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Updated Computations and Estimates of Streamflows Tributary to Carson Valley, Douglas County, Nevada, and Alpine County, California, 1990-2002

By Douglas K. Maurer, Sharon A. Watkins, and Robert L. Burrows

Report availability: Portable Document Format (PDF).


Purpose and Scope
Geographic Setting of Carson Valley
Hydrologic Setting of Carson Valley
Previous Investigations
Methods Used
Updated Computations and Estimates of Streamflows Tributary to Carson Valley
Uncertainty of Estimates
Summary and Conclusions
References Cited
Appendix: Graphs showing computed and estimated mean monthly flow for gaged and ungaged perennial streams tributary to Carson Valley, 1990-2002


  1. Map showing location of Carson River Basin and Carson Valley Hydrographic Areas
  2. Map showing location of surface-water sites used for this study, Carson Valley subarea and study area, and physiographic features of Carson Valley
  3. Map showing location of surface-water sites used for delineation of boundaries in previous studies, Carson Valley subarea and study area, and physiographic features of Carson Valley
  4. Scatter plots of measured and simulated flows for (A) Water Canyon Creek and (B) Sheridan Creek
  5. Graphs showing estimated daily mean flow and periodic measurements of flow for ungaged perennial drainages, 1990-2002
  6. Graphs showing computed and estimated mean annual flow for gaged and ungaged perennial streams tributary to Carson Valley, 1990-2002
  7. Graphs showing (A) annual flow of the East Fork Carson River near Gardnerville, Nevada, and average annual flow for 1939-2002 and 1990-2002 and (B) annual precipitation at Minden, Nevada, for period of record and average annual precipitation for 1971-2000 and 1990-2002


  1. Site identifier information, period of record, and drainage area for surface-water sites in Carson Valley
  2. Regression model equations, R2 values, percent error, and number of measurements for ungaged drainages in Carson Valley with periodic measurements
  3. Computed and estimated mean annual flow of gaged and ungaged perennial streams and ephemeral drainages tributary to Carson Valley, 1990-2002, mean annual flow for period of record at gaged sites, annual flow estimated by Maurer (1986), drainage area, and unit-area flow

Return to SIR 2004-5179 or the Abstract.

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