U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3376 Digital database for the Geologic Map of the Providence Mountains in Parts of the Fountain Peak and Adjacent 7.5-minute Quadrangles, San Bernardino County, California by Sue Priest, Paul Stone, and Zenon Valin Description of digital dataset files posted on this website: providence_readme.txt - this file providence_meta.txt - FGDC compliant metadata. Each geodatabase feature class also has its own metadata. - Zip file which contains the Providence Mountains map geodatabase. -- ProvidenceMtns.mdb - Personal geodatabase Contents of digital database package ( ProvidenceMtns.mdb - Personal Geodatabase Feature classes: -- provatd - attitude and fault data -- provfld - fold axes -- prov_carto - cartographic symbols for faults -- provglg_arc - geologic contacts and faults -- provglg_conc_flt - concealed geologic faults -- provglg_poly - geologic unit polygons -- provglg_pt - geologic unit points -- provgpt – tuff localities -- provsec - cross section lines Annotation feature classes: -- provmisc_anno - miscellaneous annotation -- provatd_anno - attitude and fault annotation -- provglg_anno - geologic unit annotation Relationship classes: -- provatdpt_anno - links provatd to provatd_anno - zipped package of feature classes converted to shapefiles to facilitate use of the data in ArcMap and other applications. -- Shapefiles include: -- provatd.shp - attitude and fault data -- provfld.shp - fold axes -- prov_carto.shp - cartographic symbols for faults -- provglg_arc.shp - geologic contacts and faults -- provglg_conc_flt.shp - concealed geologic faults -- provglg_poly.shp - geologic unit polygons -- provglg_pt.shp - geologic unit points -- provgpt.shp - tuff localities -- provsec.shp - cross section lines