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: left-lateral strike-slip fault Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: left-lateral strike-slip fault, concealed Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: left-lateral strike-slip fault, concealed (dotted) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: right-lateral strike-slip fault Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: right-lateral strike-slip fault Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: right-lateral strike-slip fault, concealed Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: right-lateral strike-slip fault, concealed (dotted) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: thrust fault Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: thrust fault Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: thrust fault, concealed Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: thrust fault, concealed (dotted) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: left-lateral strike-slip fault Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: left-lateral strike-slip fault w/ vertical motion Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: left-lateral strike-slip fault w/ vertical motion, concealed Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: left-lateral strike-slip fault w/ vertical motion, concealed (dotted) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: horizontal anticline Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: horizontal anticline Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: horizontal anticline, concealed Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: horizontal anticline, concealed Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: plunging anticline Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: plunging anticline Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: horizontal syncline Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: horizontal syncline Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: horizontal syncline, concealed Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: horizontal syncline, concealed Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: plunging syncline Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: plunging syncline Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: overturned anticline Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: overturned anticline Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: extent of mine pit or dump Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: extent of mine pit or dump (disturbed surface as of photorevision of 1984) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: phosphatic marker bed Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: phosphatic marker bed Attribute: Attribute_Label: RefNo Attribute_Label: RefNo Attribute_Definition: Unique code define FDGC style line symbology Attribute_Definition_Source: Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 01.01.01 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: contact Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 01.01.07 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: contact, concealed Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 01.02.01 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: map boundary (lines of latitude or longitude) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 02.01.01 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: fault, unknown offset Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 01.01.07 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: fault, unknown offset, concealed (dotted) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 02.02.02 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: normal fault Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 02.02.03 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: normal fault, approximate (dashed) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 02.02.07 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: normal fault, concealed (dotted) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 02.06.09 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: left-lateral strike-slip fault Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 02.06.17 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: left-lateral strike-slip fault, concealed (dotted) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 02.06.01 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: right-lateral strike-slip fault Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 02.06.07 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: right-lateral strike-slip fault, concealed (dotted) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 02.08.01 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: thrust fault Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 02.08.07 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: thrust fault, concealed (dotted) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 02.07.09 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: left-lateral strike-slip fault w/ vertical motion Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 02.07.15 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: left-lateral strike-slip fault w/ vertical motion, concealed (dotted) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 05.01.01 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: horizontal anticline Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 01.01.07 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: horizontal anticline, concealed Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 05.10.05 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: plunging anticline Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 05.05.01 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: horizontal syncline Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 05.05.07 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: horizontal syncline, concealed Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 05.10.07 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: plunging syncline Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 05.03.17 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: overturned anticline Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 01.01.33 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: extent of mine pit or dump (disturbed surface as of photorevision of 1984) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 01.02.17 Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: phosphatic marker bed Attribute: Attribute_Label: Shape_Length Attribute_Definition: Length of feature in internal units. Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI Attribute_Domain_Values: Unrepresentable_Domain: Positive real numbers that are automatically generated. Detailed_Description: Entity_Type: Entity_Type_Label: LV_geology Entity_Type_Definition: POLYGON feature attribute table for polygons that represent geologic map units. Attribute: Attribute_Label: FID Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number. Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI Attribute_Domain_Values: Unrepresentable_Domain: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. Attribute: Attribute_Label: Shape Attribute_Definition: Feature geometry. Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI Attribute_Domain_Values: Unrepresentable_Domain: Coordinates defining the features. Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Qa Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: alluvium Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Qs Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: surficial deposits Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: QTb Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: basalt Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: QTs Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: sedimentary deposits Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: QTls Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: landslide deposits Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: TRtpu Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: upper part of the Portneuf Limestone Member, Thaynes Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: TRtpl Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: lower part of the Portneuf Limestone Member, Thaynes Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: TRtc Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: member c of the Thaynes Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: TRtb Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: member b of the Thaynes Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: TRta Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: member a of the Thaynes Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: TRal Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Lanes Tongue of the Ankareh Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: TRd Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Dinwoody Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: TRdu Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: upper part of the Dinwoody Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: TRdmu Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: middle and upper parts, undivided, of the Dinwoody Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: TRdm Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: middle part of the