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Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Evaluation of Water-Management Alternatives in the Assabet River Basin, Eastern Massachusetts

By Leslie A. DeSimone

Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5114


The original version of this report was printed as Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5119. However, the correct number is 2004-5114, as presented in the PDFs.

Also, in the original printed version of this report on table 11, page 41, the model calculated, average annual water levels for well HZW147, the A1 Impoundment, Chauncy Lake, Delaney Pond, and Smith Pond were printed incorrectly. The correct levels are as follows:


HZW147 190.79

A1 Impoundment 310.19

Chauncy Lake 280.64

Delaney Pond 230.52

Smith Pond 290.17


These levels are presented correctly in the PDFs.


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