- Abstract
- Introduction
- Purpose and Scope
- Previous Investigations
- Methods
- Reported Estimates of Ground-Water Pumpage, Recharge, and Interbasin
- Estimated Ground-Water Pumpage
- Assumptions and Accuracy of Ground-Water Pumpage Estimates
- Ground-Water Pumpage and Artificial Recharge
- Natural Recharge and Interbasin Flow
- Net Ground-Water Flow
- Summary
- Selected References
- Appendixes
- Estimates of natural recharge for hydrographic areas of Nevada
- Estimates of interbasin flow for hydrographic areas of Nevada
- References used in appendixes 1 and 2
- Map showing hydrographic areas of Nevada
- Graph showing ground-water pumpage as a function of the population
served by public water systems
- Pie diagram showing percentages of ground-water pumpage by category
- Bar chart showing hydrographic areas with the greatest amount of
total ground-water pumpage
- Bar chart showing ground-water pumpage by category in the top 10
hydrographic areas
- Ground-water pumpage and artificial recharge estimates for Nevada,
- Net ground-water flow and designated hydrographic areas of Nevada
Multiply |
By |
To obtain |
acre-foot (acre-ft) |
1,233 |
cubic meter (m3) |
acre-foot per year (acre-ft/yr) |
1,233 |
cubic meter per year (m3/yr) |
foot (ft) |
0.3048 |
meter (m) |
gallon (gal) |
0.00378 |
cubic meter (m3) |
million gallons (Mgal) |
3,785 |
cubic meter (m3) |
inch (in.) |
2.54 |
centimeter (cm) |
inch per year (in/yr) |
25.40 |
millimeter per year (mm/yr) |
mile (mi) |
1.609 |
kilometer (km) |
pound (lb) |
0.4536 |
kilogram (kg) |
Temperature: Degrees Celsius (°C) can be
converted to degrees Fahrenheit (°F) by using the formula °F = 1.8(°C)+
32. Degrees Fahrenheit can be converted to degrees Celsius by using the
formula °C = 0.556(°F-32).
Sea level: In this report, "sea level" refers
to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD of 1929, formerly
called Sea-Level Datum of 1929), which is derived from a general
adjustment of the first-order leveling networks of the United States and
Canada. |