Geologic Map of Morava Valles, Mars GIS version --------------- Rationale and Intent: This geologic map was authored by Sharon A. Wilson in 2020, and has been digitized as a GIS product for public release. Please use the original citation: Wilson, S.A., Grant, J.A., and Williams, K.K., 2022, Geologic map of MTM -10022 and -15022 quadrangles, Morava Valles and Margaritifer basin, Mars: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3489, pamphlet 11 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000, --------------- Project specific datasets are projected (meters). Projection: Mars Transverse Mercator Central meridian: 340.0E using the geographic coordinate system "Mars 2000" Major and minor axes are 3396190.0 m Also included is the *.prj file for the Mars 2000 Sphere GCS. They are all located in ...\CoordinateSystems. ---------------- File geodatabase contains one feature dataset: 1.) MTM_clon340E a) Figures_FINAL (polygon file) b) GeoContacts_FINAL (polyline file) c) GeoUnits_FINAL (polygon file) d) GeoUnits_FINAL_Anno (annotation file) e) LinearFeatures_FINAL (polyline file) f) LocationFeatures_FINAL (point file) g) Map_Boundary (polygon file) h) Nomenclature_Anno (annotation file) i) SurfaceFeatures_FINAL (polygon file) These feature classes are grouped into “Mapping Layers” in the ArcMap project. They are projected as MTM and should house all digitized map information. ---------------- Raster layers are included in the folder ...\BaseMaps\, and include: 1.) Mars_MO_THEMIS_IR_Day_mosaic_100m_v12_clip.tif 2.) Mars_MO_THEMIS_IR_Night_mosaic_100m_v12_clip.tif 3.) Mars_Viking_MDIM21_mosaic_232m_clip.tif 4.) MOLA128_88Nto88S_Simp_clon0_lossless2_MargMap.tif These feature classes are grouped into “Rasters” in the ArcMap project. They are projected as MTM. Supplemental raster layer available in the 1.) CTX_Mosaic_Beta01_Feb2018_MoravaValles_TMerc.tif ---------------- Symbols are applied to each of the included feature classes. These symbols are adapted from USGS Open File Report 99-430 (Digital Cartographic Standard for Geologic Map Symbolization). These can be viewed and downloaded at --------------- To add/remove symbols, open ArcMap project, right-click the feature class of interest, click “Properties”, and click “Symbology” tab. Highlight the symbol to alter and then click “Remove” or double-click to alter. Each feature class has an associated *.lyr file that houses the symbologies. Click “import” on the “Symbology” tab and navigate to the appropriate *.lyr to return to the full symbol list. ---------------- We suggest that all work is contained within the *\Working folder. Create sub-folders as necessary to house relevant GIS data and map data. ---------------- Comments are encouraged in order to assimilate beneficial GIS-based tools, datasets, and mapping approaches for future mappers. contact: Trent Hare Jim Skinner Corey Fortezzo Marc Hunter