Map of Recently Active Traces of the Rodgers Creek Fault, Sonoma County, California By Suzanne Hecker and Carolyn E. Randolph Loar Scientific Investigations Map 3410 2018 This report and any updates to it are available at This database contains all the information used to produce the accompanying map of the Rodgers Creek Fault, Sonoma County, California Files and folders: sim3410_rodgerscreekfault.kmz - Map file of the Rodgers Creek Fault for viewing with Google Earth or similar software RCFmap.mxd - Esri ArcMap file of the Rodgers Creek Fault map Data - directory containing the following: RCF_HFsec - directory containing Esri shapefiles and metadata for the Healdsburg Fault (northern) section of the Rodgers Creek Fault RCF_RCFsec - directory containing Esri shapefiles and metadata for the Rodgers Creek Fault (southern) section of the Rodgers Creek Fault Suggested citation: Hecker, S., and Randolph Loar, C.E., 2018, Map of recently active traces of the Rodgers Creek Fault, Sonoma County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3410, 7 p., 1 sheet,