ReadMe U.S. Geologic Survey, Scientific Investigations Map 3443 Geologic map of the greater Portland metropolitan area and surrounding region, Oregon and Washington, U.S. Geologic Survey, Scientific Investigations Map 3443, 2020 By Ray E. Wells, Ralph A. Haugerud, Alan R. Niem, Wendy A. Niem, Lina Ma, Russell C. Evarts, James E. O'Connor, Ian P. Madin, David R. Sherrod, Terry L. Tolan, Karen L. Wheeler, William B. Hanson, and Michael G. Sawlan =========================================================================== Files in this report are: sim3443_readme.txt This file sim3443_sheet1.pdf (79 MB) Map sheet sim3443_sheet2.pdf (13 MB) Sheet with Correlation of Map Units, List of Map Units, Figure 1, and index map showing faults and folds sim3443_pamphlet.pdf (28 MB) Explanatory pamphlet sim3443_metadata.xml FGDC-CSDGM metadata for SIM3443.gdb in XML format sim3443_metadata.txt FGDC-CSDGM metadata for SIM3443.gdb in text format (47 MB) Primary digital database for SIM 3443. Contains: SIM3443.gdb ESRI file geodatabase of geologic map features. If you cannot use this file format, see or, below SIM3443_map.mxd ESRI ArcMap10.7 map composition document for map image on sheet 1. Does not include some cartographic enhancements in SIM3443.pdf. This .mxd references rasters in which, if these rasters are to bs shown, must be downloaded separately SIM3443_CMU.mxd ESRI ArcMap10.7 map composition document for Correlation of Map Units diagram on sheet 2 sim3443_pamphlet.pdf Explanatory pamphlet resources/ Folder that contains: ESRI style file. References special fonts included in This style file is an amalgam of fill shades in and line and point symbols in, a partial implementation of the FGDC digital geologic map symbology Special fonts needed for (0.3 MB) XML-format FGDC CSDGM metadata for constituent tables, feature datasets, and feature classes within SIM3443.gdb (0.2 MB) Contains: BoringLavaAge.xslx Spreadsheet file of SIM3443.gdb/GeologicMap/BoringLavaAgePoints Geochemistry.xslx Spreadsheet file of SIM3443.gdb/GeologicMap/GeochemistryPoints LuminescenceAge.xslx Spreadsheet file of SIM3443.gdb/GeologicMap/LuminescenceAgePoints (33 MB) Open shapefile version of SIM3443.gdb. Includes shapefiles, dbf files, and CSV files that transcribe all elements in SIM3443.gdb. Reconstruction of a working database from these files will likely require some programming (33 MB) Simple shapefile version of SIM3443.gdb. Because of limitations of the shapefile format, and to simplify use of the dataset, does not include all elements (for example, complete map-unit descriptions, associated metadata tables) of SIM3443.gdb (18 MB) Selected source materials. See pamphlet for discussion of these files. Contains: OtherSources.gdb Not a fully-compliant GeMS database, has limited metadata Tualatin.gdb ditto AllDMUs.docx Table prescribing preliminary correlations between source-map units and final map units Correlations.html Table describing correlations between final map units and source-map units Correlations.xslx Spread-sheet version of Correlations.html (810 MB) Zipped ESRI file geodatabase Contains 24-ft resolution DEM, NE-illuminated hillshade of this DEM, and posterized gray-scale raster images of parts of USGS 1:100,000 scale 30x60-minute topographic maps Nehalem River, Vancouver, Yamhill River, and Oregon City The GIS database for SIM 3443 follows "GeMS (Geologic Map Schema)--A Standard Format for Digital Publication of Geologic Maps". This document, GIS tools, and related materials are available at DISCLAIMER Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.