Dinwoody Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: TRdlm Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: lower and middle parts, undivided, of the Dinwoody Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: TRdl Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: lower part of the Dinwoody Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Ppc Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: cherty shale member, Phosphoria Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Ppr Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Rex Chert Member, Phosphoria Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Pprc Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Rex Chert Member and cherty shale member, undivided, of the Phosphoria Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Ppm Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale Member, Phosphoria Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Ppg Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Grandeur Tongue of the Park City Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Pwu Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: upper member of the Wells Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: PPwl Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: lower member of the Wells Formation Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: Mmc Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Monroe Canyon Limestone Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: dsm Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: disturbed surface Detailed_Description: Entity_Type: Entity_Type_Label: LV_Str Entity_Type_Definition: POLYGON ATTRIBUTE TABLE An ArcInfo feature attribute table for bedding attitudes. Attribute: Attribute_Label: FID Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number. Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI Attribute_Domain_Values: Unrepresentable_Domain: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. Attribute: Attribute_Label: Shape Attribute_Definition: Feature geometry. Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI Attribute_Domain_Values: Unrepresentable_Domain: Coordinates defining the features. Attribute: Attribute_Label: PTTYPE Attribute_Definition: type of bedding attitude Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: bedding Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: inclined bedding attitude Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: ot bedding Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: overturned bedding Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: flat bedding Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: horizontal bedding Attribute: Attribute_Label: DIP Attribute_Definition: the angle that a bedding plane makes with the horizontal Attribute_Definition_Source: AGI Glossary of Geology Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0 Range_Domain_Maximum: 90 Attribute_Units_of_Measure: degree Attribute: Attribute_Label: STRIKE Attribute_Definition: the direction that a bedding surface takes as it intersects the horizontal Attribute_Definition_Source: AGI Glossary of Geology Attribute_Domain_Values: Range_Domain: Range_Domain_Minimum: 0 Range_Domain_Maximum: 360 Attribute_Units_of_Measure: degree Attribute: Attribute_Label: PRINT Attribute_Definition: Used to reduce the number of points included in the cartographic representation of the database (map PDF). Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: y Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: include in the cartographic representation of the database Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: n Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: do not include in the cartographic representation of the database Detailed_Description: Entity_Type: Entity_Type_Label: LV_KAR Entity_Type_Definition: POINT feature attribute table for locations of basalt samples submitted for geochronologic age determination. Attribute: Attribute_Label: FID Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number. Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI Attribute_Domain_Values: Unrepresentable_Domain: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. Attribute: Attribute_Label: Shape Attribute_Definition: Feature geometry. Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI Attribute_Domain_Values: Unrepresentable_Domain: Coordinates defining the features. Attribute: Attribute_Label: PTTYPE Attribute_Definition: Alpha description of the type of point. Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: sample Attribute: Attribute_Label: PTNUMB Attribute_Definition: Numeric identifier of the point. Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: B-1 Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: B-2 Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: B-3 Attribute: Attribute_Label: PTDESC Attribute_Definition: Sample description, age and reference Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: K-Ar age of basalt 2.0 +/- 0.9 Ma (Teledyne, 1981) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: K-Ar age of basalt 2.2 +/- 1.0 Ma (Teledyne, 1981) Attribute_Domain_Values: Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: K-Ar age of basalt 1.6 +/- 0.7 Ma (Teledyne, 1981) Distribution_Information: Distributor: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Information Services Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing address Address: P.O. Box 25286 City: Denver State_or_Province: CO Postal_Code: 80225 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: (888) ASK_USGS Contact_Voice_Telephone: or (888) 275-8745 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Resource_Description: USGS Scientific Investigations Map 3215. Distribution_Liability: The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides these geographic data "as is". The USGS makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of information contained in the geographic data. The USGS further makes no warranties, either expressed or implied as to any other matter whatsoever, including, without limitation, the condition of the product, or its fitness for any particular purpose. The burden for determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user. Although these data have been processed successfully on computers at the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS regarding the use of these data on any other system, nor does the fact of distribution constitute or imply any such warranty. In no event shall the USGS have any liability whatsoever for payment of any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or tort damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, any loss of profits arising out of use of or reliance on the geographic data or arising out of the delivery, installation, operation, or support by USGS. This spatial database is not to be used at any scale greater than 1:24,000. Standard_Order_Process: Digital_Form: Digital_Transfer_Information: Format_Name: ZIP Format_Version_Number: 9.0 Format_Specification: WINZIP® 9.0 Format_Information_Content: ZIP archive for ArcInfo® interchange files (.E00) File_Decompression_Technique: To open a ZIP archive, double-click on the archive listed in My Computer or Windows Explorer, drag and drop the archive onto WINZIP®, or use the standard Open dialogue box. Use the ArcInfo® IMPORT command to convert E00 files to ArcGIS® coverages. Transfer_Size: 1.772 Digital_Transfer_Option: Online_Option: Computer_Contact_Information: Network_Address: Network_Resource_Name: Digital_Form: Digital_Transfer_Information: Format_Name: ZIP Format_Version_Number: 9.0 Format_Specification: WINZIP® 9.0 Format_Information_Content: ZIP archive of ArcInfo® shapefiles File_Decompression_Technique: To open a ZIP archive, double-click on the archive listed in My Computer or Windows Explorer, drag and drop the archive onto WINZIP®, or use the standard Open dialogue box. Transfer_Size: 2.7 MB Digital_Form: Digital_Transfer_Information: Format_Name: Geodatabase Format_Version_Number: 10.5 Format_Specification: ArcMap® 10.5 Format_Information_Content: ArcMap® geodatabase derived from Lower Valley coverages File_Decompression_Technique: no compression applied Transfer_Size: 10.6 MB Fees: No fee for downloadable data and report Technical_Prerequisites: User must have geographic information system (GIS) software capable of reading ESRI ArcInfo® file formats. Metadata_Reference_Information: Metadata_Date: 20070404 Metadata_Review_Date: 20070404 Metadata_Future_Review_Date: 20180330 Metadata_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Contact_Person: Robert Powell Contact_Position: geologist, project chief Contact_Address: Address_Type: mailing address Address: 520 North Park Ave Address: ENRB Building City: Tucson State_or_Province: AZ Postal_Code: 85719 Country: USA Contact_Voice_Telephone: (520) 670-5505 Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: (520) 670-5571 Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998 Metadata_Time_Convention: local time Metadata_Access_Constraints: none Metadata_Use_Constraints: none Metadata_Security_Information: Metadata_Security_Classification_System: none Metadata_Security_Classification: Unclassified Metadata_Security_Handling_Description: There are no security restrictions in place for this metadata. Metadata_Extensions: Online_Linkage: Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile Metadata_Extensions: Online_Linkage: Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile Metadata_Extensions: Online_Linkage: Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile