Presesence and Distribution of Organic
Wastewater Compounds in Wastewater,
Surface, Ground, and Drinking Waters,
Minnesota, 2000–02

By Kathy E. Lee, Larry B. Barber, Edward T. Furlong, Jeffery D. Cahill, Dana W.
Kolpin, Michael T. Meyer, and Steven D. Zaugg

Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5138


URL3_Antibiotic-field-data. Concentrations (in micrograms per liter) of veterinary and human antibiotics analyzed by USGS Method 2 (see data documentation worksheet for details).

NA; not analyzed; <, less than; WWIF, wastewater treatment plant influent; WWEF, wastewater treatment plant effluent; WWTP, wastewater treatment plant; LFLCH, landfill leachate; FLLAG, feedlot lagoon; SW, surface water; SDW, surface water downstream from wastewater treatment plant effluent discharge; GWDW, ground water used for municipal drinking water supply; GWUI, ground water underlying urban/residential/comercial/industrial land use that is sewered; GWUNSW, ground water underlying urban area that is unserwered; GWD, ground water underlying a waste dump; GWFLT, ground water underlying a feedlot; DWI, drinking water intakes; DWO, finished drinking water; HN, Hennepin County; MW, monitoring well.

The data format is Microsoft Excel, the text files which can be imported into most spreadsheet programs.

Antibiotics_Field Data.xls

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