Revision History for Scientific Investigations Map 3337 Mark C. Kasmarek, Jason K. Ramage, Natalie A. Houston, Michaela R. Johnson, and Tiffany S. Schmidt Water-Level Altitudes 2015 and Water-Level Changes in the Chicot, Evangeline, and Jasper Aquifers and Compaction 1973–2014 in the Chicot and Evangeline Aquifers, Houston-Galveston Region, Texas ----------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0: Posted online July 21, 2015 ----------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1: Revised and reposted online October 2015 On sheet 5: In the Explanation section, at “Line of equal water-level decline,” “Intervals 20 and 40 feet” was revised to “Interval 20 feet.” On sheet 11: Four well symbols were removed from this sheet. (1) One well symbol located immediately northwest of the northeast 150 contour and southwest of Lake Livingston was removed. (2 and 3) Two well symbols in central Montgomery County located in the City of Willis were removed. (4) The northernmost well symbol located south of the City of Tomball in northwest Harris County was removed.