Revision History


Publication Series and Series Number:  Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5180


Publication Title:  Estimated Estimation of a Water Budget for 1972 –2000 for the Grasslands Area, Central Part of the Western San Joaquin Valley, California


Publication Authorship:  Charles F. Brush, Kenneth Belitz, and Steven P. Phillips


First Version and Date of First Release:  1.00  September 30, 2004


Current Version and Date of Current Release:  1.10  October 27, 2004


Summary of Product Components


Historical List of Revisions (latest revision first)


Version 1.10 October, 2004




Last Revised in Pub Version

Date of Last Revision


Estimation of a Water Budget for 1972 –2000 for the Grasslands Area, Central Part of the Western San Joaquin Valley, California


October 27, 2004


List of Changes for Revision 1.10

            PG ii.   Date Change

Change from: U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2003

                        Change to: U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2004


        PG iv. Letter case change

Change from: Figure 13. Graph showing (A) Weekly…

                        Change to: Figure 13. Graph showing (A) weekly…


        PG v.   Word change

Change from: Figure 2. Graph showing… ground-water pumpage sites…

                        Change to: Figure 13. Graph showing… ground-water pumpage rates… 


PG 3.   number change

Change from: Paragraph 2. The study are includes all or parts of 5 irrigation districts, 14 water districts…

                        Change to: Paragraph 2. The study are includes all or parts of 5 irrigation districts, 9 water districts…             


PG 4.   Word changes

Change from: Paragraph 2. Many of these areas coincide with an incorporated irrigation district, a water district or an other

                        Change to: Paragraph 2. Many of these areas coincide with an incorporated irrigation district, or water district or another


PG 6.   Table element changes

Change from: Table 2.         J        Westlands-IS1

                        Change to:    Table 2.        J        Westlands-S

Change from: Table 2.         K        Westlands-ID1

                        Change to:    Table 2.        J        Westlands-D

                             Remove footnotes and associated references


PG 7.   Delete paragraph indent following equations (1) and (2)


PG 8.   Figure part A Changes

          Move arrow below “period of growth” label to span from 1972 through 1978. Was spanning from 1972 through 1979.

          Move arrow below “period of abundance” label to span from 1978 through 1978. Was spanning from 1972 through 1979.


PG 8.   Figure part A Changes

          Move arrow below “period of growth” label to span from: 1972 through 1978.

Was spanning from: 1972 through 1979.

          Move arrow below “period of abundance” label to span from: 1978 through 1978.

Was spanning from: 1972 through 1979.


PG 10. Delete quotation marks

          Under the heading Data Acquisition: delete quotation marks from “Consumption-distribution ratio”.


PG 13. Italicize equation font subscript

          In equation (3), subscript s on all equation elements should be italicized.

          In the text directly below equation (3) the s should be italicized: evapotranspired by crops in area s after the …


PG 14. Change subscript numerals and letters

In 3rd paragraph under header: Daily Crop Water Demand Model

                        Change from: four crop coefficients (Kc0, Kc0, Kc0, Kc0,)

Change to: four crop coefficients (Kc0, Kc1, Kc2, Kc3,)


Italicize table reference

In 4th paragraph under header: Daily Crop Water Demand Model

                        Change from: … grown in the study area (table 3)

Change to: … grown in the study area (table 3)


PG 15. Change subscript numerals in figure caption

In 3rd paragraph under header: Daily Crop Water Demand Model

                        Change from: and crop coefficients (Kc0, Kc0, Kc0, Kc0,)

Change to: and crop coefficients (Kc0, Kc1, Kc2, Kc3,)


PG 16. Change subscript numerals in Table 3 header under Crop coefficients

In 3rd paragraph under header: Daily Crop Water Demand Model

                        Change from:  Kc0  Kc0   Kc0   Kc0

Change to: and crop coefficients Kc0   Kc1   Kc2   Kc3   


PG 17. Same change as page on 16 to Table 3 continued.



PG 19. Change “greater than” symbol in equation 8 to “greater than or equal to”. Italicize T element in equation 8

Change from:  ETc>Mi

Change to: and ETc≥Mi



PG 19. Change “greater than” symbol in equation 9 to “greater than or equal to”. Add max,c subscript to M element in 2 places.

                        Change from:  Mi>Mm

Change to: and Mi≥Mmax,c


Change from:  Mi<Mm

Change to: and Mi<Mmax,c


Change “greater than” symbol in equation 11 to “greater than or equal to”. Italicize T.

                        Change from:  ETc >Mi

Change to: and ETc ≥Mi


PG 20. Change symbols in figure 7, both in the figure and explanation

                        Change from:  ls

Change to: S


Change from:  lg

Change to: G


PG 22. Word change

                        Change from: …The annual trend in ET0 is similar to the

Change to: …The annual trend in ET0 is similar to a


Move (fig. 9) reference to the end of the paragraph.

i.e. “during December and January. (fig. 9)


PG 28. Italicize figure reference in paragraph 1

                        Change from: …as figure 13A indicates…

Change to: …as figure 13A indicates…


PG 30. Use numeral instead of spelling the word in paragraph 1

                        Change from: The ratio is greater than one from 1980 to 1988, …

Change to: The ratio is greater than 1.0 from 1980 to 1988, …


PG 35. Delete “I” symbols in Westland name in paragraph 1.

                        Change from: Ground-water pumpage estimates for the Westlands-IS and the Westlands-ID areas …

Change to: Ground-water pumpage estimates for the Westlands-S and the Westlands-D areas…


PG 37. In the first paragraph change date.

                        Change from: …stable from 1972 to 1977 and again from 1979 to 1986

Change to: …stable from 1972 to 1977 and again from 1979 to 1980


In the second text column change Westland symbol.

                        Change from: … Recharge rates in the Westlands-IS and the Westlands-ID water-budget areas …

Change to: … Recharge rates in the Westlands-S and the Westlands-D water-budget areas …


                   PG 38. Shift figure back to center


PG 41. Delete reference to (A) and (B) in the caption for figure 20

                        Change from: …stable from 1972 to 1977 and again from 1979 to 1986

Change to: …stable from 1972 to 1977 and again from 1979 to 1980


In the second text column change Westland symbol.

                        Change from: … annual pumpage rates for (A) the Westands-S and (B) the Westands-D …

Change to: … annual pumpage rates for the Westands-S and the Westands-D …


                   PG 42. In equation (26) change subscript from o (the letter) to 0 (the number).


PG 44. In figure 22. change word.

                             from: … estimated ground-water pumpage sites plotted…

to: … estimated ground-water pumpage rates plotted…


Also, fix figure caption, text missing. Should be…

Figure 22.  Percentage of acreage cropped, surface-water delivery rates, and estimated ground-water pumpage rates plotted against the cumulative departure from the mean surface water deliveries and the Sacramento Basin 40-30-30-Index for the Grasslands area of the central part of the western San Joaquin Valley, California, water years 1972–2000.


PG 48. Third reference in the left-hand column

                             from: California Avocado Commission, Crop coefficient (Kc)…

to: … California Avocado Commission, Crop coefficient (Kc)…


PG 50. Delete line of text in Appendix B, second set of file references (second paragraph)


·         DistGWUsedRate.txt            DistGWUsedRate.txt

Ground water pumped


·         DistGWUsedRate.txt            Ground water pumped



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